- Displays the details of the Mailing Fee added to the cart within the online sales.
- It's recommended the fee be turned off with Theatre Manager rather then removed from the source code in the event the fee may be used in the future.
- A Mailing Fee can be turned off and on using the Mail To Patron option under the Web Options tab in Setup >> Company Preferences in Theatre Manager. Uncheck the box to remove the Mail Me My Tickets button from the online sales.
- The value of the Mailing Fee is determined by the fee selected in the Mail Fee box under the Web Options tab of Setup >> Company Preferences with Theatre Manager.
- The TMcart.html and TMcheckout.html pages both allow the patron to request the items in their cart to be mailed.
- To remove the mail fee check the box to the far right of the fee in the cart and click the Remove button at the bottom of the window. The order will no longer be flagged with a patron wants tickets mailed status within Theatre Manager.
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