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Creating a Recurring Donation

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There are 3 ways to create a Recurring Donation.

  1. Through the Setup->System Tables->Recurring Donations setup menu. This method is extremely helpful if the patron is a first time donor and hasn't made a previous donation.
  2. Using an existing donation for a patron, which will define the starting values for the Recurring Donation.
  3. Using online web sales, the patron can indicate that they wish to setup and start a Recurring Donation.

How to Start A First Time Recurring Donation

To setup a new Recurring Donation for a patron, there are three steps to follow:

  1. Enter a NEW donation for the amount of the monthly gift and click on the Payment button
  2. Charge the credit card. This will be the FIRST donation of their Recurring Donation
  3. With the First Donation charged to the patron's credit card, now use the Recurring Donation Template button to setup the future payment amounts and frequency.

Using the System Tables Setup menu

  1. Open the Recurring Donation window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

    Recurring Donations List

  2. Click on the recurring donation you want to edit.
  3. Click the New button.

    The recurring donation detail window will open. Click here to learn more about this window.

Using an Existing Donation for a Patron

Refer to Creating a Recurring Donation from an Existing Gift for more information.

Using Web Sales to Setup a Recurring Donation

Refer to Creating a Recurring Donation for an Online Donation for more information.

A recurring donation template contains all the data required to create future donations on an ongoing basis. When a template is processed, the future donation will contain a new order, donation and payment based on the template.

A donation template is NOT a donation per se. A donation must be created from it.
