Inserts a new giving level through the Giving Level Detail Window.For more information on inserting
giving levels click here. |
Opens a window to edit a giving level through the Giving Level Detail Window.For more information on editing giving levels click
here. |
Creates a copy of the selected giving level. |
Deletes a giving level.For more information on deleting giving levels click here. |
Generates a report of the giving levels to the screen or default print location. |
Exports the giving level list in a tab-delimited format. |
Giving Level |
The name of the level. |
Outlet-Owner |
The Outlet associated with the campaign. |
Pledged |
The pledged goal. |
Actual |
The total dollars raised to date. |
Count |
The number of pledges associated with the giving level. |
Soft Credit |
Soft Credits associated with this campaign. |
Matching Gift |
The total dollars raised as Matching Gifts. |
Match Count |
The total number of Matching Gifts. |
Balance |
The total dollars needed to meet the pledged goal. |