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Charitable Receipts for Donor (Annual Statement Style)

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The Charitable Receipts for Donor (Annual) can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts category.

An example of the report is to the right and some notes about the report follow.

Please be aware of the Rules for a receipt to print described at the bottom of the web page.

  • Click here for information on generating a report.
  • Click here for information on the Finished Report window.
  • This report has some custom parameters to control wording and settings on it


Purpose of the Report

You use the The Charitable Receipts for Donor (Annual) to print annual donation receipt summaries.

Donation receipt options can be set for each individual donation. Only payments for donations needing an annual donation tax receipt will print.

Note: you can change the receipt type for many donations on the donation list for each campaign

The Annual Statement Style tax receipt limits to 500 records to avoid memory issues. After printing a batch of receipts, run the report process again to print the next batch.
Be sure to set some default values in the donation tab in Company Preferences for:
  • charitable receipt number (required in Canada)
  • your issuing location and web site (required in Canada)
  • Revenue Canada, IRS or information web site if required by law. (required in Canada)
  • facimile signature. Canada Revenue Agency has specific rules about computer signatures on its web site


Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Development Print Donation receipts on a preprinted form according for those requiring annual receipts


Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run using:

Parameter Field Condition Value
Calendar Year and The calendar year that you want the Annual statement receipt for
Campaign is All campaigns or a specific campaign
Name/Company like everybody or some portion of the name and/or company if looking for individuals.

In addition to the quick criteria above, you can also use the search tab if you want to create some more elaborate search criteria such as multiple campaigns, patron number range, date ranges, donation types, etc.


Rules for a Receipt to Print

There are very specific criteria to retrieve data for printing. ALL of the following must be true before an annual style receipt can be printed.
  1. Donation receipt option must be the annual statement style
  2. Donation Group Security - You must be permitted access to the donation
  3. Campaign Group Security - you must be in the access group permitted to access the campaign
  4. Receipt Year - the receipt date for the payment must be in the calendar year specified. This means payments that cross calendar year boundaries will appear in the appropriate year's receipt.
  5. Name/Company - (optional) if specified, the patrons name must contain the value entered. If you see the patron on the patron list using this search, you will find them for donations
  6. Campaign - (optional) if specified, only this campaign will be included. otherwise all campaigns will be included.
  7. Donation Type - cannot be soft credit, prospect or hard pledge
  8. Receipt required must satisfy both cases:
    • The Campaign must allow printing of receipts and donation amount must be greater than minimum receiptable amount
    • The Donation Receipt itself must be marked required
  9. Payment Receipts can be from payments that are wither:
    • post-dated - the payment MUST be deposited to avoid generating receipts for credit card payments that are declined
    • not post-dated - doesn't matter if the payment is deposited or not
  10. Not Receipted yet - there must be AT LEAST ONE payment NOT RECEIPTED otherwise you cannot print an overall receipt with receipt number. If none of the payments have been receipted, then all payments in the annual receipt get the same receipt number. You can reissue receipts if you un-print a prior receipt, which creates an audit trail as required by Revenue Canada.