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Web Options - Carts and Checkout

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Show price/fee/tax breakout if enabled, shows a breakout of ticket prices, fees, taxes etc on the checkout page as per the image to the right.
Show 'Face Value' price and final price in carts If enabled, this will show the face value of a ticket (as determined in the Web Options tab) on all online web pages and any e-ticket emailed to a patron.
Cart Timeout The number of minutes a patron can do nothing after accessing a page before the cart becomes inactive and the items released. Whenever the patron requests another page to resume shopping, the timer is reset.
Moneris Hosted Payments requires that your cart timeout is 60 minutes - it cannot be less. This is because Moneris payment acceptance is 60 minutes and we cannot close carts until their payment page has timed out.
Session Timeout The number of minutes a patron can be idle on the web site before they are logged out. This must be the same or larger than the cart timeout.

The difference between session and cart time out:

  • The cart time out only releases items in the cart to others after the timeout is reached. If somebody is logged in, they stay logged in.
  • The session timeout is when the patron is logged out (which also closes the cart if it is not closed). After that, the patron must log in again if they attempt to complete a cart.

  • Streaming Performances We highly recommend increasing your web sales session timeout to be at least 1 week, and even up to a year. By extending the session timeout, patrons will not have to login as often which will smooth out the web experience and remove obstacles to purchase. This is especially true when patrons are logged in on mobile devices.


Min Cart Payment You can specify a value that the cart must be before a credit card checkout would be attempted. This can be used to prevent 'bad guys' using your web site to try verify if stolen credit cards could be accepted.

Set it zero to ignore the check completely. Carts containing only comp tickets or ticket completely paid for by passes are ignored by this test.

Pay Order Balances Online When selected, patrons will be able to pay for any outstanding order balances online if the order is marked as such when putting on account. If this is disabled, then the feature of paying prior order balances is disabled completely.

NOTE: If a patron pays for a prior order balance online, three (or more) payments are created:
  1. Credit Card Payment: The credit card payment amount is determined based on the total value in the cart. This INCLUDES the balance on the prior orders.
  2. Cash payment 1: A CREDIT CASH payment is made to reduce the overall payment amount on the cart to the purchased value of new items EXCLUDING totals for prior orders
  3. Cash Payment 2 - N: A DEBIT CASH payment is then made for EACH of the other order(s) that were added to the cart to be paid off. This allocates a CASH payment to each of the orders added to the cart to reduce its balance to zero.
The net effect is similar to a payment applied to multiple orders
Must Acknowledge Terms and Conditions When selected, patrons will be required to read/accept the terms and conditions at checkout. You may be able to place certain restrictions in the terms and conditions to cover exchange and refund policies, patron behaviour, age limits, scalping,etc.

Refer to tmtermsandconditions.html for more information.

Add Calendar to Confirmation Emails If selected, then a calendar will be attached to the outgoing confirmation email as an ICS file. This can be double clicked by the user to add their purchase dates to their calendar on their own devices.
Terms and Conditions You can add your extra terms and conditions here that will show when they are requested on the checkout window.

Covid 19 You can enter your Covid 19 policy in plain text, HTML or markup language and it will appear in the web site automatically.

Adding words to covid 19 tab also causes the 'accept terms and conditions' checkbox on the web site to say that there are Covid 19 conditions. We recommend using this in conjunction with event list notes so that people will see instructions both before and after ordering.

Notification You can set up a notification which specifies a list of email addresses that will receive a copy of all completed shopping cart emails. This can be used for audit or backup purposes.

If implemented, you will have to clean out the emails from the specified email account yourself and use of this feature is not recommended if you have rate limiters at your ISP (such as google mail)

Browser Payment API Support

Some web browsers support card payment options natively that allows the patron to manage their own card data within the browser and use it to pay in a web cart interface.

If selected, Theatre Manager will attempt to use alternate payment screens on checkout to try to simplify the payment interface.

If all are unchecked, then Theatre Manager does not try to take advantage of the API's in a browser and uses the existing web page payment screen that is designed to be the same on all browsers.

Note: these options currently cannot be used with Acknowledge terms and conditions option (above)

Built in Bootstrap View If enabled, Theatre Manager will show a summary of the purchase and credit card input on one modal dialog using bootstrap. This causes other checkout options like delivery options to default. It is meant to use as a quick pay option
Basic Card If enabled and the browser supports it, the browser will use the built in payment screen from the browser. Google chrome is currently the only browser that implements this (since they invented it). If this option is not supported by your browser, then the Built in Bootstrap view will be used (if enabled here)

reCAPTCHA Support

Google has a tool called reCAPTCHA. They state, on their web site:

reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website. Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to login, make purchases, view pages, or create accounts and fake users will be blocked.

Client Key If enabled, enter the client key that you obtained from the google web site when you signed up for the feature.
Server Key If enabled, enter the server key that you obtained from the google web site when you signed up for the feature.