Tax and Budget
Tax Code |
A unique tax code applicable to this performance only. Click here for more information on the Tax Tables. |
Sales Target |
The budgeted amount this performance is planned to bring in. This is a 'static' field and is not used in reporting.
Include in Annual Patron Statistics |
Enable the check box to include the performance in the patron statistics tab summary that is calculated for each patron and shown on the patron window.
if you change this setting and:
- Set it then Theatre Manager will take all prior sales to this event and add it to the patron statistics. From that point on, each sale will cause the patron statistics to be incremented.
- Clear it then Theatre Manager will remove this event from all patron totals.
This means you can change your mind with this feature after tickets are sold and data it automatically corrected.
Quantity To Sell |
The number of tickets available for sale. |
Quantity To Report |
The number to be used when the venue is considered 100% sold out. It is normally always the same as the Quantity to Sell.
When might it be different?
The feature is intended to be used if you have a scaled house for actor equity purposes and equity lets you sell your venue at a lower size. You would be holding these 'standing room' tickets -- which equity has allowed you to have for overflow crowds only. If you need the extra seats, you then pay actor equity rates for the expanded venue site to use all seats for that performance.
Online Availability is affected by this number
Online Availability is based on quantity to report. The 'Buy' button in online sales counts all holds in the equation.
The performance is 100% sold out online when SOLDS PLUS HOLDS >= QUANTITY TO REPORT
You can indicate if the social distance holds are part of the hold count for the quantity to report for each performance by:
- Using the default from the pricing map for this performance (recommended default)
- Including 'q' holds in the count to reach 100% capacity online for this performance (overrides the pricing map default)
- Excluding 'q' holds' from the count for this performance (overrides the pricing map default)
- If:
- there are 600 seats in house
- quantity to report is 200. (meaning you are 100% sold out at 200 tickets)
- Then:
- If you hold or sell any combination of 200 tickets, you are considered sold out ONLINE even though there would be 400 available seats in the house.
- If you decide to increase the reporting amount, then you will only have that many more tickets to sell.
- Box office is not limited by this number - they can sell as many as you want
Where else can this be used as an effective sales strategy?
If you have a general admission venue where you should only have 300 seats, then you can set the available capacity at 350 and the reporting capacity at 300. This will limit online sales to 300.
However, at the box office, you can 'oversell' the event - like airlines - based on your own calculated no-show factor.
Include Web 'q' Holds? |
Indicates how the social distance holds are to be included in the quantity to report online (refer to quantity to report above). You can:
- Use the default quantity to report setting from the pricing map to include or exclude the holds
- Specifically set this performance to include the social distance holds in determining when you are 100% sold out online -or-
- Exclude the social distance holds from the calculation if you are trying to achieve sold out at a maximum number of actual ticket sales.
Total Sold |
A running count of the total sales for this performance. |
Held Seat Count |
This is the number of seats currently being held. For Festival seating you can input a new number to raise or lower the
number of holds. For Reserved seating you will need to change the holds on the Venue Map. |
Internet Held Seats |
Additional seats that are being withheld from sale on the Internet. |
Social Distance Holds |
The is the current count of the seats held with the social distance hold letter. This special hold code is specified in System Preferences as the associated seat hold code. |
Posting Status
Accounting Posting - Deferred Revenue G/L |
If the performance has occured, then the posting account for the sales will be listed here. A sales posting of
- SP-0000000 means that the performance never used deferred revenue accounting
- SP-XXXXXXX means that the performance was using deferred revenue accounting and the sales posting 'XXXXXXX' is the one that contains the data fro the transfer of deferred to earned revenue
- blank means that the performance is in the future and has not yet had the deferred revenue posted
Convert Earned Revenue Back to Deferred
You will only see the Convert Earned Revenue Back to Deferred button if you are:
- logged in as a Master User or Outlet Administrator-and-
- the event has been rolled over from deferred revenue to earned revenue -and-
- the date of the event is in the future
The purpose of the feature is to create a reversing entry for all posted ticket transactions and move the revenue from earned back into deferred. Altering the account setup before doing this has tremendous implications and you may still need to make a manual GL entry to address any incorrect GL codes.
If you choose to do this, read about the effects in Converting Earned To Deferred Revenue for more information.