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  • Explanation clarifies, deepens and broadens the reader’s understanding of a subject
  • Provide background and context in your explanation
  • Explanation can consider alternatives, counter-examples or multiple different approaches to the same question
  • Don’t instruct, or provide technical reference Can be conceptual

Online Discount Suggestions

A Gift certificate can be created in Theatre Manager to provides a discounted purchase price with a higher redemption value. This type of Pass/Gift Certificate is most often used for things like Black Friday sales. It could be used to provide VIP or Memberships, Boxing Day sales or or other seasonal offerings.

Entering a Prospect or Soft Pledge Donation

One of the first tasks of soliciting donations is to identify your prospective donors. A "prospective donor" is anyone who hasn't been a donor to your organization, or possibly is a lapsed donor that you want to bring back into the organization.

A prospective donor's name may come from discussions at a Development or Staff meeting, or noticing a donor on another venue's Donor Wall that isn't in your current donor list. it might also be for the purpose of Planned Giving

Uses for custom Marketing Fields

There are 9 marketing fields, plus tags, 8 of which are customizable. Of these 8 fields:
  • 2 are alphabetic
  • 2 are alpha/numeric
  • 1 is a Text field
  • 3 are drop-down lists
  • one field, Age Code, is predefined in Theatre Manager.

These fields can be custom labeled to reflect the information chosen to record. For more information on customizing the marketing field label please click here.


Tags are notations that can be applied to some records within Theatre Manager (like hashtags) that can be used for searching for some data in arbitrary groupings, such as for reports, building mail lists, exporting data or using in charts.

Start creating tags using the Tag List Window

Once a tag is created, you can associate one or more of them with the following data records:

Reveal Dashboards

Reveal is the Theatre Manager web application that provides insights into your sales data and operations using graphical dashboard widgets.

Emailing Tickets from the box office

Theatre Manager can be set up to allow one or both of:

Scanning Cards for Admission

If you have created cards, associated them with membership/pass types that allow admission, then you can scan patrons into a venue. To do so, you will need to:
  • have already assigned a 'pass' to a membership for that patron (or family).
  • Open the pass scanning window using Accounting-> Scan Pass/GC (see to the right) which will open a window that you see below

REST API Output Formats

The default output format for the REST API is in a human readable and navigable html format. That is not always the easiest for a web developer to deal with in a program, so the API offers a number of output formats that can be viewed using which produces a list like the one to the right.

Some example output formats are below and they may be supplemented as need be:

Requirements for REST API access

In order to gain access to the rest API, the following requirements must be met :
  1. At least one web sales listener enabled in the Director.
    • The web listener is the process that responds to the API request.
    • Web sales are not required to be enabled to the outside world - but if you do online tickets sales, you need to be aware that extensive use may require additional web listener processes.


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