Venues whose database and web services are hosted on the AMS cloud will need to contact support to make a point-in-time backup (eg for year end).
Venues who are self hosted can make a manual backup at any time. The steps are:
- Find the TM Server machine that was configured to run backups.
- On that machine, type to start the Director and make a backup run. Or, if you are viewing this help page on the same machine that can do backups, just click the link.
- add /backup to the URL on the browser, or type/click
- This will start the actual backup process and the URL will change to backup.log to indicate it is running. A sample of a backup log file is shown to the right.
- Hit the browser's refresh button to see more of the log file as the backup progresses
- When the backup is completed, you'll see a line at the end of the that has the full pathname of the backup file.

- When done, if you want to save this backup for a special purpose (eg year end, or before a large import)
- Use the path name to go to the backup folder -and-
- save the backup copy of the database named at the bottom of the long into a place for safekeeping
- Optionally, rename the file after the purpose of the backup, if it convenient