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Seat Matching During Rollover

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You can easily roll subscriptions over to another year. Just indicate the new control house and proceed. Normally, your theatre map for each year will be the same, but sometimes you reconfigure your house or use a different venue. Theatre Manager can handle both situations.

If the venue of the control house is the same from year to year, you can only pick the option 'Subscribers get same Physical Seat as this year”.

If you are using a different venue or map layout, Theatre Manager does not know how to allocate seats and will give you 3 options. These are:

  • Use Seat Codes to Match Seats in a new theatre. Theatre Manager will look at the seat code for the current subscription and go look for the same seat code in a new map.

    If your venue is the same venue for all intents (the same number of seats, or a couple added) and you are just changing the price code boundaries, this is the best option. It would also work well, when the venues are completely different and you took some care in setting up the new venue to match the seat codes in both venues. This approach means -- if I was sitting in Seat code AA01 in venue 1, it could be mapped to the same seat code AA01 in the completely different venue.

  • Use Best Seat Number to assign seats. Theatre Manager will reassign seats in the new venue using best seat number. If I have the 10th best seat in venue 1, I will get the 10th best seat in venue 2. This re-assignment will work well, unless the section sizes mean the seats will cross aisle boundaries. For example, seats 10 and 11 are together in venue 1 and they are across aisles or in different rows in venue 2, you will have some manual reseating. This option works in some instances, but not for all situations.
  • Use Best Seat Algorithm is a variation of the second option. The difference is --if I have best seats 10 and 11 in venue 1, Theatre Manager will process my subscription near the head of the queue. If that makes me the 4th subscriber in line for tickets (e.g. all others in best seats 1 to 9 have 2 or 3 tickets). Theatre Manager will process my subscription rollover 4th. It will use the best seat algorithm to find the best seating available. It might mean that I get sat further forward or further back so that more seats are filled. Using this option, you will find your subscribers tend to get moved together and their relative position changes a little.