Credit Card Authorization

Theatre Manager provides connectivity to a few different service providers for credit card authorization, along with the ability to implement either Schedule "C" or Schedule "D" compliance.

Our sales team will happily discuss your needs, provide contact information for each option, and help quickly and seamlessly setup credit card processing in Theatre Manager. Ultimately, the final choice of processor is up to the venue and we will certainly assist in the implementation.

Service Providers provide the infrastructure to authorize cards under your merchant account and then deposit YOUR funds directly in YOUR bank with minimum delay.

Definitions used in Credit Card Processing


There is often confusion between the purpose of a bank, a processor, and an aggregator, and understanding the difference helps make sense of the authorization options available to you.

  • Bank: A bank is where the money ends up at the end of the day. If somebody gives you money in any form (cash, check, credit card), you write up deposit slips and take it to the building at the corner on the main street. Banks are brick-and-mortar companies with charters to write loans, put your money in a safe, etc.
  • Merchant Processor: A processor is not a bank. Direct Processors are only in the business of authorizing credit cards on behalf of a bank and hold on to the money while it is electronically in transit to your bank. When you do your daily credit card batch settlement, the money in transit is transferred directly to your bank. In North America, there are about 15 major processors such as Paymentech, Nova, 1st Data, Visanet, FMDS, Vital, TSYS, etc. Some banks prefer working with some processors - but generally most processors can get your money to any bank.
  • Merchant Provider/Aggregator: There are numerous (meaning hundreds) of aggregators that will process your card for you. All those aggregators use one of the 15 merchant processing companies. Think of the merchant provider/aggregator as being like an insurance broker... they shop for the best deal with a processor. The processor is the actual company that does the credit card processing for the aggregator.
  • Merchant Account: You set up an account with one of the processors or aggregators, who then assigns to you a merchant number. The merchant number accompanies transactions submitted to the processor and identifies:
    1. who should get the money (i.e. you), and
    2. which bank account the money gets deposited to.
The reason that processors and banks are separate is historical. Banks started as local or regional entities in the USA. Most were not big enough to handle the infrastructure of authorizing credit cards. When cards became very popular in the 70's, they farmed out the business of authorizing cards to a processor as an economical means of providing cards to their customers without the expense of hosting large computer centres.

Direct Credit Card Processing Options

Regardless of the processor you pick, the money always goes directly to your bank account. You enter or swipe the card information into Theatre Manager and it sends all the correct information to the appropriate service provider.

Theatre Manager transmits data directly to your processor over a secure HTTPS connection authenticated by a user ID and password unique to your merchant account and supplied only to you by the bank. Refer to each processor to see their additional capabilities. PCI DSS 4.1
If you are considering changing merchant provider, be sure to read:

These online processors are able to manage multiple authorizations at once, making for a faster and smoother buying experience both for direct Theatre Manager users and for patrons buying online.

The following diagram illustrates the authorization flow.

Merchant Processing Service Providers

The merchant providers supported in Theatre Manager and various features of each are:

Theatre Manager Help Link Processor Marketing Website Account Setup Contact Information Hosted Payments Merchant Profiles Linked Refunds Independent Refunds PinPad PCI compliance Options
Bambora™ Bambora™
formerly Beanstream
click for contact info No February 2021 Yes No No C or D
Paymentech Orbital™ Paymentech Orbital™. click for contact info No Yes Yes Yes No C or D
Elavon™ VirtualMerchant Elavon™ Virtual Merchant main processor. click for contact info No Yes Yes Yes No C or D
Moneris™ Moneris eSelect Plus™ direct processing or hosted payments click for contact info Yes Yes** Yes Yes Yes A-EP, B-IP, C or D™™ No Yes Yes Yes No C or D
Elavon™ (private brand) derivative of Elavon™ and specific to city of Miami City of Miami only No No No Yes No C or D
Hosted Payments: is a feature where the Theatre Manager web site's payment page will redirect to the service provider's web site. Any card data entered there never enters your network, allowing PCI Schedule 'A-EP' compliance - limiting the amount of PCI compliance documentation you require.
Merchant Profiles is a feature where Theatre Manager obtains a token from your merchant provider to replace the credit card number in your database. Token's mean that you are not storing credit card data that is subject to PCI compliance - all card data could then be shredded. However, you retain the ability to do post dated payments or provide refunds through the saved token that is unique to the patron and your organization.

** Note: Merchant profiles not recommended for Moneris because they charge too much.

Bambora Installation

Arts Management Systems provides the Bambora module (formerly Beanstream) to support credit card authorization. The installation is done for you on site by Arts Management training staff on any Theatre Manager Workstation.

Bambora implements user id and password authentication over https connections to provide compliance with PCI DSS 4.1

A unique feature of Bambora allows refunding against an original credit cards purchase, even if the credit card has been shredded. This is useful for venues that do not wish to store credit cards and may need to refund to cancelled events periodically long after the original payment.

Please contact Arts Management to discuss the process of getting a Merchant Account from Bambora.

After Bambora has provided you with a merchant account, installation is quite straightforward. Once set up, funds gets authorized as 'Card Not Present' and then deposited right to your own bank upon settlement from Theatre Manager. This account information you are provided is all you need in the merchant setup windows (in the pages that follow) to begin secure credit card authorization.

Bambora needs an account setup for authorization and one for online viewing of the account data. You can set up multiple accounts for online access the data so some people can view data and others have more access to transactions and history.

  1. Bambora - uses the Merchant Portal via a web browser to "view the transactions" that have occurred. This account setup might need to be used during the EOD deposit process to verify transactions as required.
  2. Merchant User ID and Password - uses Bambora to allow authorizations to occur and be settled but not be viewed. This information is what needs to be entered into Theatre Manager's Merchant account to allow authorizations to occur.

The user ids and passwords for both of the above are different and should not be interchanged or confused with each other. Follow the appropriate setup steps for each.

After following the setup for both accounts, make sure to:

  • test the gateway
  • Disable requirements for CVV2 and AVS in the online interface and allow those be managed from Theatre Manager merchant setup and set each employee to require CVV2.

Bambora Setup - Contact Information

Once your Merchant Account information is provided to you, the following steps will need to happen:
  1. Settle any existing credit card batch (run an End of Day)
  2. Create a new merchant account in Theatre Manager
  3. Follow the steps to change your merchant provider

Then you can start using Bambora.

If you have any questions directly related to your Bambora merchant account setup, please contact your Bambora Representative directly. Contact Arts Management if you have questions about how to setup Theatre Manager to reference and authorize credit cards using your Bambora account.

Bambora Gateway Account

The User ID and Password setup is arranged by Arts Management from Bambora and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window as below:

Software Type

The following values are set on the software type tab per the diagram below:

  • Set the server software to be Bambora.
  • The merchant provider - select the merchant services provider.
  • The merchant number is for use on ticket faces and for contacting Bambora support.

Connection Info

The following entries are set on the Connection Info tab per the diagram below:

  • User ID - provided through Bambora. The user id remains constant for the life of the account.
  • Password - the password is auto generated for you. You can change it via the online interface to generate a new 'secret' key. If you do that, you can expire your old password right away or allow both old and new to co-exist for up to 24 hours.
  • Passcode (API Key) Enabled - check this box if using the Payment Passcode API feature for connections rather than suppling the User ID/Password combination for each transaction processed.
  • Passcode (API Key) - Payment API Passcode. The passcode (different then the User ID Password) assigned to the merchant account via the online Bambora web portal.

    If Merchant Profiles are enabled and you get an authentication error, you might be using your Profiles API Key instead of your Payments API Key, so double check!

  • Capture Mode - select Host Capture or Terminal Capture for End-Of-Day deposit processing.
  • Primary URL - is always
  • Port - is always 443

Merchant Profiles

Theatre Manager's interface with Bambora to maintain Merchant Profiles is currently under development. This feature has been disabled for activation until completion of the enhancement.

The following entries are set on the Profiles tab per the diagram below:

  • Enable Profiles - set to Active if Merchant Profiles will be used.
  • Profiles API Login Key - Unique Profiles API Key for your Bambora merchant account. This identifier is different than the Merchant ID and User ID on the Connections tab.

    Creating and modifying Payment Profiles requires you use your Profiles API Key. If you get an authentication error you might be using your Payments API Key, so double check!

  • Profiles API URL - is always This URL is different than the URL on the Connections tab.

Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.

Employee and Card Setup

On the Merchant Setup window (see account setup), the final bit of setup is to determine which employees and which payment methods are associated with this merchant account.
  • To assign employees to this merchant account, click on the 'Employee' tab and find the employees to assign. In a multi merchant setup situation, drag only those employees that will use this merchant account as the default.

    While some employees may have permission to use multiple merchant accounts, viewing their name here is the default merchant account assigned to them for charging cards. If the employee wants to use another merchant account, they will need to select it on the payment window.

  • Click on the 'card' tab to select which credit card payment methods are associated with this merchant account.

    If you need to have multiple merchant accounts and both are to take Visa (for example), you will need two Visa payment methods and assign one of them to each merchant account.

if you are switching from one merchant services provider software to another, you can open both merchant accounts and drag the employees from one window to the other. You can do the same for the credit card payment methods - to make the switch easy and fast.

Any future dated 'post dated payments' associated with the card you drag to another merchant provider will automatically be re-assigned to authorize on the new merchant provider card network.

Testing Bambora

After setting up the Bambora Gateway in the Merchant Account setup, you will need to test that it works. The best way to do this is:
  • Search for yourself in the database or create a new patron that is yourself
  • Create a new order and buy a ticket
  • On the payment window, select the credit card you want to use and do a test authorization
  • If you get an authorization with a message indicating AVS match and/or CVV2 match, then the setup is correct
  • Log in to your Bambora online account and view the batch to see that your transaction is there
  • In Theatre Manager, void the credit card payment. It will appear in Bambora that the charge is still there with as a PA (pre-auth). That means it will be ignored
  • Try another authorization and then do an End Of Day (i.e. SETTLEMENT) and make sure the amount makes it to the bank in the next day or so

Trouble Shooting Bambora Issues

  1. If you get a response that looks like it is HTML or XML and indicates that it was not authorized, then your user id/password is probably wrong (please verify), or something is incorrectly set up in Bambora and you will have to contact their merchant support group.
  2. If you get a message during end of day that will not allow cards to settle, make sure your provider has set you up to allow BACKEND transactions. These are used to convert 'authorize-only' transactions that are done during to the day to 'PAC' (fully processed) transactions during the end of day process

Bambora Web Terminal

After logging on to the online Bambora web portal, the transactions can be found under reporting/analysis->transaction report. There are two main screens of interest:

Transaction List

The Bambora transaction list lets you view the transactions that have occurred. Normally, you would only want to see those since the last end of day, but you can decide which data you want to view. To alter the search, the top part of the list contains date search range, the ability to limit the number of transactions per page and more. You may also view more detail about a transaction by clicking the credit card icon that is on the same line as the transaction.

The important thing to note is the types of transactions and how Theatre Manager creates them. Specifically:

  • All payments sent for authorization will have a transaction type of 'PA'. This means Pre-Authorization. It is only a hold on the customers credit card. The the end of day is not done, this money will fall off the transaction list and you will not get your money.
  • When you do End of Day, Theatre Manager takes all payments that it authorized that day and turns them into 'PAC' - effectively completing them. Transactions that are 'completed' are swept to your bank at 11:59:59 pm. This means a few things
    • If you do not do end of day on any specific day, nothing will go to the bank until you compete an end of day.
    • If you two multiple end of days in the same day, Theatre Manager sees them as more than one posting. Bambora aggregates all the PAC's into one amount on your bank statement.
    • You will see AT LEAST TWO transactions for each customer. You will see a PA transaction and then you will see a corresponding PAC transaction that completes the PA. A successful authorization is a PA with a blue checkmark followed by a transaction some time later that is a PAC with a blue checkmark.
  • You may see some 'R' transactions -- or refunds. Those are always swept to your bank each night, even if you do not do an end of day. Sorry, but that's the way Bambora works. We suggest making absolutely sure that you do an end of day in each day that refund occurs. For that reason, you may wish to limit who can do refunds.

Transaction Detail

The Bambora transaction detail contains a lot of information about the payment, most of which is self explanatory. It is accessed by clicking on the 'credit card' icon on the list window.

Theatre Manager currently uses 3 of the reference fields at the bottom of the screen to provide:

  • ref1 - contains the Theatre Manager patron number on the account that the ticket was sold under
  • ref2 - contains the Theatre Manager order number
  • ref3 - contains the name of the user who processed the credit card

At the bottom of the detail window is a table that shows the related transactions.

Related Transactions

At the bottom of the transaction detail, there is a table that shows all the related transactions in Bambora. This is probably most pertinent to the original 'PA' transaction. If it has been converted to a 'PAC' transaction, you will see multiple lines as part of the Transaction Detail window that shows all the other transactions that affected this transaction.

Ultimately, all that matters is that you see a blue checkmark beside the PAC transaction, which means it was swept to the bank. In the example below, we see one.

Implication from Interrupted End of Day

However, we also see a number of other transactions with a red X that are related to the PA. If you see those, it may be because an error caused the EOD process to stop (without finishing in Theatre Manager) and so you re-ran it. Bambora only allows one PAC for each PA. A second PAC gives an 'error' but does not affect the outcome.

Paymentech Orbital Installation

Arts Management Systems provides the Chase Paymentech Orbital™ adaptor module to support credit card authorization. The installation is done for you on site by Arts Management training staff on any Theatre Manager Workstation.

Paymentech Orbital implements either user ID and password authentication; or access from specified IP addresses over HTTPS connections to provide compliance with PCI DSS 4.1

Installation is quite straightforward. You would contact Paymentech using information provided by Arts Management, and they create a Merchant Account for you. Money gets authorized by Paymentech as 'Card Not Present' and then deposited right to your own bank upon settlement from Theatre Manager. This account information that you are provided is all you need to set up in the merchant setup window below to provide secure credit card authorization.

Paymentech Orbital will need to provide the following 2 account setups (both are required):

  1. Orbital Virtual Terminal - uses the Orbital Gateway via a web browser to "view the transactions" that have occurred. This account setup is used during the Een Of Day deposit process to review your transactions prior to the settlement process.
  2. Certified Connection for User ID and Password - uses the Orbital Gateway to allow authorizations to occur but not be viewed. This information is what needs to be entered into Theatre Manager's merchant account to allow authorizations to occur.

The user IDs and passwords for both of the above are completely different and should not be interchanged or confused with each other. Follow the appropriate setup steps for each.

After following the setup for both accounts, make sure to test the gateway.

Paymentech Orbital - Contact Information

  1. In Canada, contact:

    Amit Dhawan
    Chase Merchant Services
    100 Consilium Place
    17th Floor
    Toronto, Ontario M1H 3E3
    (647) 500-9872

  2. Ask for a Paymentech Orbital account to be set up

Please note you may encounter with Paymentech:

  • a need to sign a 3-year contract for this account. Depending on your transaction volumes, you may able to request a 1-year trial if your organization meets the requirements
  • if you will be a new client to Paymentech, it will take up to two weeks to establish and setup your merchant account
  • Paymentech may request that all transactions flowing through your organization (Box office point of sale business as well as the ecommerce sales) flow through this new account.

Please note you may encounter with your existing merchant privider:

  • may require 30 days written notice of cancellation

Once your Orbital account is set up, the following steps will need to happen:

  1. Settle any existing credit card batch (run an End of Day)
  2. Create a new merchant account in Theatre Manager
  3. Follow the steps to change your merchant provider

Then you can start using Paymentech Orbital.

If you have any questions directly related to your Orbital merchant account setup, please contact Orbital Technical Support at 1-866-645-1314. Contact Arts Management if you have questions about how to setup Theatre Manager to reference and authorize credit cards using your Orbital merchant account.

Orbital Gateway Account

The Orbital Gateway Certified Connection for User ID and Password setup is obtained from Paymentech Orbital and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window as below:

Software Type

The following values are set on the software type tab per the diagram below:

  • Set the server software to be Paymentech Orbital
  • The merchant provider will automatically be set for you
  • The PNS number is provided by Paymentech and will need to go into the PNS/Merchant number field - enter in the PNS# (not the merchant number) for your Orbital account. It is typically 12 digits long and generally starts with 720000

Connection Info

The following entries are set on the Connection Info tab per the diagram below:

  • User/Server ID - provided by Paymentech and is the user ID for the Certified Connection gateway, not to the Orbital Virtual Terminal (they are not the same thing - the Orbital Virtual Terminal is the online interface).
  • Password - provided by Paymentech and is the password for the Certified Connection gateway. It is also not the password for the Orbital Virtual Terminal.
  • Primary URL - is always
  • Secondary URL - is always
  • Port - is always 443
  • Terminal ID - provided by Paymentech and is usually 001
  • BIN number - provided by Paymentech and is always 000002 for North American credit card processing.

Merchant Profiles

The following entries are set on the Profiles tab per the diagram below:

  • Enable Profiles - set to Active if Merchant Profiles will be used.
  • Profiles API Login Key - not required. Paymentech Orbital uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.
  • Profiles API URL - not required. Paymentech Orbital uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.

Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.

Employee and Card Setup

On the Merchant Setup window (see Account Setup), the final bit of setup is to determine which employees and which payment methods are associated with this merchant account.
  • To assign employees to this merchant account, click on the Employee tab and find the employees to assign. In a multi-merchant setup situation, drag those employees that should use this merchant account by default from the same employee tab in another merchant record. While some employees may have permission to use multiple merchant accounts, viewing their name here shows the default merchant account assigned to them for charging cards. If the employee is able to use another merchant account, they will need to select it on the payment window.
  • Click on the Card tab to select which credit card payment methods are associated with this merchant account.

    If you need to have multiple merchant accounts and both are to take Visa (for example), you will need two Visa payment methods and assign one of them to each merchant account.

If you are switching from one merchant services provider software to another, you can open both merchant accounts and drag the employees from one window to the other. You can do the same for the credit card payment methods - to make the switch easy and fast.

Any future dated 'post dated payments' associated with the card you drag to another merchant provider will automatically be reassigned to authorize on the new merchant provider card network.

Orbital Virtual Terminal

The Orbital Virtual Terminal requires:

  • User ID - provided by Paymentech and is the user ID for the Orbital Virtual Terminal gateway.
  • Password - provided by Paymentech and is the password for the Orbital Virtual Terminal gateway
  • Orbital Virtual Terminal Gateway - is always accessed via a web browser through This is used to verify current and past batches, look at transactions, generate reports and manage your Orbital Gateway account.

All users of the Orbital Virtual Terminal in conjunction with Theatre Manager are encouraged to download the Virtual Terminal Users Manual directly from Chase Paymentech. There is also a Virtual Terminal Quick Reference Guide available from the same site.

Orbital Virtual Terminal - Account Setting for Manual Settlement

Once you have activated your new Virtual Terminal account by logging in, there is one very important setting that you need to adjust. This particular setting will adjust the behaviour of your account settlement process and is vital for accurate reconciliation. You will need the following.
  • User ID - provided by Paymentech and is the user ID for the Orbital Virtual Terminal gateway.
  • Password - you created after your initial access/activation for the Orbital Virtual Terminal gateway
  • Orbital Virtual Terminal Gateway - is always accessed via a web browser through

    This is used to verify current and past batches, look at transactions, generate reports and manage your Orbital Gateway account.

  1. Log into your Virtual Terminal Account and from the Tab selection at the top click on Admin, then General Admin from the drop-down menu as shown in the following image.

  2. The following setting window will appear.

    Note the Auto Settle Section of the settings.

  3. Make sure the Auto Settle Time is set to NONE.

Testing Orbital Gateway

After setting up the Orbital Gateway in the Merchant Account setup, you will need to test that it works. The best way to do this is:
  • Find yourself in the database or create a new patron that is yourself
  • Create a new order and attempt to buy a ticket
  • On the payment window, select the credit card you want to use and do a test authorization
  • If you get an authorization with a message indicating AVS match and/or CVV2 match, then the setup is correct
  • Log in to your Orbital Virtual terminal account and view the batch to see that your transaction is there
  • In Theatre Manager, void the credit card payment and then confirm in the Orbital Virtual Terminal that the charge is marked as void

Trouble Shooting

If you get a response that looks like it is HTML or XML and indicates that it was not authorized, then your user ID/password is probably wrong (please verify), or Paymentech set up the account to require a specific IP. Contact your Paymentech representative and tell them of the issue so that they can correct it. They may put you in touch with the Gateway people. You can inform the Paymentech Gateway support staff that you need to be able to authorize via user ID and password (per their standard setup instructions for Theatre Manager).

Availability of Settled Batches

Chase Paymentech send out a bulletin in May 2015:

Beginning June 29, 2015, we’re changing the Orbital Batch Data Retention Policy for our Orbital Batch subscribers. This change is intended to increase data security as well as reduce the operational burden of maintaining authorization response files on our redundant servers.


  1. Effective June 29 2015, Orbital Batch response files will be available for download for seven days
  2. This change increases security and reduces operational burdens
  3. After seven days, files can only be retrieved by the Partner Relationship Management team
Effective June 29 2015, Orbital Batch response files will be available for download for seven days. After that time, we will purge batch response files. Customers wishing to download this data after seven days must contact our Partner Relationship Management team to request the data be retrieved from the host and made available for download.

For More Information: Contact the Partner Relationship Management Team at 888.818.5128, option 4 or via e-mail at

Elavon Installation

Arts Management Systems provides the Elavon Virtual Merchant™ adaptor module to support credit card authorization. The installation is done for you during an initial installation of Theatre Manager to your organization or via remote when switching to a new provider by Arts Management training staff on any Theatre Manager Workstation.

Elavon implements either user ID and password authentication; or access from specified IP addresses over HTTPS connections to provide compliance with PCI DSS 4.1

Installation is quite straightforward. You would contact Elavon using information provided by Arts Management, and they create a Merchant Account for you. Money gets authorized by Elavon as 'Card Not Present' or as 'Swiped Card' and then deposited right to your own bank upon settlement from Theatre Manager. This account information that you are provided is all you need to set up in the merchant setup window below to provide secure credit card authorization.

Elavon will need to provide the following 2 account setups (both are required):

  1. Elavon Virtual Terminal - uses the Elavon VirtualMerchant Gateway via a web browser to "view the transactions" that have occurred. This account setup is used during the EOD deposit process to review your transactions prior to the settlement process.
  2. Certified Connection for User ID and Password - uses the Elavon Gateway to allow authorizations to occur but not be viewed. This information is what needs to be entered into Theatre Manager's Merchant account to allow authorizations to occur.

The user IDs and passwords for both of the above are completely different and should not be interchanged or confused with each other. Follow the appropriate setup steps for each.

After following the setup for both accounts, make sure to test the gateway.

Elavon - Contact Information

Contact Information

US Clients:


Canadian Clients:



Ask for an Elavon Virtual Terminal account to be set up

Once your Merchant Account information is provided to you, the following steps will need to happen:

  1. Settle any existing credit card batch (run an End of Day)
  2. Create a new merchant account in Theatre Manager
  3. Follow the steps to change your merchant provider

Then you can start using Elavon Virtual Merchant.

If you have any questions directly related to your Elavon merchant account setup, please contact them directly. Contact Arts Management if you have questions about how to setup Theatre Manager to reference and authorize credit cards using your Elavon merchant account.

Elavon Gateway Account

The Elavon Gateway Setup for User ID and Password setup is obtained from Elavon and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window as below:

Software Type

The following values are set on the software type tab per the diagram below:

  • Set the server software to be Elavon Virtual Merchant
  • The merchant provider will automatically be set for you
  • The merchant number is provided by Elavon and will need to go into the Merchant number field. It is typically 6 or 7 digits.

    This number may be referred to by Elavon Support as the Virtual Merchant Account ID or Converge Account ID. The Elavon Developer guide calls the the Virtual Terminal Merchant ID. Look for the Account ID: on the Welcome to the VirtualMerchant Application form.

    Elavon will provide both a Merchant Account ID and a Converge Account ID when setting up the account. Enter the Converge Account ID into the Merchant number field.

Connection Info

The following entries are set on the Connection Info tab per the diagram below:

  • User id - provided by Elavon and is the user id for the gateway, not to the Elavon VirtualMerchant Account (they are not the same thing - the latter is the online interface).
  • Password - provided by Elavon and is the password for the gateway. It is not the password for the Elavon VirtualMerchant Account.
  • Primary URL - is always
  • Port - is always 443

Merchant Profiles

The following entries are set on the Profiles tab per the diagram below:

  • Enable Profiles - set to Active if Merchant Profiles will be used.
  • Profiles API Login Key - not required. Elavon uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.
  • Profiles API URL - not required. Elavon uses the same the connection information from the Connection Info tab.

Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.

Employee and Card Setup

On the Merchant Setup window (see Account Setup), the final bit of setup is to determine which employees and which payment methods are associated with this merchant account.
  • To assign employees to this merchant account, click on the Employee tab and find the employees to assign. In a multi-merchant setup situation, drag those employees that should use this merchant account by default from the same employee tab in another merchant record. While some employees may have permission to use multiple merchant accounts, viewing their name here means this is the default merchant account assigned to them for charging cards. If the employee is able to use another merchant account, they will need to select it on the payment window.
  • Click on the Card tab to select which credit card payment methods are associated with this merchant account.

    If you need to have multiple merchant accounts and both are to take Visa (for example), you will need two Visa payment methods and assign one of them to each merchant account.

if you are switching from one merchant services provider software to another, you can open both merchant accounts and drag the employees from one window to the other. You can do the same for the credit card payment methods - to make the switch easy and fast.

Any future dated 'post dated payments' associated with the card you drag to another merchant provider will automatically be reassigned to authorize on the new merchant provider card network.

Elavon Virtual Merchant - Account Setting for Manual Settlement

Once you have activated your new Virtual Merchant account by logging in, there is one very important setting that you need to adjust. This particular setting will adjust the behaviour of your account settlement process and is vital for accurate reconciliation. You will need the following.
  • Account ID - provided by Elavon and is the Virtual Merchant Account ID.
  • Password - you created after your initial access/activation for the Virtual Merchant
  1. Log into your Virtual Merchant Account and from the Tab selection at the top click on Terminal >> Advanced >> System Setup from the drop-down menu as shown in the following image.

  2. The following setting window will appear.

    Note the Auto Settle Section of the settings.

  3. Make sure the Auto Settlement box is not checked.

  4. Save your changes by clicking the save button at the bottom of the settings window

Elavon Virtual Merchant Web Portal Login

The Elavon VirtualMerchant requires:
  • User ID - provided by Elavon and is the user ID for the Elavon VirtualMerchant gateway.
  • Password - provided by Elavon and is the password for the Elavon VirtualMerchant gateway
  • Elavon VirtualMerchant 'Converge' Gateway - is always accessed via a web browser through!/login. This is used to verify current and past batches, look at transactions, generate reports and manage your Elavon account.

All users of the Elavon VirtualMerchant in conjunction with Theatre Manager are encouraged to download the VirtualMerchant Users Manual directly from Elavon.

Testing Elavon Gateway

After setting up the Elavon Gateway in the Merchant Account setup, you will need to test that it works. The best way to do this is:
  • Find yourself in the database or create a new patron that is yourself
  • Create a new order and attempt to by a ticket
  • On the payment window, select the credit card you want to use and do a test authorization
  • If you get an authorization with a message indicating AVS match and/or CVV2 match, then the setup is correct
  • Log in to your Elavon VirtualMerchant account and view the batch to see that your transaction is there
  • In Theatre Manager, void the credit card payment and then confirm in the orbital Virtual Terminal that the charge is marked as void
    • Trouble Shooting

      If you get a response that looks like it is HTML or XML and indicates that it was not authorized, then your user ID/password is probably wrong (please verify), or Paymentech set up the account to require a specific IP. Contact your Elavon representative and tell them of the issue so that they can correct it. They may put you in touch with the Gateway people. You can inform Elavon Gateway support staff that you need to be able to authorize via user ID and password (per their standard setup instructions for Theatre Manager).

Moneris Installation

Moneris eSelectplus Payment Gateway

Theatre Manager supports two Moneris processing options:

  • Moneris Gateway Account - where Theatre Manager sends a credit card provided to Moneris, receives the approval and is able to store the encrypted card (depends on PCI settings in company preferences). This option is used for box office credit card authorizations -and- for web sales with the benefit of supporting post dated credit card payments is using PCI schedule C.
  • Hosted Payment Page - this option can be only be used for web sales. Instead of accepting credit cards, the web interface passes control to the Moneris Hosted Payment Page, meaning that the customer is actually typing the card information directly into Moneris and Theatre Manager never sees it. This enables much less stringent PCI reporting.
    • Schedule A-EP - if the venue only uses hosted payments for e-commerce and no cards at box office
    • Schedule C - if the venue still enters card data into Theatre Manager at the box office
  • EMV devices - this option can be used for box office. Instead of typing cards into Theatre Manager, or using stand alone EMV devices, Moneris offers a 'cloud' connection to some pin pad devices - like the Verifone P400. If set up through Moneris eSelect and cloud connection, Theatre Manager will tell the device to start the authorization process, along with the amount and record the resulting acceptance or decline. This enables much less stringent PCI reporting.
    • Schedule A-EP - if the venue only uses hosted payments for e-commerce and no cards at box office
    • Schedule B-IP - if the venue uses EMV pin pads like the P400 through the Moneris cloud connection

You may also want to have Moneris add two features to your account at time of your merchant account setup:
By default, your eSelectplus account will be set to automatically settle each night between 10 and 11PM Eastern time. You MUST CHANGE this option to settle manually which simplifies your end of day processing and makes it easier to reconcile bank statements to your accounting system

The merchant account number, Store ID and ECR Terminal ID will be sent to you in a document from Moneris. That document will also contain instructions for you to log in to the eSelectplus gateway to activate your account. Once you do that, you can obtain the API Token that will be required by the Theatre Manager merchant account setup.

Some sample test accounts are available, if needed.

Also, visit Misc Moneris Support for additional daily status information.

Moneris Setup - Contact Information

Contact our Moneris support representative: Nandini @ 1 (877) 825-0361 X 4117 to have your account setup.

You want to request the eSelectplus product/account.

Direct Processing vs Hosted Payment

Theatre Manager supports the following Moneris processing options:
  • Moneris Gateway Account - where Theatre Manager sends a credit card provided to Moneris, receives the approval and is able to store the encrypted card (depends on PCI settings in company preferences). This option is used for box office credit card authorizations -and- for web sales with the benefit of supporting post dated credit card payments is using PCI schedule C.
  • Hosted Payment Page - this option can be used for web sales. Instead of accepting credit cards, the web interface passes control to the Moneris Hosted Payment Page, meaning that the customer is actually typing the card information directly into Moneris and Theatre Manager never sees it.

    Note that this same account needs e-select plus setup for settlement. It means box office can use the one merchant account for hosted payment online and normal credit card authorization at the box office. This helps support PCI Schedule 'A-EP' compliance for internet sales.

  • Moneris EMV - Moneris supports cloud based connection to some EMV pin-pad devices. Those can be set up as a pin pad device and associated with a workstation using Theatre Manager. This helps support PCI Schedule 'B-IP' compliance for box office.
Moneris charges far too much money for their merchant profile feature. For this reason it is not recommended for use with Theatre Manager.

Activate Moneris Account and Common Setup

To activate your eSelectplus account and obtain your API Token:
  • Navigate to theMoneris Activation page. You will need:
    • Moneris Merchant ID:
    • Moneris Store ID
    • Follow the prompts to verify and setup the account
    Once the account is activated or if the account has previously been setup, login to the Merchant portal.
    Future log-ins will require the Username, Store ID, and permanent password that you will set up using the one-use password. Make sure that information is stored somewhere safe in your office and shared among the appropriate staff. Arts Management will not have access to that information if it is lost.

    Obtain Moneris E-Select Plus API Token

    A Moneris E-Select Plus is part of the Admin->Store Settings configuration option.

    This is used when you want Theatre Manager to retain card information within the system (encrypted) for box office sales, or web sales or for settlement for hosted payment page.

    • Once logged into the account online, you should plainly see the API Token. Copy and paste that into a document to store/send to Arts Management along with the info sent you by Moneris so that we may assist setting up the merchant account in Theatre Manager.
    • If you do not see the API Token, in the Moneris Virtual Terminal go to Admin > Store Settings and the API Token will be displayed at the top of the page

    Note:The API Token above has been removed for security. Where the black square appears, a combination of upper-case and lower-case letters and numbers will comprise your store's API Token.

    Regenerate the API Token

    This process should only be undertaken in consultation with both Moneris Support and Arts Management Support. The API Token must match the Theatre Manager merchant account setup in order for credit card processing to work.

    Moneris Support may advise you to re-generate the API Token for your store in certain circumstances or for security reasons. It is done on the Admin->Store Settings page as shown below. You will be asked to click the Re-Generate API Token. If you are advised to do so, you will need to put that new token into the merchant account settings.

    Please contact if you are unsure where to make this change within the Theatre Manager merchant account.

    Set eSelectplus to Manual Settlement

    By default, your eSelectplus account will be set to automatically settle each night between 10 and 11PM Eastern time. You MUST CHANGE this option to settle manually which simplifies your end of day processing and makes it easier to reconcile bank statements to your accounting system.

    To alter this setting:

    • Log into the eSelectplus Virtual Terminal
    • Go to Admin > Store Settings
    • Scroll down the page until you see the Batch Close selections
    • Change the radio button to the Manually Close option

    Moneris Gateway Account

    The User ID and Password setup is obtained from Moneris and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window.

    Once the Moneris account has been activated and all the information in the following list has been obtained, the Merchant Account in Theatre Manager can be set up on each of the tabs that follow:

    • Server Software - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
    • Merchant Provider - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
    • Merchant Account Number - xxxxxxxxxx (from Moneris merchant services)
    • Store ID - xxxxxx (from Moneris merchant services)
    • API Token/Password - xxxxxxxxxx (from Moneris Online Portal store settings)
    • Primary URL for LIVE authorizations: - (typed into TM)
    • ECR Terminal ID - 66xxxx (from Moneris merchant services)

    Tabs with specific setup info are described in the following help pages. Other tabs like the Employees and Cards tabs are populated the same as described here.

    Moneris Gateway Account Software Tab

    On this tab, you will need to provide:
    • Server software - set to Moneris
    • Merchant Provider - set to Moneris
    • Merchant Number - is the Merchant Number from the document sent by Moneris

    Moneris Gateway Account Connection Info

    On this tab, you will need to provide:
    • Store ID - provided by Moneris on the setup information
    • API Token - obtained from the online Moneris portal
    • ECR Terminal ID - provided by Moneris on the setup information
    • Primary URL (Canada) - should be
    • Primary URL (USA) - should be
    • Port - should be 443

    Moneris Gateway Account Authorization

    On the authorization tab, you will need to verify:
    • Send address/zip - verify the setting for this feature. At one time, Moneris does not provide AVS by default and it an account add-on. If a test authorization results in a no permissions for avs_info error, unchecking this box will eliminate the error since TM will no longer send AVS info.
    • Pin Pad store info, if using the P400's

    Refer to general help page for more info.

    Moneris Gateway Account Profiles Tab

    On this tab, you will need to provide:
    • Enable Profiles - set to Active if Merchant Profiles will be used.
    • Profiles API Login Key - not required. Moneris uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.
    • Profiles API URL - not required. Moneris uses the same the connection information from the Connection Info tab.

    Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.

    In general, using Moneris Merchant Profiles are not recommended because they charge for this feature, unlike other merchant providers.

    Moneris Hosted Checkout Page

    A Moneris Hosted Checkout Page is part of the Admin->Hosted Checkout config option.

    Hosted Checkout option is used if you want Theatre Manager to use Moneris for online credit card payments with an embedded web page. It is possible to be SAQ A compliant for your web sales since Moneris takes the credit card within an iframe and card data does not enter your network.
    If you use hosted payments for web sales, you will also need an E-Select plus account for settlement. Box office sales can use this same merchant account and will automatically authorize against the e-select plus account. This means that you only need one merchant account set up even though it is processing via different pathways, one for web and one for box office.
    You may also be able to accept payments like apple-pay online, digital wallets, online interac, verified by visa, multi currency, etc. Make sure to talk to Moneris about what is possible and what you want to accept.
    If you are already using Moneris Hosted Payment Page, refer to the conversion process to Moneris Checkout to see what is involved.
    Note: using Moneris Checkout disables use of online post dated payments since card data is not provided by Moneris and, therefore, cannot be saved. Recurring Payments initiated by the box office will still work.

    Setup Process

    The best process to configure this option is:

    • Obtain your online portal connection information from Moneris
    • Configure all the settings within the online portal
    • Use the Theatre Manager Merchant Account Setup for Moneris Hosted Checkout Page
    • Verify all credit card types you want to take in payment method code tables
      • If you are already using Moneris hosted payments or box office payments, you may not need to do anything
      • If you plan on taking advantage of other credit card types online (that you may not want to accept in the box office), you will need to add them to the payment types.
      • It is very important that card types you set up online are in the payment code tables.
    • Test:
      • Authorizations through the TM Web services
      • Attempted Authorizations but Cancel through the TM Web services by going online to buy something (use test cards)
      • Verify the display on the web to see that it matches what ou picked in the online portal setup and shows your name and settings you wish
      • Voids from Theatre Manager
      • End of Day Settlement

    Online Portal Setup

    You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account

    Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted Checkout config option per the image to the right.

    You will see a screen similar to the bottom of the web page that lists all the configurations you have made. You can have many of them, and all you need to do is enter the Checkout_ID in Theatre Manager merchant setup to use the one you prefer.


    Creating a New Profile

    • If you see no lines in the list, click the Create Profile to make the following for Theatre Manager:
      • ALIAS
    • You will be asked to confirm that you want to create a new profile.

      Click OK

    • Click the Edit Name on the upper left and you will see the window below

      Enter in an alias like 'Theatre Manager'



    Edit an existing Configuration

    If you see the Checkout_id that you want to change in the list below, you can Edit by clicking the edit button. Then process to the next pages for more information about the setup.

    Checkout Type

    The first things you see is a short list of options on the left side of the web page, along with a prototype checkout page.

    Set the checkout Type

    • Click the section that says Checkout Type
    • Click the option I have my custom order form and want to use Moneris simply for payment processing.
    • Click 'Checkout Type' to collapse it

    Order Summary (cart)

    There is nothing to select on the Order Summary Cart since you have your own custom form as part of Theatre Manager.

    Make sure the options look like the image to the right.






    Customer Details

    There is nothing to select on the Customer Details since you have your own custom web site as part of Theatre Manager.

    Make sure the options look like the image to the right.








    Multi Currency

    Most likely, you will NOT need to accept multiple currencies.

    Since that is the case, UNCHECK the enable multi-currency button. that will cause the currency choices to disappear from the the area indicated on the checkout form


    If, however, you do want to take some selected currencies (such as USD, or where ever your main customers come from, then CHECK the enable multi-currency button.

    If you do that, you will also need to check and uncheck the currencies that you wish to accept.

    We understand that all currencies are converted to CAD and so you will receive CAD in your bank account.



    Payment Options

    Indicate what digital wallets you want to accept. There are two main ones at time of writing
    • Apple Pay
    • Google Pay
    If you check these, there are other things you will be asked. You may need to contact Moneris to see what things mean.

    Click the Display Supported Cards checkbox to show miniature logos of the cards you accept on your web site.






    There are more options that you should make the same as the image to the right.

    You MUST select Transaction Type as Purchase
















    Branding and Design

    There are three areas that are highlighted that we think you may want to change:
    • Colours -these are colours that the web page will be displayed in. They use the internet RGB hex colours and you can change these to suit your web site theme.
    • Process Text - this is the text that will display on the button to accept the patrons credit card and to process it. You may select what you wish. We suggest Pay
    • Cancel Text - this is the text that will display on he screen to allow the use to use the 'Back' button. You may select what you wish. We suggest Back










    Order Confirmation

    For this section, you must select Use Own Page and nothing else. This is because Theatre Manager must receive the confirmation Moneris that the card was accepted or rejected before it will process the shopping carts.









    Email Communications

    Uncheck all of the options to the right, if any are checked











    Theatre Manager Setup

    The User ID and Password setup is obtained from Moneris and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window.

    Once the Moneris account has been activated and all the information in the following list has been obtained, the Merchant Account in Theatre Manager can be set up on each of the tabs that follow:

    • Server Software - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
    • Merchant Provider - Moneris Checkout Page (setting selected in TM)
    • Main Store Id - xxxxxxxxxx (provided by Moneris merchant services and used to login to Moneris online portal)
    • Hosted Store ID - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
    • Checkout ID - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
    • Primary URL for LIVE authorizations - set automatically
    • ECR Number - 66xxxx (provided by Moneris on the setup information)
    • api_token - obtained from the Moneris online portal

    Tabs with specific setup info are described in the following help pages. Other tabs like the Employees and Cards tabs are populated the same as described here.

    Moneris Hosted Checkout Software Type

    On this tab, you will need to provide:

    • Account Name - enter a description indicating that the purpose of this account is for Hosted Payments
    • Status - click to make it active, if not already
    • Enable Card Use by Web Listener - click to make it active, if not already. Hosted Checkout Page can be used for online sales to try to be PCI Schedule A compliant
    • Server Software - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
    • Merchant Provider - Moneris Checkout (setting selected in TM)
    • Main Store Id - xxxxxxxxxx (This is your Moneris Store # provided by Moneris. It should be a combination of letters and numbers. This is NOT your Merchant # OR ps_store_id. If the Moneris Store # is incorrect, Theatre Manager will NOT be able to close the credit card batch on the gateway server.)

    Hosted Checkout Connection Info

    On this tab, you will need to provide:
    • ps_store_id - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
    • Hosted Checkout ID - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
    • Authorization URL - automatically set for you
    • Settlement URL - automatically set for you
    • Port - must be 443
    • ECR Number - 66xxxx (provided by Moneris on the setup information)
    • api_token - obtained from the Moneris online portal

    The Web Experience

    It is very important to note that the credit card is being entered from the user's browser directly into the Moneris web site. This allows a venue to have:
    The checkout process for Hosted Checkout Page is very similar to standard checkout processing for credit cards online. This shows and explains the subtle differences.

    Step 1 of the checkout process illustrates that most of the checkout window appears the same.

    The singular difference is that the credit card entry data is missing. Card entry shows up on step 3.

    Step 2 shows an example of the actual hosted payment page.

    From step 1, the user's browser is directed to the Moneris web site where they enter:

    • cardholder name
    • Card number
    • Expiry date
    • CVV2 #
    They also have the ability to:
    • Pay - which will process the card, and if accepted, move on to Step 3
    • Back - which will take the patron back to the shopping cart page in Theatre Manager web sales
    Step 3 remains the same.

    This shows the confirmation page where the user can use the print at home feature if enabled.

    Converting HPP to Moneris Checkout

    The process of converting from Hosted Payments to the Moneris Checkout should be straightforward
    • Log on to your online Moneris E-Select Plus account
    • Follow the instructions to make a Moneris Checkout Page and copy the Checkout ID
    • Change your merchant settings in Theatre Manager from Hosted Payments to Moneris Checkout (see below)
    • Put the Checkout ID into the right place in Theatre Managaer
    • tmCheckout.html
      • You will have to update the web page if you have altered it in the past.
      • If you have not changed it (i.e. it is not in your web page directory), then you are done
    There are two additonal things you might have to watch out for:
    • You may need to add some credit card types like JCB, UPAY into code tables
    • If you have implemented restrictive outgoing firewall rules, you may need to review those to allow the Moneris checkout page to render in your organization's internal networks. It should not affect any patrons at home


    Converting Moneris Hosted Payment to Moneris Checkout

    Once you have your Checkout ID, all you need to do is change two things in your merchant setup:

        Complete your current end of day and settle all your credit cards
      1. Open the Setup->System Tables-> Merchant Account list
      2. Find the current/active Moneris Hosted Payment Page account in the list and double click on it
      3. On the Software Type tab

        click on the Merchant Provider popup. Change it:

        • From Moneris Hosted Pay Page - Deprecated
        • To Moneris Checkout

      4. On the Connection Info Tab:
        • Locate the field called Hosted Checkout ID
        • Save the contents of the field from the HPP setup, in case you need to put it back in later to reverse the process back to HPP
        • Paste in the checkout ID you created on the Moneris web site

      5. Save the merchant record
      6. Go to your online sales and try it out. The checkout process should be similar to the example. If it is not similar, please contact us.
      7. Go to your online Moneris Portal and make sure that it indicates that the card is authorized
      8. Try to void the credit card payment in Theatre Manager you just put through online
      9. Go to your online Moneris Portal and make sure that it indicates that the card is now voided

      Moneris Hosted Payment Page (deprecated)

      In late 2022, Moneris is replacing the Hosted Payment Page option with the Hosted Checkout Page option. It should require a little change to your merchant account setup in order to switch over.

      Refer to the conversion process from HPP to Moneris Checkout


      A Moneris Hosted Payment Page is part of the Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Hosted Payment Page option is used if you want Theatre Manager to switch over to the Moneris site for online credit card payments. It is possible to be SAQ A compliant for your web sales since the web site no longer takes credit cards (Moneris does).
      If you use hosted payments for web sales, you will also need an E-Select plus account for settlement. Box office sales can use this same merchant account and will automatically authorize against the e-select plus account. This means that you only need one merchant account set up even though it is processing via different pathways, one for web and one for box office.
      Moneris Hosted Payments requires that your web page timeout is 60 minutes in company preferences - it cannot be less. This is because Moneris payment acceptance is 60 minutes and we cannot close carts until their payment page has timed out.
      You may also be able to accept payments like apple-pay online, online interac, verified by visa, etc. Make sure to talk to Moneris about what is possible and what you want to accept.

      Setup Process

      The best process to configure this option is:

      • Obtain your online portal connection information from Moneris
      • Configure all the settings within the online portal
      • Use the Theatre Manager Merchant Account Setup for Moneris Hosted Payment Page
      • Test:
        • Authorizations through the TM Web services
        • Attempted Authorizations but Cancel through the TM Web services by going online to buy something (use test cards)
        • Verify the display on the web to see that it matches what ou picked in the online portal setup and shows your name and settings you wish
        • Voids from Theatre Manager
        • End of Day Settlement

      Online Portal Setup

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      You will see a screen similar to below.

      • If you see no lines in the list, click the Generate a New Configuration to make the following for Theatre Manager:
        • ps_store_id
        • hpp_key
      • If you see your ps_store_id in the list below, you can edit or verify information by proceeding to the next pages.

      Hosted Paypage Basic Configuration

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Once you see your ps_store_id, click the 'Edit Button and you will see a screen similar to below.


      Data Setup

      Enter data into the window above per the instructions:

      If you change anything on this page, be sure to click Save Changes under this section.

      Hosted Paypage Appearance Configuration

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Scroll down until you see a section that says Paypage Appearance and click Configure Appearance.

      A new window will open similar to below and the settings you place here control how the hosted payment page will appear to the patron.

      Appearance Configuration

      At the top are 3 buttons that are helpers for you:

      • Hex Colour Chart - which shows colours that can be placed into the 'Colours and styles' area. They are samples in a numeric format with examples. If you are familiar with setting colours of items on web pages, you can use any colour you wish.
      • Layout Sample - shows a picture of the various parts of the payment page that can be displayed
      • View Preview - will show what your payment page will look like after altering the settings. Our sample is to the right based on settings below

      Colours and Styles

      In this section, enter the colours for various parts of the payment page window. Use this to set colours as indicated.

      Hosted Paypage Data Fields

      Make settings as follows:

      • Display Item Details - uncheck. Theatre Manager does not send this information to Moneris
      • Display Customer Details - uncheck. Theatre Manager does not send this information to Moneris
      • Display Shipping Address Details - uncheck. Theatre Manager does not send this information to Moneris
      • Display Billing Address Details - uncheck. Theatre Manager does not send this information to Moneris
      • Enable input of Billing, Shipping, and extra fields - uncheck. Theatre Manager does not respond to this data if enabled
      • Display Merchant Name - Check this if you wish - it will display your merchant name from elsewhere in the Moneris config


      There should only be two things to set here:

      • Cancel Button Text - enter the words that you want to show to the user should they decide that they do not want to continue with authorization. Could be word like 'Cancel', 'Cancel Transaction','I Give up', 'Go Back to Cart', etc. Make sure and try an authorization so that you like what it says and that it is consistent with the behaviour of the window
      • Cancel Button URL - must be where is the URL to your ticketing web site

      Hosted Paypage Input Fields

      The settings are:

      • Display CVD Input (Credit Card Only) - we suggest checking this to allow input of the number on the back of the card
      • Display AVS Input (Credit Card Only) - (optional) check this to allow input of address info for address verification if you wish customers to provide it. It does not go to Theatre Manager
      • Postal Code Input Only) - (optional) if you want address verification, this restricts address input to the postal code only. its probably the preferred option for AVS checking


      If you wish, you can click on the credit card logos that you accept. It simply displays the logo on the payment page.

      Hosted Paypage Response/Receipt Data

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Scroll down until you see a section that says Response/Receipt Data and click Configure Response Fields.

      Response/Receipt Field Configuration

      Set the options as follows:

      • Return line item details - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return shipping details - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return billing details - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return other customer fields - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return ECI value - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return the txn_number. - you MUST CHECK THIS as it can be used in Theatre Manager to void transactions
      • Return the VBV value - uncheck this, Verified by Visa is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return Visa Debit card indicator - uncheck this, it is not used by Theatre Manager
      • Return AVS data - only CHECK THIS if you are wanting Moneris to check the postal code and you've allowed it as input on this screen
      • Encode carholder name - allows multi byte characters - you MUST CHECK THIS since Theate Manager understands unicode characters - allows customers to put accents in their names.
      • Automatically promptcardholder for a new card after a decline - check or uncheck this you wish

      Asynchronous Transaction Response

      Set the options as follows:

      Hosted Paypage Security Features

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Scroll down until you see a section that says Response/Receipt Data and click Configure Response Fields.

      Referring URL

      • Leave all data blank

      Transaction Verification

      • Non of the fields are required for processing. The can be left blank or unchecked
      • The Referring URL section contains an Add URL: field. The ticketing site,, can be added to this field to ensure it's the only source for processing.

      Moneris Hosted Payment Email Receipts

      You will need to log into your Moneris Resource Center online account at

      Once you are logged into the online account setup, select Admin->Hosted PayPage config option.

      Scroll down until you see a section that says Email Receipts and click Configure Email Receipts.

      Receipt Conditions

      Theatre Manager handles all confirmation of purchases to the patron. This section is not used, although, if you wish, you might want to send emails to the MERCHANT' for audit purposes.

      • Leave all data blank or unchecked.

      Receipt Appearance

      Theatre Manager handles the receipt to the patron.

      • Leave all data blank or unchecked

      Theatre Manager Setup

      The User ID and Password setup is obtained from Moneris and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window.

      Once the Moneris account has been activated and all the information in the following list has been obtained, the Merchant Account in Theatre Manager can be set up on each of the tabs that follow:

      • Server Software - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
      • Merchant Provider - Moneris (Hosted Pay Page) (setting selected in TM)
      • Main Store Id - xxxxxxxxxx (provided by Moneris merchant services and used to login to Moneris online portal)
      • ps_store_id - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
      • hpp_key - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
      • Primary URL for LIVE authorizations -
      • ECR Number - 66xxxx (provided by Moneris on the setup information)
      • api_token - obtained from the Moneris online portal

      Tabs with specific setup info are described in the following help pages. Other tabs like the Employees and Cards tabs are populated the same as described here.

      Moneris Hosted Payment Software Type

      On this tab, you will need to provide:

      • Account Name - enter a description indicating that the purpose of this account is for Hosted Payments
      • Status - click to make it active, if not already
      • Enable Card Use by Web Listener - click to make it active, if not already. Hosted Payment Page can be used for online sales to try to be PCI Schedule A compliant
      • Server Software - Moneris (setting selected in TM)
      • Merchant Provider - Moneris (Hosted Pay Page) (setting selected in TM)
      • Main Store Id - xxxxxxxxxx (This is your Moneris Store # provided by Moneris. It should be a combination of letters and numbers. This is NOT your Merchant # OR ps_store_id. If the Moneris Store # is incorrect, Theatre Manager will NOT be able to close the credit card batch on the gateway server.)

      Moneris Hosted Payment Connection Info

      On this tab, you will need to provide:
      • ps_store_id - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
      • hpp_key - xxxxxx (generated in Moneris online portal)
      • Authorization URL - automatically set for you
      • Settlement URL - automatically set for you
      • Authorization URL - must be
      • Settlement URL - must be
      • Port - must be 443
      • ECR Number - 66xxxx (provided by Moneris on the setup information)
      • api_token - obtained from the Moneris online portal

      The Web Experience

      It is very important to note that the credit card is being entered from the user's browser directly into the Moneris web site. This allows a venue to have:
      The checkout process for Hosted Payment is very similar to standard checkout processing for credit cards online. This shows and explains the subtle differences.

      Step 1 of the checkout process illustrates that most of the checkout window appears the same.

      The singular difference is that the credit card entry data is missing. Card entry shows up un step 3.

      Step 2 remains the same. The user can continue or go back.
      Step 3 shows an example of the actual hosted payment page.

      From step 2, the user's browser is directed to the Moneris web site where they enter:

      • postal/zip code for AVS
      • cardholder name
      • Card number
      • Expiry date
      • CVV2 #
      They also have the ability to:
      • Process the Transaction - which will process the card, and if accepted, move on to Step 4
      • Cancel Transaction - which will take the patron back to the shopping cart page in Theatre Manager web sales
      Step 4 remains the same.

      This shows the confirmation page where the user can use the print at home feature if enabled.

      Moneris EMV Devices for Box office

      Currently EMV Pinpads can only be used with Moneris and E-Select Plus Gateway. At time of writing it has been tested with
      • Verifone P400 (the only recommended device - no others work)

      Be sure to READ THE PRO's AND CON's of using the P400 before deciding to use them and ordering them from Moneris.

      Refer to accepting a payment on the payment window for EMV Pin Pad credit cards to see how the process works and how similar it is to other payment methods. When using pinpads, you do not receive the credit card data for TM - so you cannot use this method for post dated payments and recurring sales.

      Please refer to Moneris EMV PinPad Setup Steps to see how to integrate with Theatre Manager.

      EMV devices must be set up as a pin pad device and then must be associated with a workstation using Theatre Manager. Multiple workstations can use the same EMV device is you wish.
      Pin Pads are settled during end of day. if you receive any message about an imbalance on a pin pad, please refer to the Moneris Pin Pad End Of Day troubleshooting tips.
      If an EMV device is assigned to the workstation, the user simply selects any one of the credit card types as payment during the payment process, and Theatre Manager will activate the EMV device.
      You may need to import a new ticket face for payments to satisfy Moneris signature & receipt requirements.
      You CANNOT VOID a pin pad authorization. You must add a payment to the order and make it a REFUND (Moneris' rules)

      Pro & Con of using Moneris Pin Pads

      Using pin pads integrated with Theatre Manager save time and give you more options for taking payments for walk up customers.

      On the whole, the P400 helps for new sales, INTERAC and tapping for payment. It slows the mass refund process when a show is cancelled because it requires calling each person who bought at the box office to get their card and enter it manually.

      Pro Con
      1. Payment methods that can be setup and accepted are:
        • INTERAC,
        • All major card types (visa, mastercard, diners, amex, UCB, JCB, discover, and more)
        • e-wallet payment methods like Apple Pay.
        Discuss what you want to accept with your Moneris representative and set up those payment methods in TM for box office only
      2. Payments can be Tapped, Inserted (chip and pin), or Swiped (if the patron has an old style card without chip)
      3. Uses ONE merchant account for all web, phone and in person purchases.
      4. When accepting Pin Pad payments, Theatre Manager tells the Pin Pad the amount and activates it. It receives all authorization data back from Moneris
      5. The customer receipt is stored in the database and:
        • can be printed on a ticket printer if desired
        • copied from the payment detail and copy/pasted into an email and emailed to the customer if desired
      6. The merchant receipt is also stored in the database meaning you don't have to print them and deal with the additional paper
      7. Supports PCI schedule A-EP certification for your venue - meaning that Theatre Manager workstations are never in PCI scope
      8. Multiple workstations can share a Pin Pad.
        • You might want one for each box office window
        • multiple back office workstations can share if you'd like
      9. End of Day is largely unchanged. Theatre Manager issues a message to each pin pad to settle itself
      1. You cannot Void a payment taken through the pin pad. You can only issue a refund to the pin pad
      2. Refunds

        Moneris does not allow automatic refund to anything charged by Pin Pad.

        • A refund for any payment taken through the Pin Pad requires that you must either
          • call the customer and ask for their card to type it into the pin pad -or- ask Moneris for independent refund capability if you want to type the refund into Theatre Manager
          • Have the customer be present so that they can tap their card
        • It affects mass refunds to cancelled shows if the payment was taken through the Pin Pad. Those must be refunded one by one. All internet sales can be mass refunded as before. If most sales are internet, then this will not materially affect your business processes. If most sales are in person, it will add to the burden of refunds.
      A venue may need to change business practices for mass ticket refunds to a pass/gift certificate for people who paid via pin pad.

      Moneris Pin Pad Setup Steps

      The following is the general list of steps you have to follow to get the Moneris EMV pin pad to work with Theatre Manager at the box office or for other departments.

      Theatre Manager is designed that the EMV devices can be shared between workstations. However, you probably want one for each box office window and one for the rest of the office to manually enter cards.

      You can use Moneris EMV devices, even if you still want to use your existing provider. You just need to set up an EMV only merchant account in Theatre Manager.
      Note: check the firmware version of your pinpad. Version 19.05 works. 19.06 is known to be broken. Contact Moneris if you need to ask them to fix it.


      Pre-Preparation Steps (with Moneris) for CLOUD EMV DEVICES (P400)

      You will need a Moneris E-Select+ account. You need to contact Moneris for this - Arts Management cannot arrange one.

      • If you DO NOT HAVE an E-Select+ account, contact Moneris. It might involve changing you merchant provider - and you might want to talk to the support team about:
        • pro's/con's of changing completely to Moneris and/or
        • feature comparison of Moneris to other providers and/or
        • OR (if you want), you can keep your existing merchant provider and only use Moneris for EMV pin pad authorizations.
      • If you have an E-select+ Account
        • Contact your Moneris representative to arrange for the number of P400 cloud connected device you think you need.
        • You must tell Moneris that you are using it with Theatre Manger
        • Moneris must provision it with their software, so get them to confirm they will do that to work with Theatre Manager
      • Theatre Manager can share EMV devices amongst workstations. However, you probably want:
        • one for each box office window and
        • maybe also one for the rest of the office to manually enter cards.
      Moneris should provide you with merchant information and EMV Device setup information. Work with Moneris to get it set up in E-select+
      Very Important: DO NOT allow Moneris to settle the EMV devices automatically at a preset time each day. Theatre Manager will settle the devices during end of day to make accounting far more straightforward.


      Theatre Manager Setup Steps (after you have your EMV devices)

      Once you have your Moneris information and pin pads, follow these steps in Theatre Manager:

      Step Item General Instructions
      1 Turn off Power saving The pin pad requires a constant connection to the database while the authorization is occurring. there are two things to do:
      2 Plug in the Pin Pad Download this abridged version of the Moneris P400 installation instructions and follow it until the steps say come back to this web page to do the remainder of the steps
      • Make sure to use the Moneris Cloud Setup
      • Plug the ethernet cable into an ethernet jack
      • Set the Pin Pad to use Dynamic IP address
      3 Moneris Merchant Account Make sure you have a Moneris Merchant Account set up in Theatre Manager. I you already have a moneris account for hosted payments or web sales, you likely should use the same one.

      On the authorization tab in the pin-pad area of the Theatre Manager merchant setup, please:

      • enter the StoreID and
      • enter API key provided by Moneris
      • change the authorization timeout to be at least 90 seconds to allow for manual entry of card data for phone orders
      4 Plug in EMV Devices Physically plug the EMV devices in, power them up and connect them to your ethernet network.

      Place the devices where you think they will be best used for your box office and administration areas. The EMV devices will go through a startup process and should eventually show a screen with a pairing number on them.

      5 Create Device Records In Theatre Manager, open the Device List. For each pin pad that you have:
      • Create a new EMV device
      • Enter the relevant information on the above help page
      • Click the Pair button. Theatre Manager will ask for the pair code for that device. If pairing occurs successfully, the device will no longer show the pair code.
      • Repeat for all EMV pin pads that you've received.

      If pairing does not occur:

      • Make sure the merchant account is set to the one you are using for Moneris (see step 1)
      • Make sure the pin pad is on, connected to the internet and is showing the pair code (see step 2)
      • Make sure the setup data about the pin pad is entered properly (step 3)
      • Contact Moneris to make sure that the pin pad is set to 'cloud' setting
      • Try the 'pair' process again for the same device
      6 Edit Hardware Preferences After pairing all devices in as above, you will need to go to each workstation and decide which EMV device is associated with the workstation.
      • Log in to the workstation - any user is fine
      • Edit the Hardware Preferences and
      • associate each computer with one of the pin pads setup in step 3. e.g:
        • Each box office window computer could be associated with its own device.
        • All Admin computers could be associated with a common device for manual card entry.
      7 Payment Receipts You will need to import a new payment receipt ticket face designed specifically to satisfy Moneris signature & receipt requirements
      8 Setting up Payment Methods
      • If you are currently using Moneris for all credit card authorization
        • In payment methods code tables, add in any new card types you are taking. At a minimum, this might include INTRAC to take debit carts
        • You probably already have VISA, MC, AMEX and perhaps some others. if so, do not add them again. Only add new card types that you now intend to take.
        • proceed to step 9
      • If you are switching all your merchant processing to Moneris, follow instructions on converting to a new merchant
      • If you are going to use Moneris for EMV devices only, in conjunction with your existing merchant provider, you will need to:
        • Add duplicate credit card in payment methods code tables
        • For each CC payment method you take like: VISA, MC, DINR, etc -and-
        • Assign to your new Moneris merchant account record
      Make sure you have a payment method INTRAC to handle debit card payments in the payment methods code tables
      9 Restart Theatre Manager
      10 Optional tests
      • Go to the device list, edit each device setup and try the PinPad Totals button - to see authorization amounts and counts for each pinpad.
      • Try your end of day:
        • You will get a new batch and deposit # for each EMV device
        • Each device will be closed and summarized into its own GL Entry
        • Reports will show the separate batches
        • If an EMV device is out of balance, you will see an error message during end of day
      • View a receipt in the payment record for a patron who you accepted an EMV authorization for.
      • Have a look at all the payment requests that were taken, even including the failed or declined cards. You may need to come here and ask for support if your EMV device is out of balance.

        You can also go to patrons, orders and various other places from here

      • Print a real ticket receipt for a payment taken via EMV to make sure they appear correctly on your ticket stock on your printer
      11 Debugging If you are having trouble with getting pinpad authorization to work, there are some troubleshooting tips:
      • Enable outgoing firewall rules for the url specified for the device in the device setup. Currently, it is This is required for all:
        • workstations paired to the pinpad device -and-
        • all the web listeners.
        • Refer to Router/Firewall Rules for more info.
      • You can verify the correct communication steps are occurring with the pin pad device by looking at the web listener log for EMV devices
      • If the pin pad is communicating with Moneris and retrieving data, you can look at pin pad receipts, transaction data, and Moneris responses using Pin pad Request List. This list shows both successful authorizations and declines.
      • If all cards are beling declined with an error code 069 and a message like Bad Message Error/No CVM Results, please contact Moneris and have them configure the CAT indicator for the PinPad to be card present.
      • You can test the OpenTotal command on the device setup. This interrogates a pinpad for current charges and refunds, if any. This command is used by end of day and if you cannot do this or get permission denied, please contact Moneris to have them fix it

      Moneris Receipt Ticket Faces

      Payment receipts are optional and can be printed on demand. However, if you have customers who request a receipt, Moneris has specific requirements if the payment was made using EMV devices.

      We have created one you can download and import that meets Moneris requirements and is designed specifically for the P400.

      If you need to print receipts for Moneris Pin Pad authorizations, you will need to set up your ticket faces as follows:
      • Download a template Moneris EMV ticket face from the ArtsMan web site
      • Unzip the file so that you see the MonerisEMVTicketFace.tmf file on your desktop
      • Open the list of Ticket Faces window which should look similar to the image to the right.
        • Click the Import button at the top of the window
        • look for the file called MonerisEMVTicketFace.tmf on your desktop and import it
        • after importing the new ticket face, it will appear in the list of ticket faces. Look for the ticket face number of this Moneris EMV ticket face in the list. It will be used in the next step

      You have now imported a ticket face file. You can now edit this ticket face if you want to make any additional customized changes to the receipt layout based on any possible ticket face background images you may have preprinted on the ticket stock.


      Additional Steps to implement the ticket face


      After importing the ticket face, you will have to decide a few things on the company preferences Ticket Faces Tab under the section Credit Card Receipts. All the fields/options in this area may need adjustment.

      • Receipt Ticket - Change the ticket face number there to be the one you recorded above
      • Print Receipts - has 3 options to consider:
        • Automatically for Patron Present. Moneris give you the option of always printing a receipt, or only printing a receipt on demand. We recommend only printing a receipt on demand. Uncheck this option unless you always want to print are receipt of the ticket printer for any credit card payment.
        • Automatically for Telephone and Mail Order. Moneris may require a signature for card numbers typed into the EMV machine for payments taken over the phone since the card is not present. Check this option if you wish, although we recommend not. The better alternative is to batch print the receipt along with tickets if emailing or holding at will call. The receipt should automatically include a signature line.
        • Prompt User if receipt required If you are unsure if you want to print receipts for tapped in chip/pin authorizations, but you want to give the patron the choice, you can check this option.
          • We recommend not to since this adds an extra prompt you have to agree to when selling payments at the box office.
          • If you don't print the receipt you can go to the payment window and print a receipt if asked.
          • For years, most people have neither asked for nor requireda reeipt. This is even more true these days of social distancing.
          • again, receipts can always be batch printed for will call or mail to patron tickets.
      • Print Receipts xx times. This is designed for situations where you, the merchant, want a receipt copy as well as the customer. It you always, print for the customer, enter 1. If you want one for yourself as well, enter 2.

        Moneris does not require you to print one for yourself if they are stored electronically and can be reprinted. Theatre Manager stores all payments and Moneris EMV responses precisely for this purpose so you can reprint later if need be. We suggest not printing a merchant copy in this electronic age.

      Moneris Test Accounts

      Moneris has made some general purpose test accounts that you can use for setting up the Moneris Gateway Account and testing to ensure the connection is valid. Do not use these for a production environment as all authorizations sent here are for test only and ignored beyond that.

      These values are open for general testing from all sources - so you may see more than just your test transactions in the virtual gateway.
      They only work for the Moneris Gateway Account and will not work for Hosted Payment Page testing

      The following values will enable you to enter the test environment for the gateway:

      • Merchant Account Number 700000208782
      • Store ID store1
      • API Token/Password yesguy
      • Primary URL for TEST authorizations
      • Port # 443
      • ECR Terminal ID 66002173

      Where TM Data goes in Moneris

      It is sometimes helpful to know where card data goes in the merchant portal to troubleshooting and cross reference purposes. The above diagram shows how to cross reference date on the payment window in Theatre Manager and Moneris' online portal.

      Data Sent by Theatre Manager to Moneris

      • Patron number, order number (that the payment is associated with) and current patron name is put into the Moneris Customer ID field. If you see this data in Theatre Manager, it should help you find the patron or order in TM, either by order number, patron number, or patron name. Note that since patron names can be changed at any time and patrons can be merged, order number(red lines)
      • Card and expiry date are sent to Moneris, which returns the authorization code. (orange lines)
      • Theatre Manager makes up a system wide unique number for Moneris to refer to thus specific payment authorization attempt (blue lines). They always look like TM-X-Y-ZZZZZZ where:
        • TM- means the authorization came from Theatre Manager. If it doesn't start with TM, somebody did it manually or via some other method.
        • X- is the unique number of the merchant record in Theatre Manager. This is in case you have set up multiple Moneris merchant accounts for different reasons. (eg one for box office and one for development - which is not really recommended
        • Y- is the TM outlet number that sent the authorization to Moneris
        • ZZZZZZ is a unique number generated by TM for each authorization attempt. If an attempt is made and fails, it will consume a number and the next attempt at authorization will use a new value for ZZZZZZ


      Data returned to TM by Moneris

      TM tracks the

      • Moneris Sequence number - which is a unique number generated by Moneris for successful authorizations.
      • Moneris Authorization Time - which is the date/time of day that the authorization occurred. If the dates are different, it will be because Theatre Manager has stored them in time zone adjusted time. (pink lines)

      Troubleshooting Moneris Account Setup


      Below are a list of some of the errors that may be encountered during processing using Moneris as a merchant provider:


      P400 - Reversing Pin Pad Authorizations (cannot void or delete)

      If you are using a Moneris P400 connected to your workstation, you cannot void or delete a credit card entered using the pin pad.

      Moneris does not support voiding in the pin pad because they require a log for each interaction. So you must refund.

      You many see a button on the lower left that says Linked. IF you click on it and the original payment was taken online, you will be able to refund against that payment without needing the card.

      Refunding a payment with the P400

      Instead, you will need to

      • Add a payment to the order. Refer to the general process for more information.
        • Select a credit card payment method when it becomes time in the process from the first step.

          You will see a window like below:

        • Enter a NEGATIVE AMOUNT for the payment to indicate a refund.
        • (optionally), click the button to enter the card data manually if the customer gave you their card over the phone
      • Click the Refund Payment button. The customer's action change depending if you selected
        • Patron taps, inserts, or swipes card on EMV device:
          • the customer will need to tap or insert their card on the pin pad
          • The customer must be present at the box office with their credit card for them to do this.
        • Employee enters credit card manually into EMV
          • you will need to enter the full card number and expiry date on the pin pad since card data is never entered into TM.
          • This is useful for refunds when the customer is not present and they gave you their card over the phone.

      No Permissions For AVS_Info


      No Permissions For AVS_Info

      When the merchant account is setup in Theatre Manager and a test transaction is processed the error message above may appear. This error message is the result of missing options in the setup of the Merchant Account by Moneris. To correct the issue:

      • the Moneris representative will need to be contacted.
      • A request will need to be submitted to enable AVG and CID/CVV2 processing. This process can take up to 5 business days.
      • Additional Moneris account setup charges will apply for implementing these charges.
      The settings are mandatory in order to process credit cards using Theatre Manager.


      Moneris Returned A Response Code of NULL

      By default, when a merchant account is created in Theatre Manager, it sends the patrons Address/Postal Code (Zip Code) with the credit card for verification. If the patron record does not contain an address this information is not available to send. Moneris is expecting data in these fields and thus sends but a response code of Null indicating the fields are empty. This error can be resolved in one of two ways. Address information can be made mandatory in the database or Address Verification can be turned off.


      Mandatory Address in Patron Records

      • Login to Theatre Manager as the Master User.
      • Click Setup >> System Preferences.
      • Select the Mandatory Data tab.
      • Check the boxes in Full Profile Patron Data for:
      • Patron Address
      • Patron Postal Code (Zip Code)
      • Click Save.

      An address and postal code (zip code) will now be required for all patron records added or updated in Theatre Manager.


      Turning Off Credit Card Address Verification

      • Click Setup >> System Tables >> Merchant Accounts.
      • Double click on the current Merchant Account to open it.
      • Select the Authorization tab.
      • Remove the check from Fraud Prevention >> Send address/zip.
      • Click Save.

      The Address and Postal Code (Zip Code) will no longer be sent with the credit card number for authorization.


      Transaction Not Allowed: ind_refund -5

      Independent Refunds is a Moneris add-on feature. You must contact them if you receive the message below and you want to issue refunds to patron's credit cards.

      Your Moneris merchant account and/or your Store ID may need to be setup to process Independent Refunds if you want to allow credit card refunds in Theatre Manager. Since this is entirely a dependant on Moneris and how they setup your merchant account, enabling independent refunds requires that you:

      • Tell them that you want to issue refunds to credit cards
      • MONERIS may ask you for additional banking information
      • Test out a refund for a small amount to ensure it works, other wise you'll get the message above

      Even if the merchant account is enabled for refunds and refunds can be performed through the web portal, Independent Refunds must be enabled for the Store ID before a refund will be accepted by Moneris from Theatre Manager.

      Should Moneris detect suspicious activity on the account they could remove the option to process Independent Refunds to protect the account from fraud. To enable this feature once more the person who setup the Moneris account will need to contact them directly. A verbal request to enable Independent Refunds will need to be made and the following information well be required throughout the call:

      • Merchant Account Number & Store ID
      • Full Business Address
      • Deposit Bank Name
      • Deposit Bank Account Number
      Once the request is complete a reference number will be provided. Moneris will telephone the contact person within a week to verify the account settings have been altered. Please make sure Moneris has the correct contact telephone number on file before completing the call.


      Arts Management Systems provides the™ module to support credit card authorization. The installation is done for you on site by Arts Management training staff on any Theatre Manager Workstation. implements either user ID and password authentication over HTTPS connections to provide compliance with PCI DSS 4.1

      Please contact Arts Management to discuss the process of getting a Merchant Account from or use the merchant provider contact info and inform them that you will be using Theatre Manager as they are aware of the proper setup.

      After has provided you with a merchant account, installation is quite straightforward. Once set up, funds gets authorized as 'Card Not Present' and then deposited right to your own bank upon settlement from Theatre Manager. This account information you are provided is all you need in the merchant setup windows (in the pages that follow) to begin secure credit card authorization. needs one account set up for authorization and one for online viewing of the account data. You can set up multiple accounts for online access of the data, so some people can view data and others have more access to transactions and history.

      1. - uses the Merchant Portal via a web browser to "view the transactions" that have occurred. This account setup might need to be used during the End Of Day deposit process to verify transactions if you have more than 1000 authorizations between each End of Day.
      2. Merchant User ID and Password - uses to allow authorizations to occur and be settled but not be viewed. This information is what needs to be entered into Theatre Manager's Merchant account to allow authorizations to occur.

      The user IDs and passwords for both of the above are different and should not be interchanged or confused with each other. Follow the appropriate setup steps for each.
      After following the setup for both accounts, make sure to: contact information

      To set up as a merchant provider, contact (in USA):

      Shannon Maher, Sr.
      Sales Manager
      National Merchant Alliance
      7415 West 130th Street, Suite #270
      Overland Park, KS 66213
      (913) 906-9595

      Authorize.Net Gateway Account

      The User ID and Password setup is arranged by Arts Management from Authorize.Net and is entered into the Setup --> System Tables --> Merchant Accounts window as below:

      Software Type

      The following values are set on the software type tab per the diagram below:

      • Set the server software to be
      • The merchant provider will automatically be set for you
      • The merchant number is for use on ticket faces and for contacting Authorize.Net support.


      Connection Info

      The following entries are set on the Connection Info tab per the diagram below:

      • User/Server ID - provided through The user ID remains constant for the life of the account and is generally an MD5 version of your main account UserID
      • Password - the password is auto generated for you. You can change it via the online interface to generate a new 'secret' key. If you do that, you can expire your old password right away or allow both old and new to co-exist for up to 24 hours.
      • Primary URL - is always and is used for authorization only
      • Secondary URL - is always and is used during the settlement process.
      • Port - is always 443


      Merchant Profiles

      The following entries are set on the Profiles tab per the diagram below if you are going to use merchant profiles and have an agreement with your merchant provider:

      • Enable Profiles - set to Active if Merchant Profiles will be used.
      • Profiles API Login Key - not required. Authorize.Net uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.
      • Profiles API URL - is always
      Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.


      After setting up the in the Merchant Account setup, you will need to test that it works. The best way to do this is:
      • Find yourself in the database or create a new patron for yourself
      • Create a new order and attempt to buy a ticket or Gift Certificate
      • On the payment window, select the credit card you want to use and do a test authorization
      • If you get an authorization with a message indicating AVS match and/or CVV2 match, then the setup is correct
      • Log in to your Online Merchant Account and view the batch to see that your transaction is there
      • In Theatre Manager, void the credit card payment and then confirm in the Online Merchant Account that the charge is marked as void

      Trouble Shooting

      Authorization Response looks like HTML or XML

      If you get an authorization response that:

      • looks like it is HTML or XML and indicates that it was not authorized:
      • specifically indicates that the API key is wrong
      then your User ID/Password is probably wrong. Please verify it and copy it into Theatre Manager.


      If you merchant account still doesn't authorize after verifying it, log in to the Online Merchant Account and
      • Click on 'Account' button at the top.
      • Click on the MD5 hash at the middle of the screen
      • Get a new MD5 hash key (API Key) for your account and put it into the merchant setup screen - connection info tab under the password
      • Try to authorize a card again

      Error on Settlement

      If an error occurs during the initial part of settlement, you may not have the 'Transaction Details API' enabled. If this occurs, log in to the Online Merchant account and then

      • Click on 'Account' button at the top.
      • Click on the Transaction Details API link
      • Enter the answer to your 'secret question'
      • Click Enable Transaction Details API button if it is not already enabled

      If issues persist, contact Arts Management and let us know so that we can help get it corrected.

      Authorization Number: 000000

      When processing a test charge, if you get an Authorization Number: 000000, this means the account is still in TEST mode at Log into your account, and change the setting from TEST mode to LIVE mode.

      Specific Account Settings

      There are some specific settings that we recommend are made in the online interface, or applied for and added to your account to make daily processing easier on your staff members. These are:
      • Apply to to allow unrestricted refunds for your venue.
      • Enable transaction details so that Theatre Manager can obtain batch information and allow End of Day settlement.
      • Specify the sweep time where takes completed End of Day transactions and moves them to the bank.

      Setting Transaction IP Velocity Filter allows you to define the number of transactions received from the same IP address within the course of an hour. The default value in the gateway is set to 10 transactions per hour. This setting, while helpful for fraud detection, does not take into account the number of transactions processed at the box office and needs to be increased.

      1. Open your online gateway to and select Fraud Detection Suites in the right column.

      2. Under Card Testing Settings select Transaciton IP Velocity Filter

      3. In the Transaction IP Velocity Threshold section of the page increase the Allow transactions from the same IP address per hour value.

        This value should be set based on the number of transactions your organizations processes in the office per hour during peak sales times. Depending on the size of your organization this may mean 50, 100, or possible 500.

      4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

      Transaction Receipt Email sends an email to the Gateway user for each payment processed through the account. This feature can be disabled using the steps below. You will be required to

      1. In the Gateway select Account at the top of the window.
      2. Select User Profile in the left column and click the Edit Profile Information button under Profile and Security Settings.

      3. Under Transaction Emails remove the check next to Transaction Receipt.

      4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button.

      Clicking Save will generate a pop-up window asking to send a verification pin to the email address on the account. Follow the steps and add the pin to complete the process. Address Verification Settings

      There are settings on the interface that need to be set up/changed - or you can get address mismatch or rejection issues. If you suddenly find you are getting a lot of rejections for credit card authorizations due to AVS errors, please verify your settings in the portal.

      To set these parameters, you perform the following steps:

      1. Open your online gateway to and choose Account >> Settings.

        The main Settings window opens.

      2. In the Security Settings section, click on Address Verification Service.

        The following window displays.

      3. Ensure the following settings are enabled:

        General AVS Responses

        B - Transaction was submitted without a billing address
        E - AVS Data provided is invalid or AVS is not allowed for the card type used
        R - The AVS system was unavailable at the time of processing
        G - The card issuing bank is of non-US origin and does not support AVS.
        U - The address information for the cardholder is unavailable
        S - the US card bank does not support AVS

        Address and Zip Code Resources

      4. When complete, your page will look like the following:

      Allowing refunds with

      In order to process refunds in a separate batch from the original transaction (which is how most refunds occur), clients will need to download's Expanded Credit Capabilities form:

      NOTE: You do not need this feature if you typically refund money against the original order within 120 days of purchase and up to the original authorized amount.

      An occasional refund needed that is past 120 days can be accomplished via the web interface.

      Only apply for this feature if you constantly need to refund money outside the original order and/or outside 120 days (and don't wish to refund to a gift certificate for store credit.

      Once the form is filled out, faxed back to, and processed by's customer support team, clients will be able to process refunds through Theatre Manager - sometimes within hours, sometimes up to 2 days later. The sure way to know is to check the status of your Expanded Credit Capabilities.

      To check the status of your Expanded Credit Capabilities, you can look directly within the gateway for your account.

      1. Go to the home page
      2. Click on the Merchant Profile link on the left hand side
      3. A series of settings will appear, including 'Additional Services.' The Expanded Credit Capabilities should read 'Enabled."

      This is only for processing refunds in a separate batch, after the End of Day deposit has been done for the original charge. In cases where the card is to be refunded before settlement, users should instead Void and Delete the payment in Theatre Manager. Then the tickets can be refunded to clear the order balance that will be created when the payment is voided. There is no additional setup required through in order to process voids.
      Refunds are processed immediately by YOU CANNOT VOID A REFUND

      If you fail to settle a batch containing a refund before the sweep time, you will receive a warning during the End of Day that the batch may be out of balance (even if it is not).

      It is also important to note that the ECC form will allow users to run a refund in any amount to a card without matching up the refund amount to the original charge. Because of this, there are a couple of important considerations:
      • Clients may want to limit who can do refunds in Theatre Manager through their Employee Access settings.
      • Clients may also be cautious with whom the Virtual Gateway login and password is shared as users could run refunds directly from within that interface.

      Enabling Transaction Details API in order to settle during End of Day

      There is a setting inside the Virtual Terminal that will need to be enabled in order for Theatre Manager users to settle batches using the End of Day Wizard.
      1. Log into your account
      2. Select the Account button at the top right of the toolbar
      3. Choose Settings from the Menu at the left
      4. Select the Transaction Details API option under Security Settings
      5. You will be prompted to enter your secret question/answer that you set up when you created your account. Then click the Enable Transaction Details API button
      6. You will be taken back to the main Settings screen. To check that the settings have taken effect, go back to Transaction Details API
      7. When enabled, your screen shows you an option to Disable as below (do not do this).
      8. You will now be able to settle through the Theatre Manager End of Day Wizard. For more information about the Wizard, click here.

      Setting the Sweep Time for Settlement

      As explained here, sweeps (or settles) all transactions once a day to the client's bank account. This Sweep Time, or Transaction Cut-Off Time, is set directly in the Settings for the client's account.
      1. Sign in to the interface
      2. Choose the Virtual Terminal option at the left

      3. Choose the Transaction Cut-Off Time option under Business Settings.

      4. You'll see the current sweep or settlement time in the middle of the page (3:00 PM PDT in the example). Change the time using the drop down choices at the bottom of the page and click Submit. Our recommendation is to set this time sometime between 12AM and 4AM local time.

      Authorize.Net Troubleshooting

      If you are having issues with credit card authorization using, there are a few things that can assist.
      • The official status for web site
      • The developer web site which may indicate some troubles before the official status site
      • The debug option in the merchant set up which can be used to show the raw data for the request sent to and the response received from their servers.
      • Make sure your API key is correct in Theatre Manager - you may want to test your account again and/or follow the setup procedures to verify your account info is entered properly

      Elavon (private) Installation

      The Elavon-Private Merchant account was written to process payments using Elavon as the processor and working in conjunction with an existing customized interface. This is only available to certain municipal organizations in Florida.

      This section of the online help contains details on how to configure a Merchant Account in Theatre Manager to process payments, refunds and settle a batch using this interface.

      The information that Theatre Manager requires from Elavon setup will be:

      • Agency ID: xxxxxxxxxx
      • Admin ID: xxxxxx
      • Password: xxxxxxxxxx
      • Primary URL for authorizations:
      • Port #: 443

      The Agency ID, Admin ID and password will be sent in a document from Elavon. That document will also contain instructions for you to log in to the Elavon online gateway to activate your account. The Primary URL should be obtained from the IT company that setup the customized interface.

      Elavon Gateway Setup

      The Elavon Merchant Account information is obtained from Elavon. The Primary URL will be provided by the IT company that created the custom interface. This information is entered into Theatre Manager under Setup >> System Tables >> Merchant Accounts.

      Software Type

      The following values are set on the Software Type tab per the diagram below:

      • Enter an Account Name for the Merchant Account.
      • The Status Active, At the Box Office and By the Web Listener boxes should both be checked.
      • Set the server software to be Elavon-Private.
      • The merchant provider will automatically be set to Elavon (NOVA).
      • The Agency ID is provided by Elavon and will need to go into the Agency ID field - enter in the Agency ID (not the merchant number) for the Elavon account which is typically 6 digits.

      Connection Info

      The following entries are set on the Connection Info tab per the diagram below:

      • An Admin ID will be provided by Elavon and is required to process refunds using this merchant account. This is a mandatory field in the Merchant Account Setup.
      • The Password is also provided by Elavon and is required to process refunds. This is a mandatory field in the Merchant Account Setup.
      • The IT company that created the customized interface will proved the Primary URL.
      • The Port will always be 443. Payments, refunds and batch settlement will all be processed using this port. Local work stations that need to process payments will need this port open for communication.


      For fraud prevention, Elavon accounts in Theatre Manager will be automatically set up to send address info and Track II data. Verify the Authorization tab matches the image below.

      Merchant Profiles

      Due to custom interface limitations that may exist in a Private Installation, Merchant Profiles are unavailable for Elavon (Private Installations).

      The following entries are set on the Profiles tab per the diagram below:

      • Enable Profiles - disabled feature. Merchant Profiles are unable for Elavon (Private Installations).
      • Profiles API Login Key - not required. Elavon uses the same connection information from the Connection Info tab.
      • Profiles API URL - not required. Elavon uses the same the connection information from the Connection Info tab.

      Refer to Merchant Profiles for further information on functionality.

      Activating your Elavon Payment Gateway

      This page is under construction

      Switching Merchant Accounts: Employee and Card Setup

      Switching from One Merchant Provider to Another

      On the Merchant Setup window (see Merchant Account Setup), the final bit of setup is to determine which employees and which payment methods are associated with this merchant account.

      • To assign employees to this merchant account, click on the Employee tab and find the employees to assign. In a multi-merchant setup situation, drag only those employees that will use this merchant account as the default.

        While some employees may have permission to use multiple merchant accounts, viewing their name here means this is the default merchant account assigned to them for charging cards. If the employee wants to use another merchant account, they will need to select it on the payment window.

      • Click on the Card tab to select which credit card payment methods are associated with this merchant account.

        If you need to have multiple merchant accounts and both are to take Visa (for example), you will need two Visa payment methods and assign one of them to each merchant account.

      Any future dated 'post dated payments' associated with the card you drag to another merchant provider will automatically be reassigned to authorize on the new merchant provider card network.

      When switching, you can open both merchant accounts and drag the employees from one window to the other. You can do the same for the credit card payment methods - to make the switch easy and fast.
      Linked Refunds authorized under your old merchant account are only possible if you keep your old merchant account open. This is because the tokens used by the credit card companies are specific to card #, order, patron and merchant.

      It may be wise to keep the old merchant account aroudn/inactive for 3 months or so.

      This is a non-issue if your merchant provided the ability to do Independent Refunds

      Credit Card Refund Rules


      Your merchant provider dictates all rules regarding refunds to credit cards Theatre Manager does its best to determine which refund rule might apply, based on how the card was originally authorized.

      If you have difficulty with some refunds, your merchant provider is the key to unlocking the door - you can set their rules in Merchant Setup

      An HISTORICAL UNDERSTANDING of the credit card refund process and CARD FRAUD might help guide you solving some issues (along with some workarounds)

      When doing MASS REFUNDS, we recommend:
      • creating the payments as POST DATED PAYMENTS at time of refund and
      • doing the actual authorization during end of day (eg from event and dates window on the attendance tab). This helps deal with conditions like:
        • Authorization is too far in the past for linked refunds - card sits in EOD until you talk to the bank to extend the time frame
        • The card is shredded and there is no Merchant profile for the patron - so you can then get the patrons' card and do a refund after that
        • use some other method (like change to a Gift Certificate) if the refund just will not get approved. At least the patron can use that online at a later date.

      Refunds and Fraud Prevention

      How did credit card refunds originally work?

      For a long long time, the rules were simple. You needed the entire card in front of you. When sending in a request for a refund, you provided the entire card number, expiry and amount.


      About the Refund Rules (as we understand them today)

      Credit card providers felt that the simple rule had too much potential for fraud. And it did: bad guys with cards figured out how to create a lot of refunds and steal a lot of money.

      Each credit card merchant provider instituted one or more out of a number of rules to thwart fraud, making the refund process difficult. This generally works fine for one off refunds, but hampers the process when trying to do mass refunds to an entire event meaning it may need a lot of manual intervention.


      What a Mixture of Rules means for Refunds

      Some of the techniques credit card providers implemented that make the refund process difficult to navigate are below. Since the rules have been implemented over time, you may find that mass refunds might encounter one or more of these scenarios:

      NOTE: you can set which type of refund(s) your merchant provider allows in merchant setup

      If you are allowed both, Theatre Manager tries Linked refunds. If that fails, you can chose to do an independent refund on the payment window

      Independent Refunds, Payments Not Linked To An Order

      Sending the entire credit card number and expiry date is now known an INDEPENDENT REFUND. This allows a merchant to refund any amount to any customer using and card even if:
      • the amount refunded is more that the original authorization
      • the card number is different than the one used for original authorization

      An independent refund means you must supply the full credit card number and expiry. You either have this (because it is encrypted on the database) or you ask the customer for it.

      If you have shredded old cards and do not have it encrypted on the database, then you cannot do an independent refund. It will need to be a linked refund (which is generally preferable for the credit card companies)

      Bambora and Elavon (Miami-Dade) do not support this feature and only allows linked refunds

      To our knowledge, all other merchant providers support independent refunds and some require this permission to be specifically requested.

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      You must have:
      • stored encrypted credit card data in your database or
      • contact the patron to get the card number
      Verify that your PCI Settings in Default Data is PCI Schedule D, with many days of retention since last use of card.
      • The retention period must be at least as far back as you need to go since TM automatically shreds credit cards.
      • For example, if you have 180 days of retention, any card authorized before that cannot be refunded and you will need to contact the owner to get the card and re-enter it.
      • However, most cards in a mass refund should work without issue.
      • If you don't have the encrypted card data for a patron, you must contact them to get the card number to refund to
      Some merchant providers require you to sign up for INDEPENDENT REFUNDS. Contact your merchant provider to ensure that you have this feature enabled if you need to do mass refunds. You can call your merchant provider after and disable it when done.


      • Moneris gives a distinct error if you do not have the feature.
      • may need it enabled to correct some error conditions since their refunds are automatically settled (and can't be voided), redoing a refund would need to use Independent Refund
      End of day may appear out of balance for processes refunds right away. If you do a lot of refunds before the sweep time and settle end of day after the sweep time, you may be told that you are out of balance by what seems to be the total amount of your refunds.
      Refund rejected because card is shredded If you see a message saying that the card was rejected because no encrypted card is on file, then you are trying to do an independent refund.

      Instead, change the setting in your merchant profile to allow linked refunds first.

      Linked Refund: Merchant Provider limits refunds to xx days to same order using tokens

      This is a relatively recent fraud prevention technique implemented by some merchant providers (Moneris, Bambora, PaymentTech Orbital, and to limit refunds to an amount that has previously been authorized on the card and prevent potential fraud from the wide open "free for all" called Independent Refunds

      A linked refund does not require the full credit card number. Instead, it uses a token representing a particular authorization that the merchant processor gave Theatre Manager at time of authorization.

      This is the only method of refund that can be used if you are shredding credit cards for PCI compliance.


      Linked Refund Rules

      Typical rules that merchant providers implemented for linked refunds

      • within xxx days since the original authorization. The default we've seen is 120 days.
      • by referencing the same order as the original authorization
      • using the saved transaction token from the original authorization (instead of the credit card data)
      • for no more than the amount of the original authorization (less any other refunds to the card already)
      This restriction seems reasonable. If Theatre Manager is able to do a refund with a prior card payment, it will. It usually works.


      Conditions Action or Workaround
      Refund rejected because card is shredded If you see a message saying that the card was rejected because no encrypted card is on file, then you are trying to do an independent refund.

      Instead, change the setting in your merchant profile to allow linked refunds first.

      Refund gets rejected because of age

      if you receive a message from Theatre Manager there are NO PRIOR PAYMENTS when doing a refund, the root cause is because merchant providers have been forcing venues into using linked refunds, meaning the merchant providers imposed a typical time limit of having to refund within 120 days of purchase.


      Each venue seems to have a different time limit and you can set it in Theatre Manager's Merchant Setup. It may work if you increase the time frame. If not, ask your merchant provider to increase the number of historic days you are allowed to process refunds. We have seen clients with limits as long as 365 days.

      Refund Rejected because it is too much In a LINKED REFUND, you can only refund the a maximum amount of the original credit card payment.

      If the patron paid with two different payments methods (eg: part in cash and part in credit card), then you will need to:

      • adjust the refunded amount to be no more than the amount available to refund on the card
      • if there is more than one cards in the list, then refund what you can to each one -and-
      • then refund the rest using a check or some other payment method.

      NOTE: If the message below indicates your merchant setup supports Independent Refunds, AND you know the entire card number, CVV2 and expiry date, you might be able try an independent refund instead.

      Refund gets rejected because it is not connected to order If there are multiple credit card payments for the order and you get this message, you may be affected by the timing of when the payment was authorized. You could have:
      • Authorized an amount many months ago, before the merchant provider instituted linked refunds - in which case Theatre Manager would not have the token available for refunding
      • Authorized an additional amount in the order for exchanged tickets which happened after the implementation of linked refunds (approximately fall 2019) - in which case Theatre Manager would have the token available for that card.

      Theatre Manager presents a list of credit cards to refund to - pick the one you want, If you try to refund too much, you'll see an error like the image below. IF this is the case, then break the refund up into smaller amounts.

      At this time, the way to refund this card is to either ask for independent refunds, or to employ a trick and:

      Refunding against Shredded Credit Cards

      In order to do independent refunds, Theatre Manger may be able to use the original encrypted credit card stored on file. However, Credit Cards can be shredded if they have passed their retention period.

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      Payments without full card data will be rejected with invalid PAN numbers

      or that card number has been shredded

      If your PCI Settings in Default Data is Schedule C, or D and the retention period for the card has expired, you might see this error.

      It means that you attempted to refund to a shredded credit card. The way to refund in this situations is:

      • Ensure you have independent refund capability
      • Call the patron and get their credit card number ending in xxxx
      • Use the following steps to change a post dated payment credit card in any location that it allows it
      • then Authorize the post dated refund in End of Day deposits or Till Balance

      Refunds accepted to a certain amount and start getting rejected

      Sometimes refunds just work during a day, then they don't.

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      You may have daily or weekly limits to the amount that can be refunded Verify with your merchant provider if there are limits. If so, then when doing a mass refund to an event:
      • Create all refunds to credit cards.
      • Do not authorize the cards at time of refund - which saves them for end of day
      • In end of day, Authorize refunds up to your limit, use the Remove button in the Deposit window to remove the rest of the refunds. Authorize the remaining refunds on subsequent days.
      You may have limits based on bank balance Verify with your merchant provider and bank if there are limits based on balance. If so, then when doing a mass refund to an event:
      • Create all refunds to credit cards.
      • Do not authorize the cards at time of refund - which saves them for end of day
      • In end of day, Authorize refunds up to your limit, use the Remove button in the Deposit window to remove the rest of the refunds. Authorize the remaining refunds on subsequent days.

      Refunds with merchant profiles enabled

      Merchant Profiles are a feature provided by some merchant providers where, during an authorization:
      • The patron provides the card data to Theatre Manager during an authorization
      • Theatre Manager sends the data to the bank and receives a UNIQUE TOKEN back
      • and the unique token can be used for all subsequent authorizations or refunds, without ever needing the card data again, making it suited for post dated payments for schedule 'C' compliance.

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      Some cards are accepted and some rejected If you have merchant profiles enabled and cards are being rejected:
      • You may not have a profile for the patron.
      Theatre Manger only creates profiles for patrons when they use a card for the first time -or- if you asked Theatre Manager to convert any encrypted card data into merchant profiles after setting the flag.

      You cannot create a profile for previously shredded card data.

      First Transaction Cannot be a Refund

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      Cannot send a refund after completing an end of day Some merchant providers instituted a policy that the first transaction after settling batches or the fraud transaction in any calendar day could not be a refund, since that might be considered the first step to fraud.

      If Theatre Manager gives you a message that it cannot process a refund as the first transaction, it may be as simple as turning ON setting that first transaction can be a refund in your merchant setup to seeing if your merchant provider still enforces this rule. If they still do, then contact your merchant provider to get that rule waived.

      End of Day Imbalance due to Sweep Time

      This condition pertains to refunds that actually worked, but causes a seeming out of balance error condition in End of Day when depositing. You may get a list of transactions that are in Theatre Manager and not in Authorize.Net or vice versa.

      Conditions Action or Workaround
      Refunds appear in Theatre Manager and not in
      Refunds are processed immediately by

      If you do a lot of refunds before the sweep time and settle end of day after the sweep time, you may be told that you are out of balance by what seems to be the total amount of your refunds.

      See explanation why processes refunds right away.

      Transactions in but not in Theatre Manager
      Print the Audit report and refer to the help around reading the audit report and actions to take

      Refunds using Full Card Data (stored)

      Individual Refunds

      Individual refunds are easiest when you can refund to a credit card on file. This is possible if

      • You keep encrypted data in the database for all patrons by using Schedule D with a reasonable retention period -or-
      • You are using merchant profiles and a profile has been created for the patron because they used the credit card to buy something -and-
      • You are allowed to do independent refunds by your merchant provider.


      Mass Refunds of tickets to Events

      You can do mass refunds if you have card data stored in the database if the patrons card data meets the individual criteria above.


      Possible Errors doing Refunds with Full Card Data

      We recommend doing the refunds first, then authorizing during end of day. This gives you more control over the authorization process. Typical issues that can arise are:

      • Credit card rejected - you will need to call the patron
      • Independent Refunds - you might see these if they are enabled by your merchant provider.
      • Linked Refunds - you might see some of these errors if independent refunds are not enabled.
      • Shredded Card Errors - the system might create a payment for a shredded credit card. Naturally, this will be declined. The card can be entered manually during end of day.

      Independent Refunds using Full Card Data (entered)

      Individual Refunds

      Refunding using full card data means that you are able to enter the patron's credit card in full and ask for a refund. You should receive an authorization.

      Refunding with no previous card on file requires:


      Mass Refunds of tickets to Events

      You cannot do mass refunds unless you have card data (or a merchant profile) stored in the database. If you find that you need to refund a lot of people and have neither, you can still use the mechanisms described in refunding to an entire performance

      • The best way is by:
        • opening the performance attendance tab
        • selecting tickets to an order
        • and refund on a case by case basis (described in the above link)
      • You can refund all tickets and then create refund payments later -or-


      Possible Errors doing Refunds with Full Card Data entered by you

      Since you have to be talking to a patron to refund money when typing in the full card data, you are able to ask them for their card data.

      Typical issues that can arise are:

      • Credit card rejected - you will need to call the patron
      • Independent Refunds - you might see these if they are enabled.
      • First transaction is a Refund - You might be prevented from refunding as the first transaction of the day - which might need a flag changed.

      Linked Refunds using tokens within xx days

      Individual Refunds

      Refunding using tokens is like refunding using merchant profiles. It means that you can select a prior card owned by the patron on the payment window based on the last 4 digits. The payment window will appear to show a masked credit card number.

      Then submitting the refund for authorization, you are restricted to the rules of Linked Refunds. You must pick a card that belongs to the order, otherwise you will not receive an authorization.


      if you receive a message from Theatre Manager there are NO PRIOR PAYMENTS when doing a refund, the root cause is because merchant providers have been forcing venues to use linked refunds, meaning they imposed a typical time limit of having to refund within 120 days of purchase.

      In these times of crisis, each venue seems to have a different time limit and you can set it in Theatre Manager's Merchant Setup. It may work if you increase the time frame. If not, you may need to talk to the bank to have them raise the timeframe on their end as well.


      Mass Refunds of tickets to Events

      Mass refunds of tickets and creating payment at time of refund using tokens is currently not supported.

      You can open the attendance window and refund patrons orders one by one, selecting card as the refund method. This will invoke refund by token for that order.


      Possible Errors doing Refunds with Merchant Profiles

      Typical issues that can arise are:

      • Credit card rejected - you will need to call the patron
      • Linked Refunds - you might see some of these errors.

      Refunds using Merchant Profiles

      Individual Refunds

      Refunding using merchant profiles means that you can select a prior card owned by the patron on the payment window based on the last 4 digits. The payment window will appear to show a masked credit card number.

      Then submitting the refund for authorization, your merchant provider subjects you to the same rules depending on whether you can do:

      • Independent Refunds: the only difference is you are not typing the credit card and do not need to talk to the patron to get it
      • Linked Refunds: if you pick a card that doesn't belong to the order, you will not receive an authorization


      Mass Refunds of tickets to Events

      You can do mass refunds of tickets using merchant profiles. TM will attempt to use the merchant profile and apply an independent refund. Linked refunds are currently not supported for mass refund of tickets.


      Possible Errors doing Refunds with Merchant Profiles

      We recommend doing the refunds first, then authorizing during end of day. This gives you more control over the authorization process. Typical issues that can arise are:

      • Credit card rejected - you will need to call the patron
      • Independent Refunds - you might see these if they are enabled.
      • Linked Refunds - you might see some of these errors if independent refunds are not enabled.
      • Shredded Card Errors - the system might create a payment for a shredded credit card. Naturally, this will be declined. The card can be entered manually during end of day.

      USB Credit Card Swipes

      Theatre Manager supports using USB credit card swipes - which effectively are a replacement for keyboard input. The user swipes a credit card into the USB reader which translates it into keyboard input - exactly as if you typed the data.

      Installation is easy - just plug it into your computer.

      It works by reading the card information, including the track II information into Theatre Manager. Theatre Manager encrypts the credit card. It forwards the track II information to the credit card company and then promptly forgets about it - Track II data is never retained in Theatre Manager per PCI DSS requirements. A number of credit card companies use Track II information as proof that the cardholder is present and may adjust discount rates. Note also that they adjust rates for full address verification, CVV2 verification and other factors - making it equivalent to Track II authorization.

      All Service Providers operate as card not present. That means Track II information is never send to them, even if the credit card is swiped using a USB reader. The card #, plus address and CVV2 are more important and will provide competitive discount rates.

      In this case, a USB swipe becomes only an efficiency tool for data entry rather than a need for proving card present.

      Moneris has an additional option: sending card information using and external pin pad, if you wish to have those as part of your account. It allows Schedule B-IP compliance and is considered Card Present, allowing tab, chip and pin, swipe, apple-pay, etc.

      Any computer that has a USB credit card reader OR a keyboard attached to should have limited ability to connect to the internet with direct access for browsing and/or strong virus protection

      This protection is to detect any 'bad actors' in viruses which are keystroke loggers. If your machine is infected, it will send every keystroke to the 'bad guys' and this is one easy way for them to compromise credit card information, one card at a time when they are entered.

      Programming a Credit Card Swipe

      The following instructions are used to program a USB or serial ID Tech Minimag credit card swipe purchased from Arts Management Systems to work with Theatre Manager version 7 or later. If you did not purchase the swipe from Arts Management, you may need to ask your vendor how you can re-program the swipe to work with Theatre Manager.


      You may NOT have to program your swipe if:

      1. it only has track II programed for it, you do not need to change it (these are generally swpes that are older than 2 or 3 years). You will know this if TM never shows you the swiped name in the card name field when you swipe it.
      2. you try it and there is no issues
      3. it is made by a vendor other than IDTech
      4. it is made by IDtech and the model number is IDT3331-02U


      Historically, the credit card swipes from Arts Management would work out of the box. On the PC, we have found that there are timing issues with the delimiters between tracks and how Theatre Manager accepts them. So, the object of reprogramming the swipes is simply to change the delimiter between the tracks from a 'CR'.


      To program a credit card swipe, you will need:

      Steps for IDtech models

      • IDMB3331-02UB
      • IDMB-334112B

      1. Download the installation software to a PC
      2. When you get it on your desktop, you will need to run the executable program and it will create a folder on your desktop.
      3. Look in that folder and run the 'Setup.exe' program that you see in the picture to the right.
      4. After you have installed the program, go to:
        1. Start Menu
        2. Program Files
        3. Mag Swipe Configuration Utility folder
        4. pick the Mag Swipe Configuration Utility application as per the side picture.



      Before starting, plug in the Credit Card reader into the computer.


      When you start the application, you will see some choices down the left side. The first step is to click the 'Select Reader Interface'



      The screen will change. Pick the interface for the swipe you have by clicking the little 'blue' dot until it turns into a checkmark.


      For most, this will the the USB interface


      For some, it will be the serial interface.


      Then click 'Continue'



      After clicking done, click the 'Change Basic Reader Settings' Swipe Setup


      The window will change an there are a number of tabs across the top in this option. Do not change anything else unless advised by Arts Management Systems.



      Click on the 'Track Settings' tab at the top and the screen should look similar to the left.


      Click on the 'Track Separator' field.


      Type a '~' into that field. On most keyboards, this will be on the upper left area and you likely will have to hold the shift key to get it.


      When the screen looks like that on the right, click 'Send to MSR'. The credit card swipe should beep.


      When that is done, click 'close' on this screen.


      Click Exit.



      If you have more than one swipe, unplug the first one from this machine and then plug the second one in.


      Repeat the steps above until all are programmed.


      Test the swipes with theatre manager on the patron payment window.