Sales promotions are used during the ticket purchase process to indicate how the base ticket price is to be altered to arrive at the final ticket price. A sales promotion is a discount, a markup, or a combination of both that is added to a ticket at the time of purchase. A ticket sold at "full" price has a sales promotion that has a no markup and no discount.
Markups and discounts can be percentages or fixed amounts. For Example:
- A half price sales promotion has a 50% discount.
- A group discount could be $4.00 off the regular price.
- A special promotion that includes a reception, may have a markup of $4.00 added to the regular price.
A sales promotion can combine a discount and a markup. For Example:
- You could have a special seniors price which is always $7.00 that combines a 100% discount with a $7.00 markup.
Ticket prices before tax are calculated as:
- Ticket Price = Ticket Base price - Sales Promotion Discount + Sales Promotion Markup.
Sales Promotions Codes are accessed through the Setup >> System Tables >> Sales Promotions Menu.

The Sales Promotions window opens.

Click here for a
detailed description of this window and it's functions.