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Patron Location

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The Code Table Patron Location is used to categorize the locations or categories that can be found though-out patron data entry for:
  • phone numbers
  • addresses
  • e-mail addresses
  • web site addresses
Note: for addresses, you can indicate if 'Company/Title' should be printed on the address label or form letter address. This field would be checked for 'work' addresses, and not for 'home'. If the company name is not marked to be printed on an address (in codetables), it never will for labels or form letters

For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.


Default Locations used at the Box Office

Every code table can have a default value indicated by the '•' at the left of the code table entry. This is important to set for the Location table as it affects which location is used by default. In the example below:

  • Home is the default location, so it will appear in the new patron entry screen.
  • Home is allowed to be used for:
    • Phone numbers so the default for all phone numbers entered at the box office is 'home'. If you don't want that for a specific phone number, you much change it on the patron window
    • E-mail - which is shown as the default for email entry
    • Web site - which is shown as the default for web sites
    • Address - which is shown as the default for addresses
  • Home is not allowed for fax in this example. The default for fax will be one of other locations that allows fax numbers


Default Locations used on the web Site (for new patrons)

Locations on the web are a bit more granular and refer to the code tables for values, but do not use the code tables for position of usage.

For example, on the web you may want to:

  • Only allow certain items to be entered
  • duplicate some of them (like allow entry of multiple phone number)
  • Change the order in which they are presented

to do this, you edit the file called constantPATRONCONTACTNEW.txt that is in the tmTemplates folder. In that file, you would have a number followed by a tab, followed by the name of the location from the code table. The number reflects the meaning of the contact data. Always put Email first. The following is an example:

4 tab Home   where

  • 4 means email per the legend -and-
  • Home is the value to use which must exist in code tables and be valid for that entry

so a reasonable list of entries are:

Number Value Description
4 Home the default email address is 'home' it does at the top opf the new patron web page
1 Home the default mailing address is also 'home' which goes in the address section of the web page. If you put a second address in this table, you could allow patrons to enter a work address or leave it blank.
2 blank A blank entry means take the default location for a phone from the code tables. In the example of the code table above, it would also be 'home'
2 Work means add a second entry field for another phone number and label it 'Work'
2 Cottage means add a third entry field for another number and label it 'Cottage'

The above table do not have any entry for 3 (faxes) or 5 (web sites), so those options will not be presented to the user.


Default Locations used on the web Site (for existing patrons)

There is a similar file called constantPATRONCONTACTEXISTING.txt with the same rules for existing patrons. Theatre Manager will always show all the data in the patron record and no more. If you want to have some empty fields for additional data, you can add more to the template.

For example, if you want to allow up to 3 phone numbers, then you might have a table of

  • 2 tab Home
  • 2 tab Work
  • 2 tab Mobile
Theatre Manager will fill the appropriate ones in from the patrons record and leave blank ones it cannot find, so the patron may add them if they wish.


Default Locations used on the web Site (for existing patrons)

There is a similar file called constantPATRONCONTACTLIMITED.txt with the same rules if you are using limited profile patrons to specify what those phone or emails will be called when a patron fills them in.
