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  • Displays the availability of the Performance based on details from the Theatre Manager database.

Questions and Answers:

Q: How can the Availability percentages be altered?
A: Each option (Good, Limited, Very Limited, Sold Out) are indicated based on the percentage of seats sold within the Theatre Manager database compared to the Reporting Capacity listed for the individual performance. The percent values are listed on the page in the F_SOLD_PERCENT statements and can be altered to meet the organizations needs.

Q:How are the colors used in the Availability column altered?
A: Each option is listed following a font color. Altering the hex code associated with the font color will change the color of the text.

the code that sets the display looks like below. If you want:
  • different colours, change them
  • different ranges for the levels, then adjust the ranges as appropriate.
  • more (or fewer) distinct levels, then duplicate (or remove) some lines and adjust ranges, as appropriate

<field>pick(F_SOLD_PERCENT>=80&F_SOLD_PERCENT<90,'','<font color="#FF00FF">Limited</font>')</field>
<field>pick(F_SOLD_PERCENT>=90&F_SOLD_PERCENT<100,'','<font color="#FF00FF">Very Limited</font>')</field>
<field>pick(F_SOLD_PERCENT>=100,'','<font color="#FF0000">Sold Out</font>')</field></td>



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