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Exchanging Tickets

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Exchanging tickets can be performed for Festival, Reserved or Traveling Troupe sales, exchanging from one performance to another within the same event, or across events, or from a higher price to a lower price ticket, and from a lower price to a higher price ticket. Theatre Manager calculates the differences of ticket prices, adds on an optional exchange fee and presents the final cost of the ticket exchange. There are no restrictions when exchanging tickets. The only condition when exchanging tickets is the tickets selected must exist within the same order number.

The program has security controls that can be set up for each employee or as an organization default. Click here for more information on the controls. Some of the controls are:

  • Allowing exchanges for performances of past performances. Click here.
  • Allowing exchanges for printed tickets. Click here.
  • Collecting or not collecting the difference in money for higher priced tickets. Click here.
  • Refunding or not refunding the difference in money for lower priced tickets. Click here.
The following quick reference information is available for Exchanging or Refunding Tickets

Reference Guide (pdf)

Cheatsheet (pdf)

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast
