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Refunds accepted to a certain amount and start getting rejected

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Sometimes refunds just work during a day, then they don't.

Conditions Action or Workaround
You may have daily or weekly limits to the amount that can be refunded Verify with your merchant provider if there are limits. If so, then when doing a mass refund to an event:
  • Create all refunds to credit cards.
  • Do not authorize the cards at time of refund - which saves them for end of day
  • In end of day, Authorize refunds up to your limit, use the Remove button in the Deposit window to remove the rest of the refunds. Authorize the remaining refunds on subsequent days.
You may have limits based on bank balance Verify with your merchant provider and bank if there are limits based on balance. If so, then when doing a mass refund to an event:
  • Create all refunds to credit cards.
  • Do not authorize the cards at time of refund - which saves them for end of day
  • In end of day, Authorize refunds up to your limit, use the Remove button in the Deposit window to remove the rest of the refunds. Authorize the remaining refunds on subsequent days.