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Converting HPP to Moneris Checkout

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The process of converting from Hosted Payments to the Moneris Checkout should be straightforward
  • Log on to your online Moneris E-Select Plus account
  • Follow the instructions to make a Moneris Checkout Page and copy the Checkout ID
  • Change your merchant settings in Theatre Manager from Hosted Payments to Moneris Checkout (see below)
  • Put the Checkout ID into the right place in Theatre Managaer
  • tmCheckout.html
    • You will have to update the web page if you have altered it in the past.
    • If you have not changed it (i.e. it is not in your web page directory), then you are done
There are two additonal things you might have to watch out for:
  • You may need to add some credit card types like JCB, UPAY into code tables
  • If you have implemented restrictive outgoing firewall rules, you may need to review those to allow the Moneris checkout page to render in your organization's internal networks. It should not affect any patrons at home


Converting Moneris Hosted Payment to Moneris Checkout

Once you have your Checkout ID, all you need to do is change two things in your merchant setup:

      Complete your current end of day and settle all your credit cards
    1. Open the Setup->System Tables-> Merchant Account list
    2. Find the current/active Moneris Hosted Payment Page account in the list and double click on it
    3. On the Software Type tab

      click on the Merchant Provider popup. Change it:

      • From Moneris Hosted Pay Page - Deprecated
      • To Moneris Checkout

    4. On the Connection Info Tab:
      • Locate the field called Hosted Checkout ID
      • Save the contents of the field from the HPP setup, in case you need to put it back in later to reverse the process back to HPP
      • Paste in the checkout ID you created on the Moneris web site

    5. Save the merchant record
    6. Go to your online sales and try it out. The checkout process should be similar to the example. If it is not similar, please contact us.
    7. Go to your online Moneris Portal and make sure that it indicates that the card is authorized
    8. Try to void the credit card payment in Theatre Manager you just put through online
    9. Go to your online Moneris Portal and make sure that it indicates that the card is now voided