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Employee Prefs: Facility Tab

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In the Facilities tab of Employee Preferences you can effect users abilities to edit calendar items and tasks.

Parts of the Facility Tab

Unassigned Activity Patron Enter a default unassigned activity patron here as a placeholder for personnel assigned to specific project tasks to be used while those personnel are still being set up. The purpose of this patron is so that you can assign placeholders for tasks in the Facility Management module. When Theatre Manager assigns a placeholder patron, it needs to know who that patron is - so by adding it to the Employee Preferences file, Theatre Manager connects the generic patron to the placeholder.

This way, you can have a task that requires 5 people, but not yet know who those 5 people are. You can add 5 generic patrons to the task, then replace them with real patrons when you are ready. It is also used in the volunteer/personnel tab in events and dates to bulk set up the people needed to work a performance.

If you are receiving the message: "Personnel placeholding will be disabled until valid Unassigned Activity Patron # entered." then you will need to add a generic patron to this cell.

Others who can edit my tasks Here you can assign delegates who can edit your calendar task information. This prevents others from changing your tasks by supplying a list. Use the green plus and red minus buttons at the bottom left of the table to add or remove patrons from this list.