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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 exports a tab-delimited text file containing an export line for each detail line within the G/L Entry. The deposit and sales posting are combined and exported within the same export file. This allows an exact match of each G/L Entry to crossover into Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 accounting software (line for line).


Parts of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Export File

Reference Journal Entry Reference Number. The Journal Number for this G/L Entry (SP-0005041, DP-0004318, GL-2021122)
Date The Journal Entry Date. The date is always in YYYYMMDD format.
Account Theatere Manager's External Account value (name or number) will be used to create the export file.
Debit The Debit amount for this G/L Detail Line.
Credit The Credit amount for this G/L Detail Line.
Line Description The Journal Entry Description for this G/L Entry (Sales Posting, Deposit Posting).