There is a convenient quick-add feature that creates a patron by swiping their credit card. This might be best used during the admittance process for Auctions. The process works as follows:
- You start by setting the Patron List window to search by credit card. For more info on the Patron List window, click here.
- Then, when you swipe a credit card, it will find the patron if that card number is in the database.
- If the card number does not exist in the database, TM gives you the option to quick add the patron attending the auction.
- Patrons added in this way will be 'limited profile patrons'. That is, the name on the card along with their credit card on file stored in the database.
- In an auction setting, if there are bid packets, you can give the patron the patron number created during the swipe.
- You can now sell auction items to this patron using the auction process.

As with any limited profile patron, if you edit their actual address data, you will be required to provide the minimum information normally required of the box office.