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Version 9.24

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Upgrade Steps

Upgrading to version 9.24 requires, at a minimum:

  • Reading current and prior version release notes for version 9.23 back to the version you are currently using. All releases are cumulative, so you get everything since the last release.
  • Selecting a quiet time or a dark day to update.
  • Follow the general upgrade steps and Install TM on all workstations.
  • Read the suggestions for 'Things a venue may need to do' at the bottom of each release.
All feature changes, enhancements are optional and this version could be implemented at any future time.

Key Changes in Version 9.24.00

The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 9.23

  1. Version 9.24 is the first to implement auto updating of the second generation web listener. The intention is that web services are automatically kept up to date for you based on the version of TM you are running. This will save one of the update steps in the future.
  2. Second generation listener aggregates programatical error logs (that you may have seen on the console) and sends them to AMS. Information is generally, trace log, date/time, version, customer number - enough for us to see how to resolve the issue. The notion is that if an error is noticed in the software and reported to you, if it is reported to us, we can fix it before many people run into it. Data is sent over TLS to
  3. Add support for Postgres version 9.3.1
  4. Add support for Apache 2.4.6
  5. Initial support for Mavericks. Note: As of version 9.24.02, we have discovered that the PDF printing on Mavericks needs a small update to a component. If you install 9.24.05 on any machine and Theatre Manager finds this component out of date, you will need to download an update Theatre Manager on that Mavericks workstation only. Any non Mavericks workstation or Windows machine will not require any changes.

Point Release Version History

Point releases are minor version fixes and small enhancements to any particular version.

  • 9.24.00 - Sep 29, 2013 (TMServer 0.60.00)
  • 9.24.02 - Oct 9, 2013 (TMServer 0.60.01)
  • 9.24.05 - Nov 15, 2013 (TMServer 0.60.06)
  • Nov 26, 2013 TicketTrove 1.07 released for IOS 7 - see app store
  • 9.24.06 - Dec 10, 2013

Second Generation Listener

  • The only change to the second generation listener from 9.23 to 9.24 is that, once installed, it will self update if we make any future releases to the second generation listener. The intention for this part of TM is that you simply install it, then forget about it.
  • Added a startup check to use the theatremanager.plist file in the second gen server directory (9.24.01)
  • Enhanced the seat note field for each seat to allow embedded HTML (9.24.05)
  • Fixed an issue where setting maximum ticket per event on multiple events would only let you add the maximum tickets to one of those events. Eg, if Event A and Event B allowed only two ticket each in the cart, you could only add tickets to one of the events. Now you can add tickets to both events (9.24.05)
  • Added support to the donation window to allow adding the 3 donation flags to the online entry window - if desired (9.24.05)
  • Fixed a small issue that was generating empty carts and discarding them when printing bar codes on tickets or requesting the time from the server (9.24.05)
  • Web sales will now start up even if there the company email settings are marked as having SMTP login issues (9.24.05)
  • Notification on startup of TM will show if there are SMTP login problems for all users - to make sure that somebody will fix the password. Once a password is fixed, emails will resume automatically.(9.24.05)

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Allow search by task project bill status (cancelled, invoice, estimate) (9.24.01)
  • Properly round cash payments in Canada when doing a REFUND to cash (9.24.02)
  • Create 'AS' (patron added) transactions when the patron is added at the box office. The web already created the transactions (9.24.01)
  • Add greeting name to the list of fields available for merging in a notification. (9.24.02)
  • Bug fix to the commission report. Anybody using this report will need to clear the sort criteria prior to running the report again. (9.24.03)
  • Venue, event and performance description fields were not properly filled in when entering data for some rental items in Facility (9.24.03)
  • Fix an issue that may prevent entering the venue that the event is in when creating a brand new event. This would only occur if there are historical control houses that are missing a control house number. (9.24.03)
  • When adding an email manually, you can now specify if that email is to come from the corporate email address or from the user's personal email address. (9.23.03)
  • Batch printing of tickets or gift certificates where the user sets up an associated email notification - will see that notification be sent to the patron from the corporate email address. (9.23.03)
  • Now you can transfer any payment to another order even if the payment is associated with donations. The error reporting when a payment cannot be transferred is improved. (9.24.04)
  • Fix a condition where taking a coupon or pass payment, followed by setting the mailing status, followed by a second payment would not retain the mailing status on the order (9.24.04)
  • Add reporting of resources to the invoice so that it supports resources in an order not added as part of a project.

Things a venue may need to do

  • Read all prior release notes back to the version you upgraded from and follow any instructions for each version under the subject 'Things a venue may need to do'.
  • There are no web pages to change.
  • (optional) If you are failing your PCI scan, you can install apache Version 2.4.9 or later. Make sure to save your web pages and config files before any attempting any update.
  • Make sure port 6181 to is open to allow the update server to verify eligibility for new versions of TM

Changes to Web Pages

There are no web page changes between this version and the last. However, if you with to get the latest web pages and compare the web pages to your existing pages, you are most welcome to for confirmation.