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Duplicating an Event / Play

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To Duplicate and Event/Play, you perform the following steps:
  1. Select Setup >> Plays from Theatre Manager's main menu. Alternatively, click the Play button in the main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Play List window opens.

  2. For more information on finding events, click here.

  3. Highlight the Event / Play you want to duplicate.

  4. Click the Duplicate button.
  5. A duplicate event /play is now available for you to edit.

  6. Open the Duplicate Event/Play for editing.

You can now change:

  • Information on the Event/Play Information tab
  • Accounting Tab (the information from the play/event should have been duplicated
  • On the Marketing tab, set the genre and make any notes you want to include online.
  1. When you have completed your editing, click the Save button.

    You can now add your performances on the Performances tab. Click here for more information on adding performances.
