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Cart Tab

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The shopping cart tab on the patron window lists all of the internet shopping experiences for a patron. You can:

You can also view all carts for all patrons.

Parts of the Web Cart Tab

Cart # A unique number representing the patrons web shopping cart.
Patron # The Patron identification number.
First Name Patrons first name.
Last Name Patrons last name.
Company The name of the company the patron belongs to.
Status The status of the shopping cart. Typically you might see:
  • Active - the patron is still purchasing items and adding them to the cart. A cart will stay active until the cart timeout is reached. A timeout occurs when the patron has not asked for another web page for that time period.
  • Completed - the patron has completed a purchase using either a credit card and/or a pass/gift certificate. All items in the cart are reflected in the various other tabs in the patrons record.
  • Checkout - Errors Processing Cart - which means that the patron started to checkout, provided their credit card and proceeded sufficiently far in the process that the card was likely authorized. After that point, some issue occurred that prevented all items in the cart from being processed. A cart in this state will not let any of its tickets be released so that you can inspect it manually and correct the issue.
  • Cart Closed - by patron - this means that the patron decided to log out not complete the purchase
  • Cart Closed - by system - means that the patron abandoned their cart and the system closed it after a period of inactivity.
Hits The number of web pages that the patron accessed for that shopping cart. It is possible to check out a couple of tickets in 8 page hits if the patron has an account. Average is probably about 20 as patron shop, especially for subscriptions. Any large number generally means that the patron was unsure.
Cart Value Total value of the patrons cart.
Tix Qty Number of tickets the in the cart.
Pass Qty The number of passes in the cart.
Donation Qty Number of donations in the cart.
Checkout Date The date the patron paid for the iteams in the cart.
Not available - only web listener can create shopping carts.
Opens an existing shopping cart so that you can view the web logs, contents and possible 'check out' an active cart on behalf of a patron.
Deletes a shopping cart for the patron.