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Exporting Data From TM

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You can export data from Theatre Manager in several formats.
  • Theatre Manager (Workstation) export options include:
    • tab-delimited
    • comma-delimited
    • Excel 97-2004 and
    • Excel Format (for Excel 2008 and later).
    • Specialty data interchange format for things like maps
  • The REST API allows a number of other output format options, some of which may be more suitable for programmers and automating interfaces.


Parts of Theatre Manager you can Export From

Any list on any window
  • Just select some lines in a list (or all lines), right click, and export the selected data to a text file or in excel format.
  • Export Tab - Available in some reports
  • generalized Export Reports where you can export from almost any table in the database.
Export Data
Export Event Information
Venue Management
Mail Lists
Form Letters