You may wish to add a button on your web site to allow your patrons to make a donation of a specific amount with the simple click of a button. This may take the form of:
- "Add $10 to support our Theatre School!"
- "Give $50 to our Annual Fund Drive!"
- "Support Music in our community! Add $25 to your order"
Or any other needs your Marketing and Development Department can identify.
This process includes web page editing. If you have a web designer on hand, they can perform these edits. If you wish to contract with Arts Management Systems to perform these or any customizations for you, please contact the Support Team at
Note: There is a difference between:
- Donate a specific amount of $x.xx - which is described below -AND-
- Round up to nearest $x.xx which looks at the current cart value and suggests small donation amounts to bring the total cart value up to a pleasant looking value.

Adding the coding to the web page.
- Select the web page you wish to add the button to.
The most commonly used page is rowCartDonationSuggestion.html.
OPTIONAL- An include directive can be added to any of these pages:
- The Home Page (tmHome.html)
- The Login page (tmLogin.html)
- The Shopping Cart (tmCart.html), which is pictured below.
- Replace the existing contents with the following HTML to the page:
<field>pick(F_DONATION_ALLOWED,'<!-- comment: based on setting in company preferences to show suggested donation','')</field>
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
<div class="container" align="center">
<form action="<field>F_HTML_FIREWALL</field>online" METHOD=POST>
<input class="btn btn-success" name="btnDonationAccept"type="submit" value="ADD $10 TO SUPPORT OUR THEATRE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT"/>
<input id="DD_DC_SEQ" name="DD_DC_SEQ" type="hidden" value="41"/>
<input id="DD_AMOUNT_PLEDGE" name="DD_AMOUNT_PLEDGE" type="hidden" value="10"/>
- Ensure that:
- The HTML is outside ALL OTHER FORMS on the page you add it to.
- You change the ’10’ to the suggested amount’.
- You change the ’41’ to the proper campaign sequence number from within Theatre Manager.
- You change the ‘add $10 to support….’ to reflect the text you wish to use on the button.
- You include any mandatory donation fields by using including DD_FLDx_FC_SEQ references.