This window shows a log containing a patron's forgotten password behaviour. The entries in the log are curated from:
- Patron transactions showing if the patron was merged, changed their own data online, or had their data changed at the box office. If the box office, for example, changed the email after he password request, it might be an indication that the email address was wrong, and then fixed by box office.
- Patron emails specific to the requesting of passwords and emailing of order confirmations, as well as how long it took TM to send the email and how long it took the patron to read the email. This will tell you how quickly it left TM, and how long the patron took to open it.
- Web logs showing forgotten password requests and issues updating the password including error messages the patron might have received trying to enter their password (like password needs upper case/lower case or a number, etc). If the patron cycles around trying to change the password and never does because of errors, it likely means they are not reading the message on the web page (or the web page/tmError.txt was modified and doesn't show the standard explanatory messages)
What can you see in the logs
The logs are ordered by time stamp. You should be able to see a brief summary of:
- A request for a password email. This would confirm that they did ask for a reset and by the right email address. If the email address did not exist, you would see that message.
- The email sent to the patron. If there is no email, sent, the email did not exist
- If the email exists, attempt to change the password on the email
- If the email does not exist, attempt to create a patron, perhaps using that email address
- Transaction logs indicating that the patron was created, merged, or updated
- and, if the patron finished an order online, you'll see the confirmation email record
What might the forgot password log show
You may see repeats of any of the above behaviour for the patron, so it:
- needs to be carefully read and analyzed to determine what might have prevented them from being successful.
- might indicate when the user last was able to purchase something.
- might indicate somebody who always forgets their email every time
- might indicate somebody who never reads any of their emails, which usually indicates it went to spam
- might indicate if the user was typing as password that does not meet your minimum standards
- .. and more
The log below shows an analysis of what a real user from artsman did to create a set of log entries on a customer database for illustrative purposes.

Where can you access this from
This feature can be accessed from:
- The Web Sales Management menu
- Right-clicking on a patron (with an email) in the patron list window and selecting 'Forgotten Password Log' from the context menu.
- Right-clicking on a patron (with an email) in the Whos In List on the mail list window and selecting 'Forgotten Password Log' from the context menu.
- Clicking the gear icon on an email address in the patron contact card and selecting 'Forgotten Password Log' from the context menu.
- The Web Listener Log if the log entry appears to contain an email