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Fees & Taxes Tab

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The Fees & Taxes tab determines the level of detail regarding the fees and taxes that will be printed on the invoice.

Parts of the Fees & Taxes Tab

Tax Options The options to print are:
  • Do not include taxes on notice.
  • Include taxes in ticket prices.
  • Include taxes on separate line item.
Ticket Fee Options The options to print are:
  • Don not include fees on notice.
  • Include fees in ticket price.
  • Include ticket fees in separate line with order fees.
  • Inculde ticket fees on separate line separate from order fees.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.