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Exchanging Hints

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Techniques to Reduce Errors during Exchanges

Errors can occur during a ticket exchange when:

  • The differences in the price of the original ticket and the replacement ticket is not collected or refunded correctly.
  • The amount not refunded or collected is waived by Theatre Manager. Click here for more information on Waived Amounts.
  • The ticket base price and sales promotion for the replacement ticket does not match the ticket base price and sales promotion of the original ticket.

It is recommended to:

  • Use the Quick Exchange process for festival ticket exchanges when there is no difference in the price of the original tickets and the replacement tickets.
  • Turn off automatic waiving to prevent accidental waiving of the difference between the price of the original tickets and the replacement tickets when an incorrect replacement ticket was purchased.

Use Quick Exchange

Quick exchange is a fast exchange procedure that automatically applies the same price and sales promotion on a replacement ticket as was on the original ticket.

  • When the original ticket and the replacement ticket are not of the same value a warning appears indicating there is a difference in ticket values.
  • The operator is not required to select the price code or the promotion code during the exchange.
  • The price and promotion code on the original ticket is automatically applied to the replacement ticket.
  • The operator can cancel the Quick Exchange and complete a regular exchange, if required.
  • If quick exchange is used and an amount is accidentally waived, a regular exchange can be used to reverse the waived amount.

Turn Off Automatic Waiving

Turning off automatic waiving requires the employee to decide if any difference between the original tickets and the replacement tickets is to be refunded or collected. Select both checkboxes to collect money for higher priced tickets and to refund money for lower priced tickets.

To examine the current settings:

  1. Access to the Company Preferences is through the Setup menu.

  2. Select the Box Office tab.

    When the settings for Collect $ for Higher Price and Refund $ for Lower Price are deselected, the price difference in the exchange process is automatically waived. Change the setting to allow the employee to decide to waive, collect, or refund the price difference in the exchange.

The following quick reference information is available for Exchanging or Refunding Tickets

Reference Guide (pdf)

Cheatsheet (pdf)

Flash ScreenCast

MP4 ScreenCast
