Ticket printing options and e-ticket delivery for print at home are most often enabled and disabled in the Play tab of the Event window. You can over-ride the settings to allow them to be different for every performance.
For the steps on Turning on Print at Home Options at the Individual Event level,
Click here.

Parts of the Ticket Printing Tab
Box Office Settings
Selections are:
- Print ticket face and any sales promotions
- Mark tickets as printed (but don't print)
- Print only the sales promotion ticket face
- Print ticket face only
- Use the same as the event setting, what ever that is currently set at
E-Ticket Delivery
Selections are:
- Tickets cannot be printed at home (patron must select mail or will-call)
- Tickets must be printed at home (patron has no option)
- Tickets will be printed at home (unless patron selects mail or will-call)