Over the years, we have found that some changes web designers want to make were the same from venue to venue. We have taken those changes away from the web pages and allowed the end user to do them, without the assistance of a web designer. This makes Theatre Manager part of the 'content management' for the web site.
The kinds of changes that fall into this category and involve no web design work are:
- Pagination of the list of events presented to the user
- Maps showing recommended seats or the seats in the venue
- Search setup for finding best seating
- Naming of events, gift certificates, passes, season subscription packages, donation campaigns
- Naming of sales promotions, price codes and display options for these two fields
- Naming of mail lists that users can sign up to
- Allowing people to browse anonymously for tickets - or- required to sign in at the beginning
- Print at home ticketing
- Availability of coupon codes on the web
- Comments and text to describe performances, events, donations, passes, subscriptions, etc
- Onsale dates for events
- Time outs for sales in a shopping cart
- and a number of other business processes
These kinds of changes are simple text changes to various data fields within Theatre Manager or changes to options in the Company Preferences area. Most do not require any changes by a web designer as they are daily operational aspects of TM.

It is possible to add some html tags to some of the large descriptive fields like the event description. If there are html tags in those fields, you can have additional control over the display of text. eg, you can include <b><em><a><img> type tags very easily to create a desired look without changing pages.