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Unprinting a Batch of Tickets

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The Unprint Batch of Tickets function allows for the 'Printed' flag to be removed from tickets so that they can be printed again. This is helpful when a batch of tickets needs to be reprinted.

  1. From the main menu bar, select Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Tickets.

    The Unprint Batch of Tickets window opens.

  2. Enter the date the tickets were printed in the From and To fields.
  3. Click the Search button to begin the search.

    Any tickets printed in the date range given will display.

  4. Highlight the tickets to be unprinted.

    Use the <SHIFT> key to highlight a range of tickets. To highlight multiple individual tickets, hold the <CTRL> key (Windows) or the <OPTION> key (Mac).

  5. Click the Unprint button to remove the 'Printed' flag.

    The tickets can now be added to a new batch of tickets to be printed.