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Transfer Tickets after they have been Sold

Subscribe to Syndicate
  1. Find the incorrect patron which the ticket were sold to.

    Click here to learn how to find patrons.

  2. Click the Order tab.

    This displays all the orders that have been made under the patron's number.

  3. Select the order to be transferred.

    If the order is not shown select the Include Closed Orders field.

  4. Click the Transfer button.

    The Transfer Order Window opens.

    From this window there are the following options:

    • Search for a Patron from the Patron window. Click here for information.
    • Search for a Patron by Member Card #.
    • Search for a Patron by Control #.
    • Reverting back to the QuickBuy Patron by using the Quick Buy Patron button will use the Quick Buy Patron the user has setup.
  5. Once the patron or member card is entered their information will be displayed in the window.

  6. Verify the information and click the Transfer button.

    A confirmation window opens.

  7. Click Transfer to transfer the order.

    Theatre Manager will move the order and all payment associated with it to the specified patron.
