You can find the majority of shopping carts that have had problems with their credit cards if you search the web logs for:
- a range of dates and
- the contents of the web log as being 3d-
Once you see the message, you can double click on it to see what the message means. Almost all errors are provided to Theatre Manager from the bank such as:
- Do Not honor! (the bank doesn't like the card)
- Declined! (the bank doesn't like the card
- Hold card! (The bank doesn't like the card - it is probably stolen and the want wants to you keep it)
Some errors are generated by Theatre manager and are self evident, such as:
- Card is Blacklisted (means the venue said they didn't want anybody to use this card
- Emergency processing is on (means that the venue turned the merchant processor into emergeny mode and took the cards anyway

Actions that you can take