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G/L Entries Tab

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The G/L Entries tab displays a detailed summary of the transactions created and journalized to the general ledger for the general ledger accounts defined for this play.

Refer to how to balance the event after it closes

Parts of the G/L Tab

Journal Number The specific journal number associated with the G/L entry.
Description Whether the entry is a Sales Posting, Deposit Posting, or manual G/L entry
Date Date the G/L entry took place
Account # The G/L Account number.
Memo A single memo line, generated by Theatre Manager to indicate in the ledger the purpose of the entry.
Debit The debit amount associated with the G/L entry.
Credit The credit amount associated with the G/L entry.
Date Posted The date the entry was posted to the G/L.
You can adjust the summary options by choosing the drop down menu. Selections are:
  • No Summary
  • Account #
  • Journal # and Account #
  • Journal Date and Account #
  • Posting Date and Account #
G/L entries do not include tickets from unposted sales or orders marked as reservation only. All difference lines should be zero if the event balances. Click the Clear Reservations only button, to reset the reservation only flag for all tickets sold to this play.
Summary Table At the bottom of the window is a summary listing of the revenue from:
  • Sold tickets - this is the counts from the ticket inventory
  • Cash Flow - which is derived from transactions tracking how the tickets got to be sold or refunded
  • Non-Posted - which are tickets that have not yet been posted to the G/L
  • Reservation Only - which are tickets marked reservation only and we are not telling accounting about
The difference across the bottom should be zero. If so, then all parts of TM are in balance for this event. You will also see a • balances • message in blue at the upper left of the subtotal area in the window. If you do not see that, you should investigate (after posting all entries).

To the right is a commission total. That generally should have totals at the bottom that are zero as well. However, in an outlet version, if one outlet sells the ticket and the owning outlet refunds the ticket, then you will see non-zero totals. That indicates tickets were exchanged or refunded or the user by the owner of the event and the original outlet is still is due their commissions on the work they did.
