Status | Icon based indicators on the various aspects of the donation. |
Order # | The order number is a reference number for the order. |
Prog Yr | Program Year. |
Use | Indicates the source detailing hose the donation was received. |
First / Last & Company Name | Name of the patron making the donation. |
Campaign Name | Name of the campaign the donation was applied to. |
Fiscal Year | The accounting Fiscal Year the donation was made. |
Donation Date | Date the donation was made. |
Pledge Amount | The amount the patron pledged to this donation. |
Actual Amount | The actual amount the patron has confirmed they will donate towards their original pledged amount. |
Giving Level | What level of giving the donation is at. |
Balance | Outstanding balance of the pledged amount remaining to the paid. |
Total Receipted | The amount of the donation that has been issued paayment/receipts. |
Soft Credit | The total amount of Soft Credits that have been applied to the donation. |
Program Name | How the patron would like to be recognized on the program. |