Course Attendance Reasons must be setup in
Setup > >System Tables >> Code Tables before they can be used in Courses.

The field settings are:
- Attendance Reason - this is a short description to appear online in the patrons' attendance record. Examples: 'away' or 'sick'
- Expanded Description - is a longer description for lists for the attendance reason. Examples:
- 'cannot attend - personal reason' or
- 'caught the current flu going around'
- set the status to be active or in active
- indicate that the attendance reason as being patron usable. If this flag is set, then a patron can use this excuse to set their own attendance to a class within a course using the online module. For example, if a student could not attend one day in a drama class, ballet class, swim class or pilates session they can indicate why they cannot come so that the instructor knows who will be present that day.
Staff can use all reasons that are active, including those that are marked not patron usable
For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.
To see where and how Course Attendance Reason is used in Courses, click here.