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Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments

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The Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts category. It can be used to see:
  • contact information, company, address, and phone number
  • when a donation and its corresponding payments were given
  • Balance due on the donation, if any
  • the campaign
  • donor receipt name
  • fiscal and program year

Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.

Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.

Purpose of the Report

You use the Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments to print a list of of patrons with a donation summary and the payments. This can manage donation receivables.

Departments Who Benefit From This Report

Development Managing donation receivables

Criteria Hints

It is recommended that this report be run using:

Parameter Field Condition Value
Donation Year = Desired Year
Donation Date is Date Entered
Campaign # is one of desired campaign