Statistics Tab

The statistics are kept as a total for all Donations to this Campaign. Targets are useful for long term capital campaigns. Theatre Manager does not support targets on an annual basis for ongoing/annual campaigns.

Parts of the Statistics Tab

Total Target Goal for the campaign.
Show on Internet Shows the progress to date on the web pages in the internet.

It will show the progress on the:

Non-Financial Donation Amounts

Prospects The total value of prospect donations for the campaign.
Soft Pledges The total value of soft pledge donations for the campaign.
Soft Credits Total value of soft credits allocated for the campaign.

Donation Amounts Affecting G/L

Actual Total amount received.
Total Donations Total number of donations for the campaign.
Hard Pledges The total pledged amount for the campaign.
Matching Gifts The amount of matching gifts for the campaign.
# Gifts Matched The number of matching gift donations for the campaign.
Written Off The total value of donations written off against this campaign.
Balance Owing Total balance owing on donations for this campaign.