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Donation Tab

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A Donation would be any item given to an organization without intention of receiving a benefit. Most donors receive a tax receipt for their donation. Donations can be Inserted, Modified, or Deleted depending on the need. To learn more about Donation Features click here.

Parts of the Donation Tab

Order # The order number is a reference number for the order.
Prog Yr Program Year.
Use Use
Campaign Name Name of the campaign.
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year of the donation.
Donation Date Date the donation was made.
Pledge Amount The amount the patron pledged.
Actual Amount The amount recieved to this date.
Giving Level  What level of giving the donation is at.
Balance Outstanding balance of the pledged amount remaining.
Total Receipted The amount of the donation that has been issued receipts.
Soft Credit Soft Credits that have been applied to the donation.
Program Name The name of the program.
Add a new donation. For more information, click here.
Opens the highlighted donation. For more information, click here.
Deletes the highlighted donation. For more information, click here.
Opens the Payment window for the highlighted donation. For more information, click here.
Prints the highlighted donation. For more information, click here.
Opens the Set Donation Name dialog for the highlighted donation. For more information, click here.
The Donations search filter.