To alter the Price Code drop down during the sales process to appear as a list of prices the following pages may need to be updated:
This process includes web page editing. If you have a web designer on hand, they can perform these edits. If you wish to contract with Arts Management Systems to perform these or any customizations for you, please contact the Support Team at

Edit the code on the web page
- Select the web page to edit.
The most commonly used pages are rowTicketReserved.html, rowTicketFestival.html, and rowTicketCourse.html.
- Locate the following HTML on the page:
<select class="form-control" id="SC_DESCRIPTION" name="SC_DESCRIPTION" size="1">
- Edit the following
- Change the size="1" to the number of lines you wish see to displayed.
- The sample above shows a size="3" to show 3 price lines.