The statistics are kept as a total for all Donations to this Campaign. Targets are useful for long term capital campaigns. Theatre Manager does not support targets on an annual basis for ongoing/annual campaigns.
Total Target | Goal for the campaign. |
Show on Internet | Shows the progress to date on the web pages in the internet.
Non-Financial Donation Amounts |
Prospects | The total value of prospect donations for the campaign. |
Soft Pledges | The total value of soft pledge donations for the campaign. |
Soft Credits | Total value of soft credits allocated for the campaign. |
Donation Amounts Affecting G/L |
Actual | Total amount received. |
Total Donations | Total number of donations for the campaign. |
Hard Pledges | The total pledged amount for the campaign. |
Matching Gifts | The amount of matching gifts for the campaign. |
# Gifts Matched | The number of matching gift donations for the campaign. |
Written Off | The total value of donations written off against this campaign. |
Balance Owing | Total balance owing on donations for this campaign. |