- This page allows the patron to choose the subscription details they would prefer for Reserved seating events.
- Step 1 is a drop down of seating sections pulled from the Best Seat Settings tab from within the Map in Theatre Manager. Depending on the seat configuration of your venue (in particular dinner theatre seating), your Seat Name file may have been setup for a two-pass approach to Best Available seating. For more information on the two-pass system click here.
- Step 2 allows the patron to choose the number of subscriptions they wish to purchase. The quantity is limited to the number of tickets allowed to be sold per Order within Theatre Manager.
- Step 3 indicates the day of the week the patron wishes to attend. This drop down is populated when there is more then one performance date within the season package.
- Step 4 confirms the options as they are indicated about and takes the patron to the TMsubscriptionPriceMapDefault.html page.
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