- Displays the quantity and price of the course when more then one admission to the course is purchased in the online sales.
- The information is pulled directly from Theatre Manager.
- If only one admission to the course is purchased this line will not appear.
- For details on how to setup a course click here.
- To alter the price of a course admission or remove a course when too many are added to the cart the entire course purchase must be removed. Check the box to the far right of the first registration for the course and click the Remove button at the bottom of the window. The course can then be purchased again selecting the desired price and or quantity.
Questions and Answers:
Q: How does Theatre Manager assign a ticket when someone other then the person logged in is selected from the drop down as the course participant?
A: Theatre Manager will gift the course to the member of the household the ticket is purchased for. This means the ticket will appear in both the purchaser and the attendees patron records. This allows for reporting one who attended a course and who purchased a course based on criteria.
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