Version 9 is a major release for PCI PA/DSS 1.2 compliance and UTF8 converison. All components of Theatre Manager need to be updated to meet the new PCI requirements and we have tried to aggregate everything into one large upgrade step for the year to optimize work effort. If you would like to contract ArtsMan to do this for you, please read about the upgrade options.
Specifically you will need to:
Please refer to the 8.xx-9.00 upgrade steps and allow 4-6 hours for the upgrade from version 8 as all components have changed to latest versions for PCI compliance.
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 8.24
this checkbox must be set before the last payment is taken and the order window closed otherwise credit card receipts will not print. |
There is a significant underlying change to donation management in this release. A new field has been implemented called 'Receipt Not Required' that is applicable to each donation. If it is set, no receipt can be printed
If the end user's Outlook client is set to send emails as RTF or HTML (in some versions), the response sent back by Outlook is in a Winmail.dat file which we do not yet read. You will be able to still go in with your Outlook (or other) client and view the message by hand and update your Theatre Manager information. |
On PC Apache servers, please find all files called '.ds_store' and delete those for PCI compliance. |
Files in the main htdocs directory | |
TMsysNoListeners.html | this is a new file. It is activated if there are no listeners for any outlet active and/or if the user attempts to get a listing of the /TheatreManager directory. use it to redirect the user to the correct outlet. |
Files in the each outlet directory (1) | |
TMsysBusyListeners.html | compare old page to new |
TMsysErrorListeners.html | compare old page to new |
TMsysNoListeners.html | compare old page to new - this is similar to but not the same page as in the main htdocs directory. It indicates that a specific outlet has no listeners running. |
eblastimages | this is a new directory that will contain all jpegs used for eblasts and for pictures used in the 'event' marketing tab. Please make sure that the FTP user in 'Company Preferences' has full read/write access to this folder, and all other users have read access |
Files in the main WebPagesEN directory | |
TMpatronUpdate.html | compare old page to new. Changes are to better handle multiple patrons in the household. |
TMpatronNew.html | compare old page to new. Changes are to better handle patrons trying to add themselves twice. |
TMpatronNewEmail.html | minor changes to add company name to the email |
TMpatronUpdateEmail.html | minor changes to add company name to the email |
TMCheckoutConfirmation.html | Remove the credit card expiry date from the confirmation per FACTA. Also provide capability ot printing receipt, printing ticket bar codes in controlled manner. |
TMCheckoutInvoiceEmail.html | Remove the credit card expiry date from the email per FACTA |
tmTemplates | |
rowPatronEmail.html | compare old page to new, specifically remove HTML email preferences CCL_PREFER_HTML |
rowPatronEmailLimitedProfile.html | compare old page to new, specifically remove HTML email preferences as above |
rowCheckoutDonation.html | removed the bar code column. This was done for esthetics, performance improvements and to direct the user to askingfor a specially formatted bar code page that contains only ticket information. This and similar changes are optional, but recommended |
rowCheckoutFestival.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutMailFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutOrderFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutPass.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutReserve.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutSub.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutSubNewGroup.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutCoupon.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutCourse.html | removed the bar code column |
rowCheckoutOrderCouponFee.html | removed the bar code column |
rowFutureTicketHeader.html | revised to to remove an extraneous </script> tag |
rowPatronAddress.html | markers to identify mandatory fields |
constantPATRONCONTACTEXISTING.txt | new file |
constantPATRONCONTACTNEW.txt | new file |
setPROMOTIONSUB_LIST.html | used to present alternate options for price/promotion/price code for subscriptions. Example. Regular tickets might show price, subscripitons mught just show promotions as in 'Subscription' |
setPROMOTIONSUB_LISTempty.html | used to present alternate option for 'no subscripitons available' if Theatre Manager cannot find a price. |
tmFooter.html | New file containing google analytics code and addition of possible footer for each web page (see version 9.01) |
tmCampaign | |
tmCampaign1.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmCampaign2.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmCampaignDefault.html | compare old page to new, minor changes |
tmEvent | |
tmEventDefault.html | revistions to show an picture placed into the 'events' window on the marketing tab. This allows you to put pictures into the default 'about this event' page within Theatre Manager and not touch the web pages. |
tmEvent1.html | same as above |
tmMaps | |
TMSubscriptionMapDefaultf.html | compare old page to new, minor changes. |
Please send a note to to get the links for theatre manager before starting the upgrade if you are attempting the process yourself as we will need schedule the upgrade support (we can't do everybody in one day).
The steps to upgrade generally involve:
You will need a Macintosh intel machine to do the work on (all downloads are free). It assumes that you have:
If you have not done the above successfully, the next steps in the process will not work.
If you do not have at least one Macintosh at your venue, there is no available Windows equivalent to this process yet. You will need to FTP your database and we will return it in UTF8 encoding for you.
where YourDatabaseName is the name of the database that you log into each day. This will backup the database to a file in the /Users/Shared/Backup folder called YourDatabaseNameV9.sql. You may need to supply the postgres user password if you do not have 'trust' set for the server IP address in the pg_hba.conf file.
Depending on the size of your database, this step could take as long as 4 hours. The pg_dump shows obvious activity. The 'Recode' step may look hung, but it is not.
If the 'Recode' completed successfully, it will display some instructions at the end of it similar to the following screenshot.
/library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/createdb VenueDatabaseNew -U postgres -E UTF8 -O TheatreManager
/library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/psql -U postgres -v -d VenueDatabaseNew -f /Users/Shared/Backups/VenueDatabasev9new.sql
The simple answer is no. Your Theatre Manager will continue to work, regardless of the upgrade.
However - in order to become PCI compliant, you must upgrade to Theatre Manager Version 9 AND Upgrade to Paymentech Orbital or one of the other direct processors for improved credit card authorization.
For those who are already PCI compliant, you can continue to use Theatre Manager version 8 until December 2010 when you need to upgrade to Theatre Manager Version 9 AND switch to one of the direct processors to achieve PCI 1.2 compliance.
There are several components to the installation process. Please refer to the 8.xx-9.00 upgrade steps for the complete installation instructions. The process takes about a day and should be performed by proficient IT personnel as it will require changes to:
If you choose to self-install, and then require support assistance, the regular hourly billable rate of $100 per hour will be applicable. Please note that support for a self installation is not covered under the After Hours Emergency Support contract. Please plan your time accordingly to ensure that if you do have questions, Arts Management support will be available to assist you. |
If you choose to have Arts Management perform this work for you, you will need to send a request to our sales office. They can be reached at or (888) 536-5244, ext. 2 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST. They will process the request and then forward the request to the Support team for scheduling. Because of the high demand for conversions, your scheduled date may be as much as 4 months away. Please plan accordingly.
The actual upgrade process takes about one business day, during which time your offices will not be able to use Theatre Manager (even to "look things up"), and web sales (if applicable) will be offline during the upgrade process.
Finally, all upgrades are cumulative. For example, if you are upgrading from verison 8.1 to 8.16, read all the release notes for each version in-between and follow all steps for each version
![]() |
When downloading any update for Theatre Manager, please make sure your personal firewall is turned on per PCI requirement 1.4 |
You can visit for our updated Version 9 help. If you have not already subscribed to our RSS feed, please take this opportunity to subscribe by visiting the RSS link (click the icon) in the upper right corner of the main page.
Release Notes
Read the release notes to see if there is anything special that impacts your organization in Version 9. This is a long list of enhancements from the version previously being used.
Installing Theatre Manager on Each Workstation(s)
Please see the following online help page for steps on installing the Theatre Manager application on a work station:
Starting Theatre Manager After Upgrading
The following window will appear.
Version 9 of Theatre Manager is designed to meet the latest PCI Compliance. One of the features within this version is stronger security for Employee Passwords. If you have not previously used PCI Compliant passwords each Employee will need to enter their old password all in CAPITAL letters. When they click the login button they will be prompted to change their password to a format that meets compliance. The requirements for compliant passwords are listed in the image below. For more information on PCI Password Requirements click here.
Employees Disappear From the Login Window After Incorrect Password Attempts
After six attempts at entering an incorrect password Theatre Manager will remove the Employee from the login window per PCI requirements. Theatre Manager resigns the employee to protect the database and all you need do is follow these steps to reinstate the employee.
Theatre Manager List of Employees does not appear
In some rare cases following the installation of Theatre Manager the application opens but does not display an employee list to login. The common characteristics of this situation are a blank gray screen containing File, Edit, Help options in the upper left of the window and nothing more. If you encounter this issue please follow these steps.
Employee Access
Some employee settings have been changed due to PCI Compliance. One of note is the Accounting >> Create Bank Deposits for Current Payments Received - Authorized Credit Cards Only option. This is found in the Functions tab of the Employee Access Data window. By default, all Employees who do not have Master User access will have this option unchecked. If you have Employees who run the End of Day Wizard and are not Master Users you will need to check this option for those Employees.
Power Saving Settings for Apache Running on a Mac
To increase stability for Apache running on a Mac you will need to adjust some of the settings for the machine. Click here to learn more about the settings.
The upgrade time from version 9.00 should be relatively short.
There are NO mandatory web page changes that must be done when upgrading. One of the changes we made was to easily enable google analytics to be deployed in web pages footers. You may wish to review page changes for that purpose during the version 8 to 9 upgrade.
This is a WALKAROUND install that contains CRITICAL fixes for web security that should be installed immediately.
The key enhancements in this version are the introduction of:
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.00
Please download the web page updates and compare the web pages - but only if you want to implement google analytics page tracking. If this is the case, about 80% of the pages will need changing as below.
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmFooter.html" -->
There is a new page in TMtemplates called 'tmFooter.html' that you will need to put in place.
The key enhancements in this version are the introduction of:
A final note for everybody. Theatre Manager underwent PA DSS 1.2 compliance audit on June 10 & 11 and we have received word that Security Metrics has finished testing and will submit Theatre Manager to the PCI council as an approved application. We are awaiting confirmation from PCI of acceptance.
The upgrade time from version 9.0x should be relatively short.
There are one mandatory web page change that should be done during the upgrade process to support our testing of a forthcoming iPhone app under development. Other changes are optional.
This is a WALKAROUND install.
The key enhancements in this version are the introduction of:
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.01
Please download the web page updates and compare the web pages.
Files in the main htdocs directory | |
TMSysNoListeners.html | Compare and make changes |
Files in the each outlet directory (1) | |
TMCart.html | revisions for coupon and where to send the user if a coupon is entered. |
TMcheckoutCardError.html | compare to original |
TMcheckoutConfirmation.html | compare to original | TMCoupon.html | compare to original as it has revisions to redirect user based on kind of coupon entered. |
Files in the main templates directory | |
RowTicketEventExport.html | mandatory revisions to support forthcoming iPhone applicaiton. |
The upgrade time from version 9.0x should be relatively short.
This is a WALKAROUND install if upgrading from version 9.00 and 9.01. It will self deploy if upgrading from version 9.02.
There is on new feature that has been added to allow you to plot your patrons on a map using google. Only about 100 distinct points are supported by google's static map function but it lets you see where distributions of people lie. The picture at the tight is from patrons on Poplar street in Memphis. The data was geo-encoded using google's geo-encoding api.
This data can be accessed from the patron list or a patron mail list using the context menus.
Almost everything else in this version is primarily a minor usability enhancement release and a collection of minor bug fixes. It is recommended for all venues using version 9. The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.02
There are no mandatory web page changes or additional tasks that a venue need do after installation that are specific to this version. There were some minor wording changes in some web pages that do not need to be made if you are satisfied with your current pages. Please read prior release notes if upgrading from earlier versions to see if there are tasks for earlier versions.
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Please download the web page updates and compare the web pages.
Files in the each outlet directory (1) | |
TMcheckoutConfirmation.html | Cosmetic wording changes |
TMmailListUnverifiedEmail.html | Cosmetic gramatical change to the text that says venue will not disclose any information. Changes were made in a couple of words to make the meaning clear. |
TMpasswordChangedEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
TMpasswordEmptyEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
TMpasswordForgotEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
TMpasswordResetEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
TMpatronNewEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
TMpatronUpdateEmail.html | Cosmetic grammatical change, see above. |
Files in the main templates directory | |
rowFutureTicketPrintCourse.html | small code change to display bar code only if the setting for the event is to print tickets. If tickets are not to be printed for the event (and bar codes are allowed online), then no bar code will be printed for this ticket. |
rowFutureTicketPrintFestival.html | same as above |
rowFutureTicketPrintReserved.html | same as above |
rowOldCartPrintCourse.html | same as above |
rowOldCartPrintFestival.html | same as above |
rowOldCartPrintReserve.html | same as above |
rowOldCartPrintSub.html | same as above |
tmnavButtons.html | changed the default coding to not show multi- language by default. |
A new feature has been added to allow you to spatially plot your patrons on a map using google. Google's static map API supports about 100 distinct points on one map. This lets you see where distributions of people lie. The picture at the right is from patrons on Poplar street in Memphis. The data was geo-encoded using Google's geo-encoding api.
This data can be accessed from the patron list or a patron mail list using the context menus.
There are two key bug fixes to support web sales.
Almost everything else in this version are usability enhancement release and a collection of minor bug fixes.
It is recommended that this release be installed ASAP for all venues currently using version 9.
The upgrade time from version 9.0x might be 15-40 minutes (only an estimate) for an average site, it could be longer if you have lots of historical data and transactions. This is a WALKAROUND install
Almost everything else in this version is primarily a minor usability enhancement release and a collection of minor bug fixes. It is recommended for all venues using version 9. The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.04
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Please download the web page updates and compare the web pages.
Files in the each outlet directory (1) | |
TMcheckout.html | Added a new feature where you can require purchasers to confirm that they have read your terms and conditions before checking out |
TMticketsExport.html | Changed to describe the meaning and use of the page- but probably no functional changes to the page |
TMticketsExportCustom.html | New page to take the place of the TMticketsExport.html for those venues using an export to a drupal site. This page is accessed from your drupal site using
http: // tickets . yourvenue . org/TheatreManager/1/exportevents |
tmError.txt | new error message (10155) that contains text required for confirming terms and conditions. |
Files in the main templates directory | |
rowTicketEventExport.html | This must be set to the standard contents of this page - in order to take advantage of an upcoming feature (not announced yet, but nearly finished development) |
rowTicketEventExportCustom.html | New Page - starts with the same contents as rowTicketEventExport.html, however if you have used the event export to drupal site, then make this page have the contents of your current rowTicketEventExport.html |
tmtermsandconditions.html | New Page - contains the terms and conditions of ticket sales (or web sales) on your venue if you wish patrons to confirm prior to the sale proceeding. You MUST edit this page to set up the base href for your venue. |
Files in the tmScripts directory | |
pleaseWaitMessageFunction.html | added a function for popup window opening - which is currently only used for terms and condtions |
Version 9.05 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full notes about version 9.05.
This version also brings the initial implementation of estimating, invoicing, billing and posting to the G/L for the sales/booking of rooms, resources, and staff. During our day long internal staff training session, it became quite apparent just how comprehensive and useful this module would be to many venues.
As always, there are other changes contained in the release notes, bug fixes, minor usability enhancements in response to what people ask for. There is one new web feature you've asked for which is to support acknowledgement of 'reading conditions of sale' prior to checkout.
This is a walk-around install.
It contains some significant functional enhancements, performance enhancements, brand new features and a collection of bug fixes. It also contains some features that are pertinent to a pending iPhone/iPad application. We recommend that all venues using version 9 upgrade at their convenience.
The upgrade time from version 9.0x might be about an hour (estimate only) for an average site. It could be longer if you have lots of historical data and transactions. Upgrading this verison requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.05
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Also, the future post dated payment has to be deposited before the receipt will print (this has always been the case). So, if you have a number of a future payments and are electing to do 'when fully paid', then the last/final payment must flow through the end of day prior to the receipt being able to print. p> It also means if payments flow across a year boundary, then you will need to use a different option for that receipt - you will need to just use 'annual' receipt and print it at the end of the year (eg early january) for the prior year. (9.07.09)
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages.
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Error handling pages in each outlet directory (1) | ||
TMSysBusyListeners.html | Changed the behaviour of the 'waiting room' page to return to the patrons shopping cart. This condition is caused when there is an abnormally high load on the system and taking patrons to the shopping cart will affirm that any part tickets are still present in the cart. | O |
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
TMcart.html | Adjusted the column width to show the lines in the cart more clearly if the ADA field is implemented in the other web pages. | O |
TMcheckout.html | Added a pick statement to show the current mailing status for the order if the user has added a mail fee (in place of the add mail fee button). Note this also applied if the 'add mail fee' adds a zero cost fee to indicate that the order is to be mailed. | O |
TMcheckoutNoPayment.html | Added a pick statement to show the current mailing status for the order if the user has added a mail fee - but yet there is no payment required because of a coupon discount or mailing is free. Note this also applied if the 'add mail fee' adds a zero cost fee to indicate that the order is to be mailed. |
O |
TMoldCartDetailsPrint.html | Adjusted the table width to be 700 pixels so that the user cannot make it wider and then print at the wider setting. This should help force bar codes to print on a page. Only change if you print at home and are finding a lot of people where the bar codes are not easily readable. ALso add the bar code column heading if printing at home so that columns on a printed cart line up and adjusted the colspan on the footer from 3 to 4. Only required if doing print at home. |
O |
TMfutureTicketsPrint.html | Adjusted the table width to be 700 pixels so that the user cannot make it wider and then print at the wider setting. This should help force bar codes to print on a page. Only change if you print at home and are finding a lot of people where the bar codes are not easily readable. |
O |
tmError.txt | 3 new error messages (10156,10157, 10158) to handle a couple of new conditions that the web listener verifies in shopping carts. If you do not add them, TM will use the built-in message text which is the same as the mesages. | O |
Files in the tmMaps directory | ||
TMsubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html | Changed colspan of a table header and footer from 4 to 5. Only needs to be changed if you wish to implement the seat description feature for ADA | O |
TMsubscriptionsPriceMapDefault.html | Changed colspan of a table header and footer from 4 to 5. Only needs to be changed if you wish to implement the seat description feature for ADA | O |
TMticketsPrice_MapDefault.html | Changed colspan of a table header and footer from 4 to 5. Only needs to be changed if you wish to implement the seat description feature for ADA | O |
Files in the main templates directory | ||
rowCartCoupon.html | Adjusted text of the savings to also include the link to describe the order fee used to reduce the reduce the price of the order when the coupon was applied. eg, 'Free Mailing' could now include a link to what that means | O |
rowCartDonation.html | Compare - Minor Change | O |
rowCartCourseNewGroup.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowCartFestivalNewGroup.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowCartMailFee.html | Added feature to display the current mailnig status once a mail fee is added such as 'print at home' , 'to be mailed' , 'pick up at wilcall' | O |
rowCartReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation | M |
rowCartReserveNewGroup.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowCartSub.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowCartSubNewGroup.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowCheckoutCoupon.html | Adjusted text of the savings to also include the link to describe the order fee used to reduce the reduce the price of the order when the coupon was applied. eg, 'Free Mailing' could now include a link to what that means | O |
rowCheckoutCourse.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowCheckoutFestival.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowCheckoutReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowCheckoutSub.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowCheckoutSubNewGroup.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowFutureTicketHeader.html | Changed the colspan in the table heading for a slightly better display of the future tickets purchased. It may help if the 'row' lines for future tickets appear squished. | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintCourse.html | Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintFestival.html | Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintHeader.html | Adjusted the table width to be 700 pixels so that the user cannot make it wider and then print at the wider setting. This should help force bar codes to print on a page. Only change if you print at home and are finding a lot of people where the bar codes are not easily readable. | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintReserved.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. | M |
rowFutureTicketReserved.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. | M |
rowOldCartCourse.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowOldCartFestival.html | Bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity | O |
rowOldCartCoupon.html | New Page - must be put in place | R |
rowOldCartPrintCoupon.html | New Page - must be put in place | R |
rowOldCartPrintCourse.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. | M |
rowOldCartPrintDonation.html | ||
rowOldCartPrintFestival.html | Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. Changed alignment of the row to be 'align=top' so that bar codes and text align better | O |
rowOldCartPrintOrderCouponFee.html | compare - minor change | O |
rowOldCartPrintOrderFee.html | compare - minor change | O |
rowOldCartPrintPass.html | compare - minor change | O |
rowOldCartPrintReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. Changed alignment of the row to be 'align=top' so that bar codes and text align better | M |
rowOldCartPrintSub.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Updated to use the 'print at home flag' for at a performance level rather than the global 'print at home' flag. Implementing this allows the per performance enable/disable of bar code feature to be used. Changed alignment of the row to be 'align=top' so that bar codes and text align better | M |
rowOldCartReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowOldCartSub.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. Also bolded the date of performance on the display for clarity. | M |
rowSubReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. | M |
rowTicketCourse.html | Chanced the columnspan setting from 3 to 4. Only change if you implement the ADA column in tmTicketPrice_MapDefault.html | O |
rowTicketFestival.html | Chanced the columnspan setting from 3 to 4. Only change if you implement the ADA column in tmTicketPrice_MapDefault.html | O |
rowTicketReserve.html | Added new MS_NOTE_USE_FLAG and MS_SEAT_NOTE to simplify ADA implementation. If you add this, you must also change tmTicketPrice_MapDefault.html and the order rowticketxxxxxx.hrml | M |
TMoldCartDetailsPrint.html | Adjusted the table width to be 700 pixels so that the user cannot make it wider and then print at the wider setting. This should help force bar codes to print on a page. Only change if you print at home and are finding a lot of people where the bar codes are not easily readable. | O |
tmtermsandconditions.html | revised http to https. Added better template text to handle possible ADA term | M |
We attempt to provide a major feature update twice a year and this release is one of those - with significant functional enhancements, performance enhancements, brand new features and a collection of bug fixes. For this release, the key changes fall into 7 categories, although there is a lot of under the hood changes.
There are 7 major areas with feature enhancement
The upgrade time from version 9.07 is a few minutes. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.07
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
As of 9.08.05, you can also access this feature by selecting a seat and then right-clicking on it to access the context menu per the example. (9.08.05)
A new feature has been added under the 'patron sales' menu to allow you you find orders directly. You could use this to see what orders were added on a specific day, created by a specific employee, changed on a date, order notes contain information, etc. (9.08.05)
Specifying a genre for an event is required. We also suggest entering the external sales notes so that a description of your event appears in the iPhone app.
The upgrade time from version 9.08 is short. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.08
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Note: at this time, the colours on the map are black and white. We will be introducing colouring options later this year.
While only really affecting Moneris authorization, this option CVV2/CID feature is now common to all merchant services.
The upgrade time from version 9.08 or 9.09 is short. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.09
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
There are no changes to web pages for this version If you wish the latest references pages, please download the web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages.
This release is a minor release.
This key list of accumulated changes since 9.07 are:
To determine what version of postgres you are on, examine the login window. The version of Theatre Manager is in the lower LEFT corner of the log in window, while the version of postgres is in the lower RIGHT corner of the window.
The upgrade time from version 9.08 or later is short. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.10
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Examples where this might be useful are:
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
tmTickets.html | There is one change to tmTickets.html that adds the link to TicketTrove if you wish to make it available to your patrons. If you make the change, we also advise setting up information in Theatre Manager to highlight your venue or events in a way you'd prefer. | O |
tmCustom | The other change you may wish to make for this set of web pages is to move only the pages you've customized to the separate folder tmCustom folder -- to make future changes much easier for you. Please refer to the standard web pages to get the directory structure of this new folder | O |
TMattendance.html | This web page can be used to scan tickets with a tethered bar code reader via the web listeners. If you wish to use this feature, you must replace the existing file with this one. | O |
TMsubscriptionsRenew.html | Correct a field on the web page to show the correct subscription series that the patron is renewing. Also, add support for renewing subscriptions in the state 'new-not yet booked' so that patrons can now checkout and pay for new subscriptions set up by the box office via the web listener. | O |
Files in the main templates directory | ||
rowSubRenewHeader.html | Added support to allowing patrons to renew a subscriptions online where it was set up in the box office as 'new-not yet booked' so that patrons can then check themselves out. The intent is to keep new subscription statistic tracking separate from renewing subscriptions (TM always did this) and allow this new subscription to be paid for online. | O |
This key list of changes are:
The upgrade time from version 9.0x might be about an hour (estimate only) for an average site. It could be longer if you have lots of historical data and transactions. Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.11
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
We have put in place the mechanism to track the source/referrer of the shopping cart source from the conversation last week around the board room table. In this sample screen, we've shown 4 carts with 'first time buyer' and 'TimeUnion' as sources for two of the purchases.
Setting them up is easy. You can set up links using by either:
A new feature has been added for reserved seating web pages to allow a customer to find seats in a venue - but not necessarily have them be together. This can be useful for group sales or when a venue is selling out. It can also help users if the seat map is displaying the used seats (masked out) as per the picture. Implementing the feature means adding the web page changes indicated below. (9.12.08)
How does TM decide to find the seats if the user indicates that the seats do not necessarily need to be together?
A new tab has been added to the Company Preferences window to allow some data retention settings. The items on the:
A performance testing function was added to the 'Web Listener' tab called Check Ticket Sales Times. This can be used from multiple workstations to test how long it might take to sell out a performance while you are watching it by clicking on a sales map on another machine. It does not use the web listener - It simply uses the find best seats and book functions in TM against a dummy order to see how long before a venue is sold out. If you use multiple machines to test the same event, it may give an idea of how well your listener and web server are performing under load. If you make changes to the postgres server parameters or change the server, you may be able to judge the effects in a controlled test. (9.12.05)
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
TMtickets.html | Added capability for search by genre and an icon link for ticket trove. If implemented, the other 3 genre files become mandatory. | O |
tmError.txt | 3 new error messages to deal with
O |
Files in tmMaps | ||
TMticketsSection_MapDefault.html | Added an option for the patron so that they can specify if their seats need to be together or not (meaning pairs where possible). This uses the F_TOGETHER variable in the form. | M |
Files in the main templates directory | ||
constantALLGENRES.txt | New File - place in this directory. If genre search is implemented, you may want to change the word 'Genre' if it is not suitable for your web site. | O |
setGENRE_LIST.html | New file - place in this directory | O |
setGENRE_LISTempty.html | New file - place in this directory | O |
Files in the tmGifs directory(1/WebPagesXX) | ||
tickettrove.jpg | new file Copy the ticket trove icon to this directory | O |
This key list of changes are:
Version 9.15 has some significant features and preparing database for the new fields may take some time for an average site (depending on total ticket sales). Upgrading this version requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.12
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The most significant change is the separation of theatre maps into 'Venues' and 'Pricing Maps'. Prior to version 9.15, a theatre map contained both the address data and a pricing map. It meant a new zone set up in a venue required a new theatre map which had some side effects on facility management.
Separating this information means that venues now reflect the true list of venues that are used -- and you can have as many pricing maps as you wish within the venue. Facility Management now shows tasks in the venue on the calendar (and not the pricing map) which is far more convenient.
The screen below shows what a venue now looks like. It has the name, address and icons for ticket trove (like before). The pricing maps at the right are new. You can edit them by double clicking (or create new ones)
The pricing map is shown below and contains the seat count, graphic map, seat names and best seat settings. The subtle difference is that a venue can contain multiple pricing maps which has some future potential:
The order window has been changed so that the words on the left side of the window which are used to navigate to various parts of an order (like tickets, fees, payments, etc), has been enhanced with icons. This change is based on observation and feedback to try to make it even easier to navigate the sales process.
Other changes are:
This is a vey subtle change to the operation of Theatre Manager. Much of using TM consists of filling lists with information - such as searching for patrons or loading up the tickets in the ticket list on the patron detail. We've made this faster in the past by offloading some computation to the postgresql server.
In version 9.15, we've taken this a step further. Many machines these days have two or more CPU's. The trend to multi core machines means that a computer is largely idle unless we take advantage of the other cores - which we did.
The effect, from a user perspective, is threefold and not immediately obvious:
Other changes are:
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below and verify your customizations).
The vast majority of the changes replace any pricing map field with its corresponding venue field. For example TM_ADDRESS1 should be replaced with VE_ADDRESS1 everywhere. However, to avoid the need to change pages immediately, we have replicated venue and pricing map address data within Theatre Manager so that the page changes can happen at a later date -- if desired. Meaning that existing web sites should work as long as the 3 'required' pages are implemented.
The second major change is enhancing the 'print at home' feature - only make changes if you wish this feature.
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
TMpatronLimitedProfile.html | Revised html for radio buttons for do not mail so that you can now click on the text to alter the radio buttons. The user doesn't need to be as accurate clicking on the web pages. Adjusted the page layout to take into account a Windows Internet Explorer incompatibility. Enhanced the page layout for more clearer options for what the patron can do. This page change is only Mandatory for those sites that offer the Limited Patron Profiles option during the checkout process. | M |
TMpatronNew.html | Added a reference in the top toolbar containing "Login Information" to make a note that the asterisk refers to required fields on the page. Centered the entire table on the screen (it was left justified to the left of the screen). Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. |
O |
TMpatronUpdate.html | Mandatory change to the page to ensure that adding a new household member works with revised submit function. Also revised html for radio buttons for do not mail so that you can now click on the text to alter the radio buttons. The user doesn't need to be as accurate clicking on the web pages. Added a reference in the top toolbar containing "Login Information" to make a note that the asterisk refers to required fields on the page. Centered the entire table on the screen (it was left justified to the left of the screen).
Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. |
M |
TMsubscriptionsRenew.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Revised html for radio buttons for do not mail so that you can now click on the text to alter the radio buttons. The user doesn't need to be as accurate clicking on the web pages. | O |
TMcheckout.html | Major revisions for print at home selection. One change involved moving most of the customised mailing rules into an include file called tmTemplates/tmTicketHandling.html. Moving things there may make this window changed less often. Suggest completely replace this page. | R |
TMcheckoutNoPayment.html | Change the SCH_PRINT_AT_HOME variable name to SCH_TIX_PRINT_STATUS | R |
TMCheckoutConfirmation.html | Revisions to show the 'print tickets' button when user selects e-ticket delivery. | R |
TMcheckoutProcessing.html | Add a status line to show/remind the user of the print at home/eticket delivery option they chose before they actually submit | O |
TMpatronNew.html | Revised html for radio buttons for do not mail so that you can now click on the text to alter the radio buttons. user doesn't need to be as accurate clicking on the web pages. | O |
TMfutureTickets.html | Added code around the 'print all future tickets' button so that it only appears if print at home is allowed. Regardless if button is visible, user can only print tickets that allow print at home. | O |
TMError.txt | Add error message 10162 that describes a condition where two people have the same email address and are not in the same household. Since they can't log in - it informs the patron that they need to contact the box office regarding their email address. Add error messages 10163 and 10164 that inform the user about how they changed their ticket distribution status. Add Error message regarding packages for sale | O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/TMtemplates directory | ||
rowCartCoupon.html | Remove a comma from the link that was making incorrect URL's so that clicking on the URL would indicate that the link was broken. Fixing this means that patron browsing the web could now click the description of the discount fee created by using the coupon and see a description of what it means. Additional cosmetic changes. | R |
rowCartOrderCouponFee.html | Added this file in the TM directory. It was not used prior to version 9.15 and is required to display coupon in the shopping cart correctly when there is a one time discount applied -- and allow the patron the ability to remove the coupon from the cart. | R |
rowSubReserve.html | Added this file in the TM directory. It was not used prior to version 9.15 and is required to sell tickets for subscriptions -- and allow customization of the subscription ticket seat offering to be different than the normal reserved ticket display. | R |
rowCheckoutOrderCouponFee.html | Replace this file in the TM directory. It has not been used prior to version 9.15 and has been updated to match the visual display in the checkout invoice as it is shown within the online shopping cart. | O |
rowPatronAddress.html | Added "span class=missingfield" to the Country popup field to have the required field asterisk appear in the colour red. Currently it was appearing in the colour black where as all other asterisks on the page were in the colour red.
Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. |
O |
rowPatronEmail.html | When adding a new online account, it will default to 'Email Address' but when editing the account it will display the kind of email address it is (home, work, other, etc.) rather then saying 'Email Address' for each Email address the patron has assigned to their account. Also updated it show an asterisk beside the Email and Password fields to make it part of the required fields when entering or editing the patron account.
Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. |
O |
rowPatronEmailLimitedProfile.html | Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. This page is only used by sites that offer Limited Patron Profiles option during the Checkout process. | O |
rowPatronContact.html | Enhanced the page coding so that only missing fields are now reported to the user and changed the stylesheet for missing fields. | O |
rowCartCourseNewGroup.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Updated the submit form() function. | R |
rowCartFestivalNewGroup.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowCartMailFee.html | Changed SCH_PRINT_AT_HOME to SCH_TIX_PRINT_STATUS | R |
rowCartCourse.html | added a parameter to the submit button to match the new function. | M |
rowCartFestivalNewGroup.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowCheckoutCourse.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowCheckoutFestival.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowCheckoutReserve.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowFutureTicketHeader.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Replace D_PRINT_AT_HOME with PB_PRINT_AT_HOME |
R |
rowFutureTicketPrintHeader.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Revised header to print the Time of the performance in large type so that it is obvious. Replace D_PRINT_AT_HOME with PB_PRINT_AT_HOME | R |
rowOldCartCoupon.html | Cosmetic changes. | O |
rowOldCartCourse.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Replaced D_FESTIVAL_DESC with D_COURSE_DESC | O |
rowOldCartFestival.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowOldCartPrintCourse.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Replace D_FESTICAL_DESC with D_COURSE_DESC | O |
rowOldCartPrintFestival.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowOldCartPrintReserve.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowOldCartReserve.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowSubBookedHeader.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowSubNewDetail.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowSubRenewHeader.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowTicketEvent.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. For the Date Column, set the width from 80 to be 140 to match the setting in the WebPagesEN/tmTickets.html page. This will now allow the date to show all on a single line. | O |
SetMerchant_List.html | Change the currency from the country to the currency code to satisfy moneris | O |
setVenue_List.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. | O |
rowTicketEventExport.html | Renamed a number of fields from TM_ to VE_ along with the XML. Replace this file in entirety. If you are using it to extract information from TM for another site, then you will need to adjust the code elsewhere to match the field names, or leave the XML tags the same. | M |
tmnavButtons.html | changed btnTicket to btnGetEventList to optimize the caching that the web listener now does for this web page. It makes this button the same as the "search' button on the tmTickets.html page | M |
tmTicketHandling.html | NEW PAGE - Localized all code for selecting E-ticket, Print at home, and hold at will call on the web pages. Required if TMCheckout is changed | M |
tmtermsandconditions.html | revised so that it no longer needs to have customized web links in it for the base href. The page is now processed by Theatre Manager | O |
rowTicketEventExportCustom.html | Renamed a number of fields from TM_ to VE_ along with the XML. Replace this file in entirety. If you are using it to extract information from TM for another site, then you will need to adjust the code elsewhere to match the field names, or leave the XML tags the same. | M |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmScripts directory | ||
dropDownMenuFunction.html | Replace entire file - added third parameter to help the submit button functions on the checkout window. | R |
PleaseWaitMessageFunction.html | Replace entire file - revised code for opening and closing popup windows. | R |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmEvent directory | ||
tmEventDefault.html | Renamed the following fields: TM_MAP_NAME to VE_NAME, TM_ADDRESS1 to VE_ADDRESS1, TM_ADDRESS2 to VE_ADDRESS2 Added VE_CITY, VE_PROVINCE, VE_POSTAL_CODE to the description of the location of the venue. Revised code so that it is easier to identify the form within the web page for coders. |
O |
tmEvent*.html | if you have customized TMEventDefault.html to be specific to other events, you may wish to make the same name changes as above. | O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmSubscription directory | ||
tmSubscriptionDefault.html | Renamed the following fields: TM_MAP_NAME to VE_NAME, TM_ADDRESS1 to VE_ADDRESS1, TM_ADDRESS2 to VE_ADDRESS2, TM_VENUE_NOTES to VE_NOTES, TM_SEQ to VE_SEQ, TM_WORK_PHONE to VE_WORK_PHONE, TM_FAX_PHONE to VE_FAX_PHONE, and added hidden field for SG_SEQ Added VE_CITY, VE_PROVINCE, VE_POSTAL_CODE to the description of the location of the venue. Also moved the location of the <form> elements to make it clearer in the code. The effect of the change is so that the buy subscription now button will take the user right to the subscription selection window instead of going to the list of subscriptions - the context is more immediate and one less web click for the patron. |
M |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmMaps directory | ||
TMsubscriptionMapDefault.html | Cosmetic changes |
O |
TMsubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html | Cosmetic changes | O |
TMticketsPrice_MapDefault.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Also replace TM_ADDRESS1 with VE_ADDRESS1, TM_ADRESS2 with VE_ADDRESS2 | O |
TMticketsSection_MapDefault.html | Replace TM_MAP_NAME with VE_NAME if you want to use the overall venue name instead of the new pricing map name on web pages. Also replace TM_ADDRESS1 with VE_ADDRESS1, TM_ADRESS2 with VE_ADDRESS2 Revised html for radio buttons for do not mail so that you can now click on the text to alter the radio buttons. user doesn't need to be as accurate clicking on the web pages. |
O |
TMticketsSection_MapDefaultc.html | Added VE_NAME, VE_ADDRESS1, VE_ADDRESS2 so that any course offering window is consistent with reserved and general admission and shows the address of the venue | M |
TMticketsSection_MapDefaultf.html | Added VE_NAME, VE_ADDRESS1, VE_ADDRESS2 so that any course offering window is consistent with reserved and general admission and shows the address of the venue. | M |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmVenue directory | ||
tmVenueDefault.html | Renamed the following fields: TM_MAP_NAME to VE_NAME, TM_ADDRESS1 to VE_ADDRESS1, TM_ADDRESS2 to VE_ADDRESS2, TM_VENUE_NOTES to VE_NOTES, TM_SEQ to VE_SEQ, TM_WORK_PHONE to VE_WORK_PHONE, TM_FAX_PHONE to VE_FAX_PHONE Revisions to form component to make it easier for web programmers to use. |
O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmCampaign directory | ||
tmCampaignDefault.html | Revised layout to be similar to other default display pages. |
O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmPass directory | ||
tmPassDefault.html | Revised layout to be similar to other default display pages. |
O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmGifs directory | ||
stylepages.css | Added a new style sheet item called 'missingfields' and defaulted it to be the same as 'message' style but with the 'main' font size. | O |
Files in the WebPagesXX/tmPackages directory | ||
tmPackagesDefault.html | Added package header file to enable sale of multiple general admission events on one page. | O |
The key list of changes are:
and more... (as always).
It contains a performance, functional, and database enhancements AND a mandatory postgres update if you want to use this version. Since it is not mandatory to upgrade to this version ASAP, please only update at a convenient time when you have reviewed all new features and able to make changes to the web pages.
Upgrading to version 9.16 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.15
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
meaning - the card has not truly been authorized yet, but the customer does not have any tickets, so if a card cannot be authorized in end of day, you still have time to cancel the order.
This change was made because donations can be audited and require an ability to trace back to the source. Subscriptions are different from single tickets for obvious reasons. Passes and Gift certificates have varying business practices for storing and using the passes which need more information.
This can be done while sales are occurring and takes moments. The example to the left shows how Theatre Manager controls which venues and pricing maps can be used when changing the entire event. The second example shows how you can select pricing maps within the venue if you are only changing one specific performance.
There are a few rules that will be enforced when switching venues or pricing maps such as the new venue or pricing map must:
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below and verify your customizations).
The vast majority of the changes are to add easy support for the new asyncronous google analytics web page changes. If you are already at version 9.15.06 or later, you may already have all these page changes, so there would be nothing to do.
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
New web pages: only one of the following is required to go from version 9.15.05 to a later version and only if your venue is using limited profile patron checkout. All page changes can be made if you are running 9.15.05 or earlier and it won't break anything. Note: You must rename the folder 'eblastImages' to 'eblastimages' (i.e. make all items lower case) to resolve issues with servers and/or browsers that work with case sensitive URL's and file names. |
tmTemplates/constantPatronContactLIMITED.txt | if using limited profile patron checkout as it limits the data required and shows the 'mandatory' fields properly. | M |
tmTemplates/tmLoginLimitedPatron.html | part of breaking apart TMpatronlimitedProfile for clarity | O |
tmScripts/googleheader.html | an include file was added to a fair number of pages before the </head> to support the new async google analytics approach. If you are not using the async google analytics code, you do not need to worry about these changes | O |
tmFees/tmPrivacyPolicy.html | is a new page containing privacy policy and is directed at limited profile patrons -- so that it might encourage those people to sign in and create an account. | O |
ticketsStats.html | This is in the 'htdocs' root folder and shows stats for internal use in a refreshing page. IT is set, by default to 3 seconds and will need to have the venue ticketing URL updated in this web pages. It is for management purposes only and not part of the web sales process. | O |
Existing web page changes that should can be used in either version 9.15 ot 9.16 or later and should be forward and backward compatible. |
changes in webPagesEN | ||
TMError.txt | add a message for partial patron login , so that if they try to log in after getting their notification of purchase, but have not provided a password, then this message is designed to let them know they must supply one. | O |
TMPasswordChange.html | add googleheader.html include file and add small feature of not requiring old password on changing password for secondary email addresses that might arrive because of partial patron | O |
tmAttendance.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMcart.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMCheckoutCardError.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMCheckoutConfirmation.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMcheckoutNoItems.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMcheckoutNoPayment.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMcheckoutProcessing.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMcoupon.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMDonation.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMDonationMonthly.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMFutureTickets.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMFutureTicketsPrint.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMHome.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMLogin.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMLoginSelectPatron.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMLogoff.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMLogoffOpenCart.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMmailList.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMmailListDisallow.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMmailListQuickAdd.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMmailListVerify.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMOldCartDetails.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMOldCartDetailsPrint.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMOldCartHeaders.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMPackageDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMPass.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMPassAskAmount.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMPasswordForgot.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMPassResetChange.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscriptions.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscriptionsRenew.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsys404.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysBackupInProgress.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysCookiesDisabled.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysInvalidCall.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysInvalidCallDirect.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysInvalidCallNoAccess.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysInvalidFunction.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMsysWebSalesDisabled.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMtickets.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsCalendar.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsMaxPurchased.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsSoldOut.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMvolcalendar.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMvolunteer.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMMaps Folder | ||
TMticketsPrice_MapDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsSecton_MapDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsSecton_MapDefaultc.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMticketsSecton_MapDefaultf.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscriptionMapDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file. Add feature to support changing the series code and seeing which seats are available on a control house as the performance code is changed on the window. | O |
tmSubscriptionMapDefaultf.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscriptionsPriceMapDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
TMpatronlimitedProfile.html | restructured and rewritten to have FORM buttons for selecting choice of login or partial patron. if using partial patron, should use new pages | O |
TMpatronUpdate.html | add googleheader.html include file. Add F_HTML_REQUIRED_xx. Add privacy policy page link | M |
TMpatronNew.html | add googleheader.html include file. Add F_HTML_REQUIRED_xx. Add privacy policy page link | M |
TMVenue folder changes | ||
tmVenueDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmSubscription Folder changes | ||
tmSubscriptionDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmPass folder changes | ||
tmPassDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmCampaign Folder changes | ||
tmCampaignDefault.html | add googleheader.html include file | O |
tmTemplates Folder changes | ||
tmtermsandconditions.html | add googleheader.html include file and link to privacy policy | O |
setMerchantList.html | remove cause of error that is within a comment | O |
rowPatronAddress.html | display behaviour - change for limited patron required fields and F_HTML_REQUIRED_xx |
M |
rowPatronContact.html | display behaviour - change for limited patron required fields and F_HTML_REQUIRED_x | M |
rowPatronEmail.html | display behaviour - change for limited patron required fields and F_HTML_REQUIRED_x | M |
rowPatronEmailLimtedProfile.html | display behaviour - change for limited patron required fields and F_HTML_REQUIRED_x | M |
tmLoginForm.html | restructured to make partial patron pages clearer. only needs changed if TMpatronLimitedProfile is changed | M |
Upgrading to version 9.17 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.16
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
There are no changes to web pages for this version. Make sure to read the release notes for prior versions in case those updates apply to you.
Upgrading to version 9.18 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.17
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
TMvolunteerActivity.html | New file - place in this directory | O |
TMloginSelectPatron.html | Added a feature to make it easier for people in a household sharing an email address to select the household patron and log in. | O |
tmError.txt | 9 new error messages to deal with from 10176 to 10184 All error messages have had the $$ substitution replaced with some key names in {}. Prior verisons of TM only allowed on substitution. With the new {} syntax, the error messages can be re-arranged and do more substitutions from values set in company preferences. As an example, a message can now look like the {seats} you wanted in the {venue} could not be found, please select another {performance}. or reworded like: Select a different {performance}. This {venue} has no {seats} available for the {event} This should make customization for langauge and venue specifics much easier. |
O |
Files in the main templates directory | ||
rowVolHistoryDetail.html | Revised to show future volunteer activities on web pages | O |
rowVolHistoryHeader.html | Revised to show future volunteer activities on web pages | O |
constantALLACTIVITIES.html | New file - place in this directory | O |
rowCheckoutCourse.html | replace the word Course with <field>D_COURSE_DESC</field> to substitute from company preferences | |
Files in the tmFees directory(1/WebPagesXX) | ||
tmPrivacyPolicy.html | Fixed spelling error for 'decide' | O |
Upgrading to version 9.19 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.18
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
When using this search option, patrons will be shown that have a series of at least 12 contiguous digits in various fields in fields where we have most often observed users typing card information in the past. Searching for 12 contiguous digits might find things like 4500 000 000 000 or 5200 0000 0000 0000. It doesn't matter if there are one or more spaces between the numbers or not. Data that will not be found are phone numbers like 518-444-5555 or conditions where numbers are separated by something other than spaces.
Searching may take a short while. Tests on a very large database (400,000 patrons) with a lot of other data on a fast server yielded a total of 131 possible patrons within 8 seconds. Your mileage may vary.
Fields that are searched are:
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
Files in the main templates directory | ||
rowFutureTicketHeader.html | Fixed spelling error from 'aligh' to 'align' | O |
Files in the tmMaps directory(1/WebPagesXX/tmMaps) | ||
TMticketsPrice_MapDefault.html | Fixed spelling error from 'aligh' to 'align' | O |
TMsubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html | Fixed spelling error from 'aligh' to 'align' | O |
TMsubscriptionsPriceMapDefault.html | Fixed spelling error from 'aligh' to 'align' | O |
Upgrading to version 9.20 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.19
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
There is a significant change to how the eblast and letter merge process works. This is in preparation for our next generation Web Server processes. In the past emailing was generally done as a single merge and email step. Now, in all cases, emails and letters are added to the database first and then the web listeners will send them. As before, you can select the 'email now' and 'email later' options.
The differences in the behaviour you could see are:
Other changes involving word processing are:
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below).
These page changes are effective as of 9.20.02 and allow print at home tickets to appears on one page (see sample ticket below). This feature was added because we have heard that patrons want individual tickets for each attendee and venues told us they wanted to include advertizing and make the tickets look more like a traditional ticket. If you do implement this feature, make sure to create your own ticketAd.png file and place it in tmGifs folder (as below).
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the each outlet directory (1/WebPagesXX) | ||
TMfutureTicketsPrint.html | there are a few changes in this file and we recommend replacing it.
O |
Files in tmGifs directory | ||
stylePages.css | Added two global settings for the @media style type to indicate how to display print-at-home tickets on a web page and to tell the browser to paginate them when printing. Added two new style sheets called 'tablerowticketprint' and 'ticketlineprint' that are the fonts used in the ticket sample. |
O |
ticketAd.png | A sample image representing advertizing to put at the bottom of each print at home ticket. Replace this PNG file with something appropriate to your venue that you would like to see printed with each ticket. | O |
Files in the main templates directory | ||
rowFutureTicketPrintCourse.html | revised the complete look of the print at home ticket so that it looks like a ticket for courses - replace this file | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintFestival.html | revised the complete look of the print at home ticket so that it looks like a ticket for general admission events- replace this file | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintReserved.html | revised the complete look of the print at home ticket so that it looks like a ticket for reserved seating events- replace this file | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintHeader.html | simplified this file as the formatting was moved into the 3 files above to consolidate the look of a ticket in the respective files - replace this file. | O |
rowCartCourse.html | Remove duplicated conditional line to show the attendee. This change is mandatory if using the second generation Theatre Manager Server (9.20.07) | M |
rowCartDonation.html | Revise how repeated payments are shown for a donation. This change is mandatory if using the second generation Theatre Manager Server (9.20.07) | M |
Upgrading to version 9.21 requires, at a minimum:
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
The second generation web servers will eventually replace the current web listeners to provide faster service. A number of venues already have the initial release as of version 9.20. This release of Theatre Manager also has an update to the second generation server that does the following additional functions (instead of having the classic listeners do them)
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below).
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the main WebPagesEN directory | ||
TMcheckoutConfirmation.html | Replaced two id= tags with value= tags on SCH_SEQ and C_SEQ for viewing the historical cart detail from the checkout confirmation screen. Also changed the Print Tickets from a submit to a type of button. | R |
Files in the TMtemplates directory | ||
rowFutureTicketPrintCourse.html | Replaced the html code for ' ' to be ' ' so that it works with the second generation server. Also fixed a missing < on a </field> tag. | R |
rowFutureTicketPrintFestival.html | Replaced the html code for ' ' to be ' ' so that it works with the second generation server. Also fixed a missing < on a </field> tag. | R |
rowFutureTicketPrintReserved.html | Replaced the html code for ' ' to be ' ' so that it works with the second generation server. | R |
rowCartDonation.html | Added a missing </field> tag to correct issue with displaying data. | R |
rowOldCartMailFee.html | Remove the extraneous <td> </td> in the last column so that all rows in historical carts have the same number of columns. This just fixes a minor display issue. | O |
Files in the tmPackages directory | ||
tmPackageDefault.html | Fixed the value field for the PKG_SEQ hidden input field. This must be fixed if you want to use the package of event list for selling general admission tickets and have it go back to the package window if the customer selects no quantities. | R |
Files in the tmMaps directory | ||
TMticketsPrice_MapDefault.html | Revised code around 'Next Best Seats' so that the button shows properly if you are using the second generation server. If the cnage is not made, you will see a little cosmetic code on the window. | R |
TMsubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html | same as above | R |
TMsubscriptionsPriceMapDefault.html | same as above | R |
Upgrading to version 9.22 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.21
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
There are ongoing changes and performance enhancements for the new TM server:
There are some minor enhancements to the classic web listener. These will continue to occurs as needed until the second generation server handles all services.
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). Note that there are over 100 pages that have changed -- none of them mandatory. We have just consolidated the stylesheets into one include file to make it easier for people to add their own stylesheets in a single include
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the TMscripts directory | ||
styles.html | This file contains the links for the stylePages.css and styleButtons.css. This means you can add your own style sheets to the one file and include it in all other pages. This is designed to consolidate style sheets in one file. | R |
disclaimer.html | This file contains Arts Management disclaimer for the web pages and is now included in each html page via an include file rather than being in each web page. This is more of a tidy up and simplify reading the pages when viewing them. | R |
Files in the TMgifs directory | ||
normalize.css | This is an open source style sheet that is designed to normalize differences between various web browsers and make it easier to work with variations in the browsers. | R |
Files in the TMtemplates directory | ||
constantALLPRICECODES.txt | text to indicate a search for 'all price codes' if none are provided. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. | R |
constantALLSECTIONS.txt | text to indicate a search for 'all sections' if none are provided. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. | R |
setBEST_AREA_SEARCH_LIST.html | Allows specification of the fields to go into the best seat search window. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. | R |
setBEST_AREA_SEARCH_LISTempty.html | The specification of the text shown to the user if the best seat search list in a pricing map is empty. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. | R |
setBEST_PRICE_CODE_SEARCH_LIST.html | Allows specification of the fields to go into the price code search window. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. You can specify the price, the price code, or add constants to the prices. | R |
setBEST_PRICE_CODE_SEARCH_LISTempty.html | The specification of the text shown to the user if the price code search list in a pricing map is empty. This is a new feature and the file must be in place for the second generation web server. | R |
The key list of changes since Version 9.15 are:
As a note to all, we are in the process of having Theatre Manager audited to the PCI 2.0 standard as part of the 3 year cycle for PCI compliance.
Upgrading to version 9.23 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.22
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
Please download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below). The Page changes below make print-at-home from the confirmation email and reprinting tickets from an old cart to be the same.
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages:
In the 3rd Column are 3 flags.
Files in the WebPagesEN directory | ||
TMoldCartDetailsPrint.html | Removed the column for the bar code of tickets. | O |
TMcheckoutInvoiceEmail.html | Wording change around information to the patron regarding ability to reprint tickets at home by logging in. | O |
TMoldCartDetails.html | Added a button to reprint tickets that are 'print-at-home' within the order. This will use the same approach as the one ticket per page implemented in prior versions. | O |
TMlogoff.html | Added the 'include' for the navigation buttons to the page. There was no reason that they should be left off the page, so this is a convenience change that makes the header pictures in place on more screens and makes the web experience look smoother. | O |
TMPatronNew.html | Added the 'include' for the navigation buttons to the page. Same as above | O |
TMcart.html | Add button at bottom of cart called 'continue shopping' in case people do not use ticket button at the top of the navigation bar | O |
Files in the TMtemplates directory | ||
rowOldCartPrintCoupon.html | Remove the first column in the table on the printable version of the cart where the bar code used to go. The functionality is replaced in TMOldCartDetails.html via the Reprint Tickets button. | O |
rowOldCartPrintCourse.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintDonation.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintFestival.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintOrderCouponFee.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintOrderFee.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintPass.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintReserve.html | same as above | O |
rowOldCartPrintSub.html | same as above | O |
rowCartCourseNewGroup.html | add performance notes to the cart so that it is the same as the event list | O |
rowCartFestivalNewGroup.html | add performance notes to the cart so that it is the same as the event list | O |
rowCartReserveNewGroup.html | add performance notes to the cart so that it is the same as the event list | O |
setVENUE_LIST.html | replace TM_SEQ with VE_SEQ for consistency of naming fields. At this time, either will work. | O |
Files in the conf/extra directory
These changes below can be made by comparing the 3 config files. Alternatively, if you are at an older version of apache, it may just be better to do an apache upgrade. |
httpd-mod_tm.conf | The second generation listener has been enhanced to do multiple retries to connect to a classic server it if determines that it received a wait page. normally this does not happen until you hit periods of high load. The following changes to the mod_tm conf file are placed after the
SetEnv TM_ERROR_PAGE TMsysErrorListeners.html The changed below in the conf/extra/httpd-mod_tm.conf file causes the second generation listener to re-try (20 times) contacting the classic listener multiple times should it encounter a wait page. Effectively, this almost guarantees that a request to the classic listener that gets through the second generation listener will be serviced - vastly reducing the waiting page on high load situations. note: best approach is to just copy the lines below and paste them in or do a file compare, then restart the apache server.
NOTE: on windows that may mean you need to edit the httpd.conf file and uncomment the LoadModule line for if you are not reinstalling apache from scratch.
O |
httpd-balance.conf | Rewrote the forwarding for PCI compliance and enforce switch over to https before the first request ever gets to any listener.
This change requires comparing your old and new httpd-balance.conf and simplifying the mod balancer for port 80 to the 1 line rewrite rule. |
M |
httpd.conf | Uncomment the line
#LoadModule headers_module module/ This change required to enable the multiple retry on the classic listener (only mandatory if you change httpd-mod_tm.conf). |
O |
Upgrading to version 9.24 requires, at a minimum:
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.23
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
There are no web page changes between this version and the last. However, if you with to get the latest web pages and compare the web pages to your existing pages, you are most welcome to for confirmation.
Upgrading to version 9.25 requires, at a minimum:
The second generation web listener services have been available and in use for a year and the performance improvements have been very satisfying. Based on customer use and support feedback, this version of Theatre Manager is the first to require using second generation listener. Please do not upgrade to this version unless:
We highly recommend that Postgres version 9.3.3 be installed. (This version of Theatre Manager accepts various Postgres 9.x). However, we anticipate adding performance and functionality features to Theatre Manager in the next version that will rely on some new features in the Postgres 9.3 database engine. We also completed our PCI 2.0 DSS audit using Postgres 9.3.x, so when we receive our next PCI certification, they require using this latest software. |
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.24
Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.
We've finished off some more features that are no longer done by the classic listener. It now handles:
The following itemizes the changes made to web pages. In the 3rd Column are 3 flags:
Download the latest web page updates and compare the web pages to your existing pages. (If you have already implemented the 'tmCustom' folder, you can simply replace the pages below).
Files in main directory | ||
tmError.txt | Minor changes to the message text for messages 10014, 10024, 10032, 10034, 100162, and added 100186 to 10190. These messages relate to the new way of resetting passwords and for redemption of gift certificates and passes online. | R |
tmLogin.html | Made the login window a little clearer for customers. The functions are still the same. | O |
tmPasswordForgot.html | Revised text instructions to apply if using either classic or second generation listener. The second generation listener now uses a password reset approach rather than emailing the actual password. If you are using second generation listener, you may want to update this file as the wording changes are subtle, but clearer. | O |
TMtickets.html | Add optional column to show the ticket trove icon for the event in the event list. Make this change if you want to see the icons from inside theatre manager appear on the select your seats window. If you change this page, you muse also change rowTicketEvents.html. Note also, that the columns have been arranged a little to clarify meaning if you want to use the 'show event online' option even if the event is not yet onsale. The pagination options are now at the top and bottom of the list of events and now only appear if there sufficient events to warrant pagination. | O |
TMcart.html | Simplify show and hide of 'remove' button. Add internet pass redemption button to allow online gift certificates. | M |
TMcheckout.html | Add postdated payment options to the window that appear based on setup within Theatre Manager. Also changes for popup help. | M |
TMcheckoutConfirmation.html, TMcheckoutInvoiceEmail.html, TMCheckoutNoPayment.html, TMcheckoutProcessing.html |
Change so credit card area is not shown if cost of cart was free. Add post dated payment plan options. Add support for popup for help windows and fee descriptions. |
M |
TMcheckoutProcessing.html, TMfutureTickets.html, TMfutureTicketsPrint.html, TMpatronLimitedProfile.html, TMsubscriptionsRenew.html |
Add support for popup for help windows and fee descriptions. |
M |
TMhome.html | Revisions to 'back' button wording. Replace buttons at bottom with an include file for bottom nave buttons and add more options to the patron's online capabilities - such as reviewing future volunteer activities, available passes, and more. |
M |
TMlogin.html | Simplified the look of the login window and more the 'forgot my password' button to a more logical place. |
M |
TMpasswordChange.html, TMpasswordForgot.html, tmPasswordResetChange.html |
Changed to support a password reset style of email. Meaning, if a user forgot their password, this now allows them to use a time limited link embedded in their email to come directly to the web pages and change the password. Passwords are no longer mailed to the patron. |
M |
TMoldCartDetails.html, TMoldCartDetailsPrint.html |
Minor wording changes concerning total at the bottom of the cart contents |
O |
TMoldCartHeaders.html | add pleaseWaitMessageFunction include at top of page. |
O |
TMpass.html | Add show outstanding pass/gift certificate button for patron if online pass redemption is enabled. |
M |
TMpatronNew.html, TMpatronUpdate.html |
Minor cosmetic changes, no functional changes. |
O |
TMvolunteerActivity.html | Revisions to the list of upcomming actifities and search capabilities for volunteer activities. |
M |
TMpassAvailable.html, TMpassCheckBalance.html, TMpasswordForgotEmailReset.html |
NEW files for pass redemption and features in this version |
M |
Files in the TMtemplates directory | ||
tmNavButtons.html | Rename' 'What's New' to be the 'Home' button in recognition of the other patron related features available on this html page. Remove 'Mail Lists' to limit top navigation to the buying process and move it to the TMhome.html page | M |
rowPatronEmail.html | Remove buttons for changing password and replace with 'password reset' links. This is for the new password options in second generation listener. | M |
rowTicketPageList.html | Revised to make selection of page number at bottom of the event list look better and easier to click page area. | O |
rowFutureTicketPrintCourse.html, rowFutureTicketPrintFestival.html, rowFutureTicketPrintReserved.html |
Added option to remove the lower bar code when Theatre Manager is displaying QR bar codes on print at home tickets. That way only one bar code is printed for QR codes and two for 3 of 9 bar codes (one vertically and one horizontally). | O |
rowOldCartPrintCourse.html, rowOldCartPrintFestival.html, rowOldCartPrintReserve.html, rowOldCartPrintSub.html |
Remove internal comments regarding bar code images as they are no longer printable on this page. No functionality changes. | O |
rowTicketEvent.html | Add optional column to show the ticket trove icon for the event in the event list. Make this change if you want to see the icons from inside theatre manager appear on the list. If you also want to use the 'show events not yet on sale' feature, you will need to change this file. Abstracted the event description portion into a new file so it can be shared with eventNotOnSaleYet Abstracted out ticketEventAvailablility into separate file showing good/limited etc. so it can be more easily changed. |
O |
rowTicketEventNotOnSaleYet.html | If you want to use the 'show events not yet on sale' feature, you will need to add this file. It has columns matching rowTIcketEvent.html and TmTickets.html. If you use this feature, then you must make sure all 3 files agree regarding number of columns and column order. Even if you do not use this feature, you should add this file to tmTemplates. | O |
rowCartCourseNewGroup.html, rowCartDonation.html, rowCartFestival.html, rowCartFestivalNewGroup.html, rowCartMailFee.html, rowCartOrderCouponFee.html, rowCartOrder Fee.html, rowCartPass.html, rowCartReserve.html, rowCartReserveNewGroup.html, rowCartSub.html, rowCartSubNewGroup.html, rowCheckoutCoupon.html, rowCheckoutCourse.html, rowCheckoutDonation.html, rowCheckoutFestival.html, rowCheckoutMailFee.html, rowCheckoutOrderCouponFee.html, rowCheckoutOrderFee.html, rowCheckoutPass.html, rowCheckoutReserve.html, rowCheckoutSub.html, rowCheckoutSubNewGroup.html, rowFutureTicketHeader.html, rowOldCartCoupon.html, rowOldCartCourse.html, rowOldCartDonation.html, rowOldCartFestival.html, rowOldCartMailFee.html, rowOldCartOrderCouponFee.html, rowOldCartOrderFee.html, rowOldCartPass.html, rowOldCartPrintCoupon.html, rowOldCartPrintCourse.html, rowOldCartPrintDonation.html, rowOldCartPrintFestival.html, rowOldCartPrintOrderCouponFee.html, rowOldCartPrintOrderFee.html, rowOldCartPrintPass.html, rowOldCartPrintReserve.html, rowOldCartPrintSub.html, rowOldCartReserve.html, rowOldCartSub.html, rowPkgTicketFestival.html, rowSubBookedHeader.html, rowSubNewDetail.html, rowSubNewHeader.html, tmtermsandconditions.html |
Revise to popup into a separate window any fee, event, venue, policy and other descriptions. The popup window is re-used if it is open. The purpose of this subtle interface change is to help kee pthe patron focues on the sales process if they happen to click on something considered a help link. For some of them, add include files for online pass/Gift certificate redemption. Recommended that this change be made, especially if you want online pass redemption. |
M |
tmPoweredBy.html, cellCartPassMaxRedemptionExceeded.html, cellPassLookupDescription.html, cellPassLookupValue.html, rowCartPassRedemption.html, rowCheckoutPassRedemption.html, rowCheckoutPaymentPlan, rowOldCartPassRedemption.html, rowOldCartPrintPassRedemption.html, rowPassRemainingValues.html, rowTicketEventAvailability.html, rowTicketEventCallBoxOffice.html, rowTicketEventImage.html, rowTicketEventName.html, rowTicketEventNotOnSaleYet.html, rowTicketPageHeader.html, tmContactPopup.html, tmnavButtonsFooter.html, tmCheckoutPostDatedPayments.html tmCheckoutPostDatedPaymentRules.html |
NEW files to support pass redemption, post dated payments, event list icons, online pre-sales event display (but not sell), and other new online features | M |
Files in the tmFee directory | ||
tmBoxOfficePolicy.html, tmFeeDefault.html, tmMailFee.html, tmMailFeeDefault.html, tmOrderFee.html, tmOrderFeeDefault.html, tmPrivacyPolicy.html | Revise to use new .boxofficePopup style sheet. Also other changes so it can exist as a popup. Remove any navigation buttons in the popup windows. | M |
Files in the tmCampaign directory | ||
tmCampaignDefault.html | Revise to use new .boxofficePopup style sheet. Also other changes so it can exist as a popup. | M |
Files in the tmSubscription directory | ||
tmSubscriptionDefault.html | Revise to use new .boxofficePopup style sheet. Also other changes so it can exist as a popup. | M |
Files in the tmPass directory | ||
tmPassDefault.html | Revise to use new .boxofficePopup style sheet. Also other changes so it can exist as a popup. | M |
Files in the tmVenue directory | ||
tmVenueDefault.html | Revise to use new .boxofficePopup style sheet. Also other changes so it can exist as a popup. | M |
Files in the TMMaps directory | ||
tmTicketsSection_MapDefault.html | Add optional column to show the ticket trove icon for the event in the event list. Make this change if you want to see the icons from inside theatre manager appear on the select your seats window. | O |
tmTicketsSection_MapDefaultc.html | Same as above - for courses. | O |
tmTicketsSection_MapDefaultf.html | Same as above - for general admission events. | O |
Files in the tmEvent directory | ||
tmEventDefault.html | Modified the URL that will get the graphic image for the Event. It now comes directly from the second generation listener. This eliminates the need to FTP the pictures up to the apache site as the server reads them directly from the database and caches them. If you do not change the page, you will need to put images on the web site manually as the FTP process has been eliminated for simplicity of operation and to make a more live web site. Convert to user as popup style window |
M |
Files in the tmContent directory | ||
all files | revised links to use standard 'redirect links' as described in online document. For most venues, these files are never used. | O |
Files in the tmGifs directory | ||
stylePages.css | Added a .backgroundPopup stylesheet. It is similar to the existing .background except is missing the picture on the page header. This is to handle the new style popup assistance links. | M |
Please note: Apple no longer supports PowerPC Macs in Lion (OSX 10.7) (which are typically 8 years old or so). And, with each new release of their operating system, Apple is nudging developers in the direction that the minimum operating system be OSX 10.6.8 and we think that will soon be Lion.
While we still provide versions of Theatre Manager that run on PowerPC Macs, we anticipate Theatre Manager versions released by early 2014 may be the last that do support PowerPC Macs.
If any of these minimum requirements affect you, please let us know now by sending an email directly to the support team. In the past year we have not heard of any issues since providing this notice.
This means: