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Tickets Window

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This section describes the general features of the order window that includes ticket sales. If you would like more specific information about ticketing, please refer to ticket sales/management.
    To open the Orders Window to the tickets tab, you can either:
    1. Click the New button or the Open button in the Orders tab, or
    2. The Tickets button in the Ticket tab. Clicking the Tickets button opens a flyout menu. Click here for more information.

    The Order window opens:

    Parts of the Order Tickets window are

    Ribbon Bar

    Switch to Calendar View.
    Transfer the order to another patron.
    Adds the currently selected play to the 'buy' list.
    Removes the currently selected play from the 'buy' list.
    Clears all plays from the 'buy' list.
    Shows the sales notes for the currently selected plays.
    Goes to the next phase of reserving tickets for the selected performance.
    Releases all the held tickets on the selected performance.
    Select a performance and then click "New Performance" to create a new performance date.


    The Tabs portion of the window is where you add or edit tickets. It consists of:

    Performance Selection Performances are displayed in the Performance Selection tab of the Order window. Once a patron is selected and the buy button clicked, the performances to be purchased can be selected. Once a performance is selected, it appears in the bottom portion of the selection pane. Click here for more information on this tab.
    Seat Selection For performances, the seat selection window displays a map of the venue. Click here for more information. For Courses, a different window is displayed. Click here for more information on Courses.
    Ticket Review The ticket review tab displays the ticket(s) selected in the seat selection and gives you a number of options. These are:
    This opens the ticket detail window and its functions. Click here for more information.
    Click the button to reset the ticket status back to its original state.
    Allows you to exchange tickets for the patron. Click here for more information.
    This button indicates that the selected ticket(s) will be refunded.
    Clicking this button confirms and processes imediately the indicated ticket sales, excahnges or refunds.
    Exports the higlighted records.