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Audit Search Options

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There are many options for you to search for specific transactions. Using the drop-down list in the upper left corner, simply choose the criteria you wish to search by.

Options for searching the Transaction List

All Transactions Displays all transactions. Click on any column header to sort by that column.
Code The specific Transaction Code
Order # A specific order number. This may be helpful when diagnosing ledger transactions.
Journal # A specific General Journal number. This may be helpful when diagnosing ledger transactions.
Revenue Date A specific date of revenue. This may be helpful when diagnosing ledger transactions.
Seq # A specific Sequence number. This may be helpful when diagnosing ledger transactions.
Trans Date A specific transaction date. This may be helpful when examining a specific day or range of days.
Play #, #Perf, Tix #, Seat Code Use these to examine transactions based around a specific event.
Trans Patron #, Name/Company, Last Name, First Name, Company Use these to search for transactions generated by a specific patron record.
Play Title, Play, Performance Use these to search for transactions generated by a specific event.
Description, Campaign Name These will search for transactions generated by a specific donation campaign.
Merchant #, GL# These may be helpful when diagnosing ledger transactions.