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Recurring Donations Detail Window - Notes Tab

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The Notes Tab allows you to define specific fields for each gift created by the Recurring Donation.

Recurring Donation Details

Parts of the Recurring Donation Detail Window - Notes Tab

Donor #1 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #2 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #3 (pop-up) A customizable pop-up field edited through the code tables. This pop-up can be made a mandatory field in Company Preferences.
Donor #4 (char) A customizable character field. This field can be made a mandatory in Company Preferences.
Donor #5 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #6 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Donor #7 (flag) A customizable Check Box.
Recurring Notes Additional important information or general background information about this recurring donation.

Recurring Notes will not be transferred over to gifts created from the recurring donation. These notes are kept separate and are to reflect information specific to the recurring donation itself.
