The Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) is a self-validation tool for merchants who, because of transaction volume or other criteria, are not required to do on-site assessments for PCI DSS compliance. The SAQ includes a series of yes-or-no questions for compliance. If an answer is no, the organization must state the future remediation date and associated actions. In order to align more closely with merchants and their compliance validation process, the SAQ was revised and now allows for flexibility based on the complexity of a particular merchant’s or service provider’s business situation (see chart below). The SAQ validation type does not correlate to the merchant classification or risk level.
Source: PCI 3.0 quick reference guide
The PCI council has established 4 main levels for merchant compliance; schedules 'A', 'B','C' or 'D' with some variations at each level. You can use the table to the right to help determine the level that applies to your organization below.
Compliance Summary

Theatre Manager can achieve compliance for
- schedule 'A' using Moneris Hosted Payment Page and only web sales with no card holder data storage
- schedule 'B' or 'B-IP' if using pin pad machines for walk up and using Moneris Hosted Payment Page for web sales with no card holder data storage
- schedule 'C' using a setting in System Preferences for venues processing cards through TM for both box office and e-comerce -and- no storage of card holder data
- schedule 'D' using a setting in System Preferences for venues processing cards through TM for both box office and e-comerce -and- storing cardholder data for any purpose such as recurring transactions and post date payments.
schedule 'A-EP' Merchants using hosted payments for web sales like Moneris
Compliance Levels
The inherent nature of the ticketing business with a combination of walk up, phone and/or internet sales means that Theatre Manager (or any other ticketing system for that matter - hosted or non-hosted) probably results in Schedule 'C' or 'D' compliance when card data is stored. Per the table above, Schedule 'A' may be possible for venues using Moneris Hosted Payment Page and e-commerce only. Schedule 'B' may be possible if using point of sale terminals and no card holder data storage.