Batch Functions

The Batch menu allows a number of batch functions to be performed. Batch functions are used for processing items in a group. For example, the printing of all tickets to a performance that have not been printed is done as a batch function rather than through each patron's record.
  1. Click Setup on the main menu bar
  2. Select the Batch Functions sub menu
  3. Select the item you want from the sub menu


Print Uprinted Tickets Used for the printing of all tickets that have not been printed for a performance. For more information on using the Print Unprinted Tickets function, click here.
Unprint Batch of Tickets Used for reprinting a previously printed batch of tickets. This removes the 'Printed' flag from the tickets. For more information on the Unprint Batch of Tickets function, click here.
Print Ticket Invoices Used for printing all ticket invoices that have been marked for printing. For more information on the Print Ticket Invoices function, click here.
Print Unprinted Passes Used for printing all passes that have not been printed. For more information on the Print Unprinted Passes function, click here.
Unprint Batch of Passes Used for reprinting a previously printed batch of passes. This removes the 'Printed' flag from the pass(es). For more information on the Unprint Batch of Passes function, click here.
Print Charitable Receipts for Donor Used for printing all charitable receipts that have been marked for printing. For more information on the Print Charitable Receipts for Donor function, click here.
Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor Used for printing all charitable receipts that have been marked for printing in an Annual Statement style. For more information on the Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor function, click here.
Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts Used for reprinting a previously printed batch of charitable receipts. This removes the 'Printed' flag from the receipts. For more information on the Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts function, click here.
Order Balances Used for recalculating the order balances of all orders within a given range. For more information on the Order Balances function, click here.
Patron Balances Used for recalculating the patron balances within a given range. For more information on the Patron Balances, click here.
Orders Currently Being Sold Opens a window displaying a list of all orders currently flagged as being sold. This is useful if a workstation crashes in the middle of an order. For more information on the Orders Currently Being Sold function, click here.
Worker Jobs Theatre Manager defers some data managment into worker jobs so that you can continue to use your workstation and sell tickets. The TM servers monitor the jobs and are responsible for making them run at the the right time. For example, jobs that save a users window preferences generally run right away. jobs that create indexes or purge expired data will run off hours.

You may receive a message at startup that some jobs have not run. You can review outstanding jobs and let ArtsMan support know - we'll make sure that they run.

Check Patron Field for PCI data This feature is used to search your entire database within a list of note or text data fields that might un-encrypted credit card data.

Under PCI rules, card data shold only be entered in the credit card payment fields. Sometimes, a user or a patorn may put a full credit card number in order notes (instead if setting up a post date payment). This will help you find out what field it might have occurred in and then correct it.

When the window opens:

  • Click the search button
  • The system may take a little while searching
  • A list of possible violations may show up and the part of the text that Theatre Manager thinks could be card number will be highlighted, along with the name of the field
  • Double click on the row to open a window containing the data
  • You should be able to edit the field to remove the possible card number
Clear/Replace Patron Fields This function will be implemented at a later date.

Print or Email Unprinted Tickets

The Print (or Email) Unprinted Tickets function is commonly used to print all tickets for a performance that have not been printed. Multiple performances can be printed in one batch, but it is recommended that each batch be a separate performance.

From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Tickets.

This will open two windows, with the Parameter window in front.

Parts of the Unprinted Parameters Window

If available, uses the default search criteria for this report.
If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria.
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria.
Opens the Add/Edit Parameter window to facilitate adding new criteria. Click here for more information on the Add/Edit Parameter window.
Opens the currently selected criteria in the Add/Edit Parameter window to allow adjustments.
Deletes the currently selected criteria.
Deletes all criteria from the Search tab.
Allows for adjustments to the criteria if more specialization is available.
Prints a listing of the criteria currently in the Search tab.
Tests the current criteria to see how many records will be returned. A message will appear at the bottom of the window showing the number of records to be returned.
Groups the currently selected criteria. This forces the criteria to take precedence in the search.
Ungroups the currently selected criteria.
The Search tab is used to enter the criteria to be used in the search of records. For more information on the Search tab, click here.
The Selection Limits tab is used to enter limits for the number of items to be printed. For more information on the Selection Limits tab, click here.
The Additional Items tab is used to mark any additional items that should be printed when the batch is printed. For more information on the Additional Items tab, click here.
The Sort tab is used to determine how the batch should be sorted when printed. For more information on the Sort tab, click here.

For more information on the Batch Printing window for batch ticket printing, click here.

Search tab

The Print Unprinted Tickets function is commonly used to print all tickets for a performance that have not been printed. Multiple performances can be printed in one batch, but it is recommended that each batch be a separate performance.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Tickets.

    This will open two windows, with the Parameter window in front.

  2. Enter the criteria for the batch.

    In the example above, one event and performance date have been selected.

  3. Click the button once the criteria has been entered.

Selection Limits

Set the selections in the window. These options include:

Select Tickets from
  • All orders containing unprinted tickets - Prints all unprinted tickets within any order that meets the Search criteria, regardless of payment status.
  • Fully paid orders - Prints all unprinted tickets within any order that meets the Search criteria, but only for fully paid orders.
  • Fully paid orders, where payments are also deposited. - Prints all unprinted tickets within any order that meets the Search criteria, but only for fully paid orders, for whom the End Of Day has been run and payments have been deposited.
Ticket Printing Disposition When an order is taken, the order is marked with how tickets are to be managed. When batch printing, you can include any tickets (not yet printed), that are in orders with one or more of the following status:
  • Hold for Pickup/Emailed/Taken - this is the most used status - and typically means the patron already has their tickets since they were picked up, taken during the sale, or emailed to the patron. When selected, it might not find any still-unprinted ticket to be printed
  • Patron wants ticket mailed - means that the patron wants the tickets in the mail. This status is normally used alone to batch print subscriptions, or in conjunction with the others to print remaining will call tickets
  • Hold ticket to will call - is often used if it is known that the tickets wont reach the patron by mail or of the patron request to pick them up night of show at the box office
  • Hold at Door for Coupon from Patron - some sales promotions offer a discount and may require proof of eligibility (like Active Military, 2 for 1 coupon from a newspaper, AMA card, Seniors Card, etc). If any one ticket in the order (typically sold by box office over the phone) requires proof of eligibility, then all tickets in the order will not be printed. You can excluded them from a batch print, or do its own special batch print for will call
Limit Batch Size (optional) Allows you to limit the batch print size to accommodate ticket printing capacity and stock currently loaded in the printer.
Past Plays/Events (optional) Allows you to print tickets for past events that may not have been printed, if they meet the selection criteria. This is useful if you wish to provide a patron who missed the event with a ticket (as a receipt) of their purchase.
and then click the button.

This will move to the next tab in the Parameter window.

Additional Items tab

Set the additional items to be printed. These items include (each of which are optional):

Print Address Ticket Prints an address ticket at the head of each order. This is useful when batch printing season tickets to be mailed.
Print Credit Card Receipt Prints a credit card receipt following each completed order.
Include Memberships Includes membership ticket faces (if one has been assigned in the membership setup).
Include Donations Includes donation ticket faces (if one has been assigned in the donation setup).
Mark Tickets as Printed Changes the ticket printed status on the ticket from "Not Printed" to "Printed." Use this option to indicate in the patron record that the tickets have been printed.


Click the button.

This will move you to the next tab in the Parameters window.

Sort Options

Set the sort options for the tickets. These options include:

Sort Tickets By Options to sort either by Patron Last Name or Postal Code, then Patron last Name. The latter can be useful if mailing susbcription tickets by postal code.
And then sort by
  • Date, Section/Row/Seat. This is useful for subscription printing.
  • Date, Seat Code. The Seat Code is defined in the Venue Map setup. To learn more about the Seat Code, click here
  • Section/Row/Seat, Date. This is useful for subscription printing.
  • Seat Code, Date. The Seat Code is defined in the Venue Map setup. To learn more about the Seat Code, click here

When complete, click the Done button.

This will close the Parameters window and reveal the Batch Ticket Printing window.

The type of a field (character, date, numeric) influences the order that the ticket comes out. Refer to the list of field types, especially the note about character fields and it may influence how you set some up.

Ticket Printing - Ticket Printing Sort Order

The Tickets will print according to sort order choices made in dialogs. The order is influence on the Sort Type of the variable.
  • Numeric and Date sort orders are relatively intuitive
  • Character sort order may need leading zero's in fields to have them sort in a way you expect. (Seat Code is one we are ofter asked about)

Character fields use Character Sorts which is not the same as numeric sort order.

Examples of seat code sort order

  • CA1, CA10, C11, CA2, CA20 are all in character sort order
  • CA01, CA02, CA03, CA09, CA10, CA11 are also in character sort order. Leading zeros to make them appear in numerical order
Field Name Sort Order Sort Type
Patron Last Name Ascending Character
Patron First Name Ascending Character
Patron Number Ascending Numeric
Performance Date Descending Date
Performance Time Descending Time
Performance Code Descending Character
Section Descending Character
Row Descending Character
Seat Descending Character
Seat Code Descending Character

The Batch Printing/Emailing Window

The Batch Printing/Emailing window allows for the final options to be set prior to printing a batch.

Parts of the Batch Printing Window

Opens the Parameter window for adjustments to be made to the search parameters. For more information on the Parameters window, click here.
Opens the selected item.
Removes the selected item from the batch.
Reverts to the last saved search criteria.
Exports the list of items in the batch to a TXT file.
Prints the list of items in the batch.
The Ticket Counts tab gives a summary of the items in the batch. Additional final options can also be set prior to printing the batch. For more information on the Ticket Counts tab, click here.
The Selected Tickets tab lists all of the items that will be printed in the batch. For more information on the Selected Tickets tab, click here.

Ticket Counts

Once you have clicked the button on the Sort Options window, the second window in the Batch Print process will come to the front.

The number of tickets to be printed will appear in the Tickets field. For more information on the Batch Printing window, click here.

Set any final printing options, and click the Start Printing button.

The tickets will now begin printing to the selected ticket printer.

Parts of the Batch Printing Ticket Counts Tab

The Selected Tickets tab lists all of the items that will be printed in the batch. For more information on the Selected Tickets tab, click here.
Tickets The total number of tickets to be printed in the batch.
Include When checked, this item will be printed in the batch.
Mark As Printed When checked, this item will be marked as printed, but nothing will be printed.
Memberships The total number of memberships in the batch.
Send Notifications The letter associated with this item that will be included.
Donations The total number of donations in the batch.
Credit Card Receipts The total number of credit card receipts in the batch.
Address Header The total number of address header tickets in the batch.
Total Ticket Stock The grand total number of tickets that will be printed so that the stock in the printer can be verified prior to printing.

Notification Routing for Letters/emails confirming tickets have been printed.

Print Letters If a notification letter has been created and set for any of the items above (eg tickets, passes, donations), the notification letter will be printed so you can mail it to the patron.
Email Letter If notification letter has been set for any of the items, the notifications will be emailed if the patron has an email address. This is useful for things like 'your season tickets are in the mail'. Optionally you can.
  • Ignore printing of a notification letter for patrons that do not have an email address -or-
  • Print the notification on the printer for those patrons that do not have an email address and email the letter to those that have email addresses.

Ticket Printing Options

Print Tickets If selected, will print all tickets that have been found to print.
Email Tickets If selected, will email tickets (where print at home is enabled) to patrons that have an email address and optionally (when selected):
  • Ignore printing of tickets for patrons that do not have an email address -or-
  • Print those tickets on the ticket printer for those patrons that do not have an email address

When you select the email option, you will be asked for the content of the form letter to send/. This can be from pre-existing form letter(s) marked as cover letter for invoice or something you type yourself.

Note: you can also manually email tickets at the end of an order on a per order basis if you want. This feature is useful for emailing batches of tickets.

Ticket Cutting Options

Cut each ticket - if printer has a ticket cutter Tells the ticket printer to cut the stock after each ticket.
Cut after last ticket printed for patron Tells the ticket printer to cut the stock after the last ticket for each patron is printed. This has an advantage in that there will be a ribbon of tickets that belongs to a single patron and lessens the chance that the patron will receive the wrong tickets.
Do not cut tickets Tells the printer to not cut the stock until the end of the batch - tickets will not be cut. You will have to find the demarcation between patrons and manually rip the tickets.
Starts the printing of the batch.

Selected Tickets Tab

The Batch Printing window allows for the final options to be set prior to printing a batch.

Parts of the Batch Printing Selected Tickets Tab

The Ticket Counts tab gives a summary of the items in the batch. Additional final options can also be set prior to printing the batch. For more information on the Ticket Counts tab, click here.
Order # The Order number associated with the item.
Patron # The Patron Number to whom the tickets were sold.
Last Name The last name of the patron.
First Name The first name of the patron
Company The company of the patron.
Event/Play The event the item is for.
Performance The performance the item is for.
Qty The quantity of the item.
Section The section the ticket is in.
Row # The row number the ticket is in.
Seat # The seat number the ticket is in.
PC The price code that was used with the ticket.
Promotion The promotion that was used with the ticket.
Starts the printing of the batch.

Other Fields Not Shown

Total The total price of the ticket.
Date Printed The date the tickets were printed. Normally blank, but if the tickets were previously printed, their original print date would appear here.
Date The date of the performance.
Time The time of the performance.
Play/Event Title The play or event title.
Ticket # The serial number of the ticket.
Notes Any order notes for the selected ticket.

Unprint or Refund Batch of Tickets

The Unprint or Refund Batch of Tickets function allows you to search for tickets in a variety of ways and:


To access the Unprint or Refund Batch Of Tickets function:

From the main menu bar, select Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Tickets.

The Unprint or Refund a Batch of Tickets window opens.

Parts of the Unprint or Refund a Batch of Tickets Window

Opens the highlighted ticket detail window. For more on the Ticket Data window, click here.
Click the Unprint button to set the print status on the selected ticket(s) to "unprinted."
Clicking the Refund button will open the Refund Wizard and refund the selected tickets using the same tools as mass refunding from the attendance tab on play and dates.

In this window, there are different search options, instead of just being restricted to those attending a performance.

Prints the selected tickets. This option is only available if the selected tickets have the ticket status of "unprinted."

Ticket Data Window

The ticket detail window allows you to view the specific details surrounding the sale of the selected ticket.

Ticket Detail Tab

The ticket detail window allows you to view the specific details surrounding the sale of the selected ticket.

Parts of the Ticket Detail Tab

Information about the selected ticket - Event Name, Venue, Performance Date and time and seat
Letter and Internal description of the promotion code
Sold By
Employee who sold the ticket to the patron
Pricing Map
Internal name of the pricing map used in the sales window
Number of tickets. It is always 1 for reserved seating. It maybr more than one for festival events sold as group tickets.
Price Code, The base price before markups, taxes discounts. and Tax Codes
Total amount the ticket was discounted due to the promotion used. And the control number and type for the pass g.c. used to discount the price.
Ticket Fees 1,2 & 3
Values for each of the fees added to the ticket.
Amount of the taxes added to the ticket.
Ticket Cost
The total amount of the ticket including discounts, markups, taxes and fees.
Auction Item
If this is an auction item, the descripption of the item.
Patron Name
Name of the patron who purchased the ticket. Clicking the Patron icon opens the Patron Record.
Gifted To
Name of the patron who the ticket was gifted to. Clicking the Gift icon opens the Patron Record.
Order #
Order number the ticket is part of. Clicking the Search icon opens the Order Detail window.
Season #
The Subscrition the tickets are associated with.
Ticket #
The internal number of the ticket, assigmned by the system.
The Date and time the ticket was bought.
The date the ticket was journailzed by the create sales entry process.
The date the ticket was last printed
Printed By
The initials of the employee who printed the ticket and how many times the ticket has been printed.
Attended Status
Sets to YES if the patron attended.
Ticket Scanner IP
The IP Address of the scanner used to scan the ticket
Scan Date
The date the ticket was scanned

Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab allows you to view the specific details surrounding the audit transactions of the selected ticket.

Parts of the Transactions Tab

Seq #
The transaction reference number.
Trans Date
Date the transaction took place
Journal No
Journal Entry reference number.
Theatre Manager reference code used to determine the type of transaction.
Transaction Desc
Brief description of what the transaction was.
Order #
Reference number used to tract the components of the order.
Play Code
Play code reference the donation is associated with.
Performance Code
Performance code reference the donation is associated with.

Order Notes tab

The Order Notes tab allows you to view the specific details surrounding the processing of the order of the selected ticket. The tab discloses the Ticket Handling, Why Patron Bought, Ticket Comments, and any Order Notes.

Parts of the Order Noted Tab

Ticket Handling
Indicates how the ticket handling option are set in the Payments window. Click here for more information.

Options are:

  • Hold for Pickup/Taken
  • Mail to Patron
  • Hold for Willcall
  • Hold @ Door for coupon
Purchase Order #
Displays the Purchase Order Number if one was entered on the Payments window. Click here for more information.
Why Bought
Displays the The Reason Bought if one was entered on the Payments window. Click here for more information.
Ticket Comment
Displays any ticket comments entered on the Payments window. Click here for more information.
Order Notes
Any specific notes about the order if any were entered on the Payments window. Click here for more information.

Ticket Refund Wizard

It is highly recommended that:
  • you verify the tickets you want to refund very carefully -and-
  • generally only select tickets for future performances.
This process can refund a lot of tickets and you can't undo the refunds once they are done.
Please refer to Mass Refunds from Attendance Tab to see detail information about the refund options.

This page only outlines the basic steps.


Mass Refund of Tickets from Batch Functions->Unprint or Refund a Batch of Tickets

The Ticket Refund Wizard allows you to refund tickets selected tickets the Unprint Tickets window.

  1. Search for tickets using up to two of: event name, performance date range, type of ticket, season package, etc. Take care that you have found the tickets you want.

  2. Select the tickets you wish to refund. Options include:
    • Refunding only the selected tickets
    • Refunding ALL the tickets in the list, which may cross event and performance boundaries
  3. (optional) Select the option to refund only tickets paid for via Credit Card
  4. Select whether to refund payments.

    Options include:

    • Do not create refund payments. Ticket will be refunded, but the payment will not, leaving a credit balance on the patron's account.
    • Create a payment if a credit card was originally used to pay for the order. This will add a refund to the credit card that was used to pay for the order, and will appear in your End Of Day.
    • Refund the tickets to a donation campaign
    • Refund the tickets to a gift certificate
  5. Click the button.

Unprinting a Batch of Tickets

The Unprint Batch of Tickets function allows for the 'Printed' flag to be removed from tickets so that they can be printed again. This is helpful when a batch of tickets needs to be reprinted.

  1. From the main menu bar, select Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Tickets.

    The Unprint Batch of Tickets window opens.

  2. Enter the date the tickets were printed in the From and To fields.
  3. Click the Search button to begin the search.

    Any tickets printed in the date range given will display.

  4. Highlight the tickets to be unprinted.

    Use the <SHIFT> key to highlight a range of tickets. To highlight multiple individual tickets, hold the <CTRL> key (Windows) or the <OPTION> key (Mac).

  5. Click the Unprint button to remove the 'Printed' flag.

    The tickets can now be added to a new batch of tickets to be printed.

Print Ticket Invoices

Invoices can be created for any order at any time. Using the proper criteria, it is easy to create invoices for orders. To access the Print Ticket Invoices function, you can go to either:

  1. Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Ticket Invoices.

    Or through the Reports >> Ticket Printing, Invoicing and Inventory Analysis >> Print Invoices function.

    The Print Invoice Criteria window opens.

  2. For more information on the Print Invoice Criteria window, click here.

The Print invoices Criteria Window

Parts of the Print Invoices Criteria Window

If available, uses the default search criteria for this report.
If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria.
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria.
Opens the Add/Edit Parameter window to facilitate adding new criteria. Click here for more information on the Add/Edit Parameter window.
Opens the currently selected criteria in the Add/Edit Parameter window to allow adjustments.
Deletes the currently selected criteria.
Deletes all criteria from the Search tab.
Allows for adjustments to the criteria if more specialization is available.
Prints a listing of the criteria currently in the Search tab.
Tests the current criteria to see how many records will be returned. A message will appear at the bottom of the window showing the number of records to be returned.
Groups the currently selected criteria. This forces the criteria to take precedence in the search.
Ungroups the currently selected criteria.
The Search tab is used to enter the criteria to be used in the search of records. For more information on the Search tab, click here.
The Header tab is used to enter options regarding the Address Label, format of the invoice (Invoice, Statement, Payment Reminder, Confirmation, or Contract), and layout. For more information on the Header tab, click here.
The Footer tab is used to enter options for a tear off section, and comments to the recipient. For more information on the Footer tab, click here.
The Tickets tab is used to choose options for ticket summary and details to be included in the invoice. For more information on the Tickets tab, click here.
The Membership tab is used to choose options for membership (pass/gift certificate) summary and details to be included in the invoice. For more information on the Membership tab, click here.
The Donations tab is used to choose options for donation summary and details to be included in the invoice. For more information on the Donations tab, click here.
The Projects tab is used to choose options for project summary and details to be included in the invoice (Facilities Management module only). For more information on the Projects tab, click here.
The Payments tab is used to choose options for the payment summary and details to be included in the invoice. For more information on the Payments tab, click here.
The Fees & Taxes tab is used to choose options for fee and tax summary and details to be included in the invoice. For more information on the Fees & Taxes tab, click here.
The Sort tab is used to enter the sort order parameters for the printed batch. For more information on the Sort tab, click here.
The Search tab is used to enter optional titles and descriptions for the printed invoice. For more information on the Titles tab, click here.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels that adding of criteria and returns the user to the Report window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the report. Click here for more information on the Finished Report window.

Search Tab

The Search tab allows you to enter criteria to locate pending ticket invoices needing to be printed from within the database.

Parts of the Print Invoices Search Tab

Exclude Records
These checkboxes provide the opportunity to exclude patrons based on the settings within the Marketing tab on the patron record. For more information on the Marketing tab click here.
Household Options
Use Household Options to indicate which patrons will receive the invoice. Options include:
  • All Patrons. All patrons who match the criteria will receive an invoice.
  • Primary Patrons Only. If anyone within the household matches the criteria, the Primary Patron will receive the Invoice.
  • Non-Primary Patrons Only. In a non-primary patron matches the criteria, they will receive the invoice. Primary Patrons are excluded.
The criteria window
Criteria used to batch print invoices is entered here using the button. For more information on how to add criteria to a report or invoice, click here.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Header Tab

The Header tab allows you to choose options regarding layout of the address portion, the columns included and the overall look of the Invoice.

Parts of the Header Tab

Address Label
Allows you to select how the address portion of the Invoice will appear.
  • Strict Address Compliance. Forces the address to appear according to official postal guidelines. These include all caps, and specific abbreviations for Road (RD), Street (ST), Boulevard (BLVD), etc.
  • Regular Name. The first and last name of the patron.
  • Formal Name. The full formal name of the patron: Mr. John Q. Public, Jr.
  • Company. The company name (if applicable).
  • Title. Patron title (e.g. President, Manager, Principal).
  • Address Comment. An opportunity for you to add a comment line to the address field.
Allows you to select which columns will appear on the Invoice.
  • Show Date Column. Includes a column for date of service.
  • Regular Name. The first and last name of the patron.
  • Show Item Column. Includes the item name.
  • Show Quantity Column. Includes the quantity of the the item.
Invoice Title & Style
Allows you to select the style of the invoice.
  • Invoice. Used when no payment has been received on an order. For an example of an Invoice, click here.
  • Statement. Used when a payment has been received on an order, and you are sending a statement of the current financial status of the order. For an example of a Statement, click here.
  • Payment Reminder. Used as a reminder for an upcoming payment. For an example of a Payment Reminder, click here.
  • Confirmation. Used as a confirmation for an order. For an example of a Confirmation, click here.
  • Contract. Used as a "sign and return" contract for the sale of an order. For an example of a Contract, click here.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Footer Tab

The Footer tab allows you to decide whether to include a tear-off section at the bottom of the invoice or not. It also allows you to indicate how many minutes prior to an event patrons should arrive, and add any comments to the invoice.

Parts of the Footer Tab

Print Tear Off Section
By checking this option, a tear off section will appear at the bottom of the invoice.
Performance Start Warning Time
Allows entry of a suggested arrival time prior to the performance. Use of this is helpful on invoices to school or tour groups, indicating they should arrive in order to be properly seated.
Additional Comments
An opportunity to add any comments to the invoice in the body of the document. Alternatively, you can choose standardized comments from the "Quick Select" drop down. For more information on adding standard invoice comments click here.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Tickets Tab

The Tickets tab determines the level of detail regarding the tickets that will be printed on the invoice.

Parts of the Tickets Tab

Ticket Detail and Summary Options
Determines whether the tickets will be printed (if at all) with a detail of one ticket per line, or summarized. The summary options include:
  • Event Code. Tickets will be summarized on an event by event basis. For example, all tickets to Show 1 will be summarizes, then all tickets to Show 2, etc.
  • Performance Series Code. Tickets will be summarized based on the day of the week which the performance takes place. For example, all Friday tickets will be summarized, then all Saturday tickets, etc.
  • Promotion Title (Internal). Tickets will be summarized based on the internal name as it appears on the Sales Promotion setup.
  • Promotion Decription. Tickets will be summarized based on the external name as it appears on the Sales Promotion setup. For example all REGULAR tickets will be summarized, then all COMP tickets will be summarized, etc.
Ticket Total Options
When checked, Theatre Manager will calculate the total dollar amount of the tickets and print it below the ticket detail or summary.
Ticket Date Options
When checked, Theatre Manager will print performance dates for the tickets within the invoice.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Memberships Tab

The Memberships tab determines the level of detail regarding the memberships that will be printed on the invoice

Depending on how your database is configured, this may appear as the GC/Pass tab, or Voucher tab.

Parts of the Memberships Tab

Membership Detail and Summaryn
Determines whether the Memberships will be printed (if at all) with a detail of one Membership per line, or summarized. The summary options include:
  • Member Type Description (Internal). Memberships will be summarized based on the internal name as it appears on the Membership setup.
  • Member Type Description (External). Memberships will be summarized based on the external name as it appears on the Membership setup.
Membership Total Options
Options to include either one or both of Membership total (dollar amount) and any Membership notes, which are drawn from the Membership . For more on adding notes to a Membership, click here.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Donations Tab

The Donations tab determines the level of detail regarding the donations that will be printed on the invoice.

Parts of the Donations Tab

Donation Detail and Summary Options
Determines whether the Donations will be printed (if at all) with a detail of one Donation per line, or summarized. The summary options include:
  • Campaign Name (Internal). Donations will be summarized based on the internal name as it appears on the Campaign setup. For example, this may be "General Operating-2011" or "Restricted Equipment Purchases."
  • Campaign Name (External). Donations will be summarized based on the external name as it appears on the Campaign setup. For example, this may be "Annual Fund" or "Digital Projector Project."
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Projects Tab

The Projects tab determines the level of detail regarding the Facilities Management Projects that will be printed on the invoice.

This tab will only be available if you have the Facilities Management module. For more information on Facilities Management, click here.

Parts of the Projects Tab

Project Detail Options
Determines whether the Projects will be printed (if at all) with a detail of one task per line, or summarized. The options include:
  • No Projects Shown. No projects or their details will be included in the invoice.
  • Project Totals Only. Summates the project total, and does not print any detail.
  • Also Include Task Group Details. If there are details associated with a particular task group, they will be included here.
  • Also Include Task Details. Specific task details will be included.
Project Totaling Options
Indicates whether each Group will have a subtotal line associated with it.
Reporting Options
Includes options to either list items on the invoice by the project hierarchy or by date. Project hierarchy means that the tasks will be listed with the groups, the tasks underneath them, in the order the project displays in in the Gantt chart, regardless of the date order. At current, the "By Date" option has not yet been implemented.
Show Comments
When checked, Theatre Manager will show line by line any comments associated with any of the individual tasks in the list.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Payments Tab

The Payments tab determines the level of detail regarding the payments that will be printed on the invoice.

Parts of the Payments Tab

Payment Detail and Summary Options
Determines whether the Payments will be printed (if at all) with a detail of one Payment per line, or summarized. At this time, payments may only be summarized based on payment method (cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, etc.)
Payment Total Options
When checked, Theatre Manager will include the total (dollar amount) of any payments.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Fees & Taxes Tab

The Fees & Taxes tab determines the level of detail regarding the fees and taxes that will be printed on the invoice.

Parts of the Fees & Taxes Tab

Tax Options The options to print are:
  • Do not include taxes on notice.
  • Include taxes in ticket prices.
  • Include taxes on separate line item.
Ticket Fee Options The options to print are:
  • Don not include fees on notice.
  • Include fees in ticket price.
  • Include ticket fees in separate line with order fees.
  • Inculde ticket fees on separate line separate from order fees.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Sort Tab

The Sort tab determines the sort order of the patron invoices that will be printed.

Parts of the Sort Tab

Available Sort Fields
A list of fields available to sort by.
Adds the currently selected field to the sort field list.
Removes the currently selected field from the sort field list.
Selected Sort Fields
The fields currently used for sorting. Default sort fields may appear here. There is a limit of nine sort fields.
Sort In Descending Order
When checked, the currently selected sort field will sort in descending order.
Upper Case Conversion
When checked, the currently selected sort field will be converted to upper case letters.
New Page When Field Changes
When checked, the currently selected sort field will start on a new page when the field changes.
Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Titles Tab

At this time, changes to this tab do not affect the printed output of the Invoice.

Parts of the Titles Tab

Returns to the previous tab in the Print Invoices Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the invoice.

Printing Ticket Invoices

Invoices can be created for any order at any time. Using the proper criteria, it is easy to create invoices for orders.

  1. Go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Ticket Invoices.

    This will open the Print Invoice Criteria window.

    For more information on the Print Invoice Criteria window, click here.

  2. Click the New button to add criteria to the search.

    This will open the Add/Edit Parameters window.

    For more information on the Add/Edit Parameters window, click here.

  3. Select that appropriate paramaeters based on the invoice to be created, then click the Save button.

    This will place the parameters in the Search tab of the Print Invoices Criteria window.

  4. Either adjust the options on the tabs, or click the Done button to display all invoices to be printed.

    The invoices will be printed to the screen before being routed to the printer.

  5. Click the Print button at the top of the window to print the invoices.

    Alternatively the Invoice can be emailed directly to the patron. To learn more about emailing invoices click here.

Invoice Examples

The following pages contain examples of each Invoice type listed in the Header tab of the Print Invoices Criteria. There are five different Invoice Styles:
  • Invoice
  • Statement
  • Payment Reminder
  • Confirmation, and
  • Contract
  • Selection of any of these styles will create different invoice formats to be printed.

    While many of the items included in the invoices in terms of tickets, donations and memberships and their detail and summary level are customizable based on your organizations needs, placement of specific fields has been set by Theatre Manager in an effort to adhere to standard A-10 Window envelope format. Placement of fields such as logo, address (sender and recipient), and the tear off section may not be altered. As an alternative, you may build a Form Letter to use as a completely customized Invoice. For more on building form letters, click here.


An example of an Invoice.


An example of a Statement.

Payment Reminder

An example of a Payment Reminder.

The verbiage indicated in the document is customizable under the tab in the Invoice setup.


An example of a Confirmation.

The verbiage indicated in the document is customizable under the tab in the Invoice setup.


An example of a Contract.

The verbiage indicated in the document is customizable under the tab in the Invoice setup.

Print Unprinted Passes

The Print Unprinted Passes function is commonly used to print all passes, memberships, gift certificates and vouchers that have not been printed.

Only Memberships and Passes with ticket faces associated with them that have been based on Member Data will be printed

For more on Membership Setup Overview click here.

For more on creating a ticket face click here.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Passes.

    This will open two windows, with the Parameter window in front.

    For more information on the Parameters window for batch ticket printing, click here.

  2. Enter the criteria for the batch.

    In the example above, all passes that have been updated in a range have been selected.

  3. Click the Next button once the criteria has been entered.

    This will move to the next tab in the Parameter window.

  4. Set the selections in the window, and then click the Next button.

    This will move to the next tab in the Parameter window.

  5. Set the additional items to be printed, and then click the Next button.

    This will move to the next tab in the Parameters window.

  6. Set the sort options for the tickets, and then click the Done button.

    This will close the Parameters window and reveal the Batch Pass Printing window.

    The number of passes to be printed will appear in the Memberships field. For more information on the Batch Printing window, click here.

  7. Set any final printing options, and click the Start Printing button.

    The passes will now begin printing to the selected ticket printer.


Unprint Batch of Passes

The Unprint Batch of Passes function allows for the 'Printed' flag to be removed from passes (Memberships, Gift Certificates, Vouchers) so that they can be printed again. This is helpful when a batch of passes needs to be reprinted. To access the Unprint Batch Of Passes function:

From the main menu bar, select Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Passes.

The Unprint Batch of Passess window opens.

Parts of the Unprint Batch of Passes Window

Clicking "Open" with a pass highlighted opens the Membership detail window. For more on the Membership Detail window, click here.
Clicking the Unprint button will set the print status on the selected pass(es) to "unprinted."
Prints the selected pass(es). This option is only available if the selected pass(es) have the print status of "unprinted."
Exports the selected pass(es) to your choice of text or Excel files
Status The current status of the pass
Patron # The Patron Number to whom the pass(es) were sold
First Name The first name of the patron
Last Name The last name of the patron
Company The company of the patron
Description The type of pass
Control # The unique control number of the pass
Date Printed The date the pass was previously printed
Remain $ The remaining dollar amount (if applicable) on the pass
Remain Qty The remaining quantity of admissions (if applicable) on the pass.
Expiry Date The expiration date (if applicable) of the pass
Date Full Redemption The date the pass was fully redeemed (if applicable).
Date Posted The date the sale of the pass was posted to the General Ledger
Order # The Order number associated with the item

Other Fields Not Shown

Membership # The sequence number (not the control number) of the pass within the database
Membership Year-Fiscal The fiscal year in which the pass was originally sold

Unprinting a Batch of Passes

  1. From the main menu bar, choose Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Passes.

    The Unprint Batch of Passes window opens.

  2. Enter the date the passes were printed in the From and To fields.
  3. Click the Search button to begin the search.

    Any passes printed in the date range given will appear.

  4. Highlight the passes to be unprinted.

    Use the <SHIFT> key to highlight a range of passes. To highlight multiple individual passes, hold the <CTRL> key (Windows) or the <OPTION> key (Mac).

  5. Click the Unprint button to remove the 'Printed' flag.

    The passes can now be added to a new batch of passes to be printed.


Print Charitable Receipts for Donor

The Print Charitable Receipts for Donor batch function allows you to print all unprinted donation receipts, using parameters such as:
  • All Donation Campaigns (or just one) and/or
  • Patron Name, and/or
  • Calendar Year

The Print Charitable Receipts for Donor is accessed under the Setup>>Batch Functions>>Print Charitable Receipts for Donor menu.

Receipts only print if a payment is received, the print options on the donation require one, and the Campaign allows receipts to be printed.


Parts of the Print Charitable Receipts for Donor Window

If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria
Allows editing of the batch print parameter for included donations. For more on the Donation Receipt tab, click here.
The Sort tab allows adjustment of the sort order of the columns found in the report. For more on the Sort tab, click here.
The Titles tab allows you to give the report a name that is meaningful to your requirements. For more on the Titles tab, click here.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donor Criteria.
Cancels that adding of criteria and closes the criteria window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the donation receipts

Donation Receipt Report Parameter Tab

The Donation Receipt tab determines what receipts will print depending on the criteria entered.

Parts of the Donation Receipt Tab

Next Receipt # The next starting number for receipts. You may override this value if you wish to assign a different starting number to the next donation receipt number. However after printing this selection of receipts, Theatre Manager will revert back to the "next tax receipt #" as defined in Company Preferences.

If the starting "next tax receipt #" for all future donation receipts is required to be set to a different number, set the "next tax receipt #" in the Company Preferences.
Select Donation For A drop down to limit your donation receipts by specific campaign, or All Campaigns. By default, Theatre Manager will include receipts for all campaigns
Last Name Between An opportunity to limit the donation receipts to a specific patron or group of patrons based on Patron Last Name. By default, this is normally blank
Calendar Year Allows you to print all unprinted charitable receipts for a specific calendar year. This may be used in January to print all unprinted receipts from the previous year.

This field is mandatory for Annual Summary Charitable Receipts.

Print on Receipt Options for including:
  • Receipt # on Forms. Unless your donation receipts have pre-printed numbers on them, it is suggested to allow Theatre Manager to print the receipt number.
  • Regular Name With company. If the donation is a corporate gift, and an individual's name appears int he patron record, Theatre Manager can include both names on the donation receipt.
  • Campaign Prompt. If selected, will print the Campaign to which the donation was made on the receipt.
# of Copies Allows you to adjust the number of copies printed for each receipt. For example, if you enter "3", you will get a page with 3 copies of the same receipt on the page. This may be helpful if you are providing a copy for the patron, one for the patron's accountant and one for your files
Comments For Receipts Allows for limited comments to be printed on the receipts
Proceeds to the next tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donor Criteria
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the Charitable Receipts for Donors

Sort Tab

The Sort tab determines the sort order of the patron invoices that will be printed.

Parts of the Sort Tab

Available Sort Fields A list of fields available to sort by.
Adds the currently selected field to the sort field list.
Removes the currently selected field from the sort field list.
Selected Sort Fields The fields currently used for sorting. Default sort fields may appear here. There is a limit of nine sort fields.
Sort In Descending Order When checked, the currently selected sort field will sort in descending order.
Upper Case Conversion When checked, the currently selected sort field will be converted to upper case letters.
New Page When Field Changes When checked, the currently selected sort field will start on a new page when the field changes.
Returns to the previous tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donor Criteria.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donor Criteria.
Cancels the adding of criteria and clears the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the Charitable Receipts for Donors.

Titles Tab

Parts of the Titles Tab

Page Header Titles
Use default report title If enabled, the default report tile will print. If disabled, you can specify a specific title for the report.
Title Enter the title you want the report to have.
Display employee full name The name of the employee logged into Theatre Manager will print on the report.
Description You can enter a description of the report and/or the criteria you have selected.
Returns to the previous tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donors criteria.
Cancels that adding of criteria and closes the window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the Charitable Receipts for Donors.

Charitable Receipt Example

You can place most of the items below like logo, address, signature and other Canada Revenue Agency requirements into company preferences donations tab.
There will be TWO dates on the tax receipt if the date of payment for the donation is different than the date tat the receipt was printed. This is a Revenue Canada requirement for official tax receipts
The image to the left an example of a Charitable Receipt

The parameters used indicated to print 3 copies of each receipt. The intention of donation receipts is that data from the database will be printed on a pre-printed, perforated form that contains other required data for a receipt.

Data preprinted on a tax receipt form is set in Company Preferences and may include (per government requirements):

  • Your Company Name
  • Your Company Address
  • Your Company Phone Number
  • Your Company's Tax ID #

In addition, you may want to include:

  • A Company Logo
  • A signature line
  • Other background graphic items or watermarks as desired

Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor

The Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor batch function allows you to print all unprinted donation receipts in summary format, using parameters such as:

  • Campaign
  • Last Name, or
  • Calendar Year (required for Annual Summary receipts)

Receipts only print if a payment is received, the donation receipt print options on the donation require one, and the Campaign allows receipts to be printed.

The Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor is accessed under the Setup>>Batch Functions>>Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor menu.

Parts of the Print Annual Summary Charitable Receipts for Donor Window

If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria.
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report.
Saves the current criteria to be used later.
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria.
Allows editing of the batch print parameter for included donations. For more on the Donation Receipt tab, click here.
The Sort tab allows adjustment of the sort order of the columns found in the report. For more on the Sort tab, click here.
The Titles tab allows you to give the report a name that is meaningful to your requirements. For more on the Titles tab, click here.
Proceeds to the next tab in the Charitable Receipts for Donor Criteria.
Cancels that adding of criteria and closes the criteria window.
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and begins to generate the annual summary donation receipts.

Annual Summary Charitable Receipt Example

This is an example of an Annual Summary Charitable Receipt for a Donor. The parameters used indicated all gifts in Calendar Year 2010. The intention of donation receipts is that they will be printed on a pre-printed form that contains other required data for a receipt. This data may include (check your local requirements):

  • Your Company Name
  • Your Company Address
  • Your Company Phone Number
  • Your Company's Tax ID #

In addition, you may want to include:

  • Your Company Logo
  • A signature line
  • Other graphic items as desired


Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts

The Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts function allows for the 'Printed' flag to be removed from donation receipts so that they can be printed again.

The Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts for Donor is accessed under the Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts menu.

Parts of the Donation Receipts List

Opens the donation record for the selected receipt.
Unprints the selected receipt(s).
Allows the user to select a different Tax Receipt Type for the selected donations.

This is helpful to change multiple donations to one per payment or annual style before you reprint the tax receipts in a different style.

Exports the current Donation Receipt List to a text file for use in Excel.
Prints the Donation Receipt List as shown to a report.
Opens the Patron record for the selected donor.
Last Name Last name of the donor.
First Name First name of the donor.
Company Company name (if applicable) of the donor.
Campaign Name (Internal) Campaign name (internal) to which the donation was made.
Receipt Number Current receipt number of the selected receipt. This number will be "retired" once the receipt is unprinted.
Receipt Amount Donation amount the receipt is for.
Receipt Printed Date the receipt was previously printed.
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year the donation was attributed to.
Donation Date Date of the donation.
Actual Amount Amount of the originating donation.

Unprinting a Batch of Charitable Receipts

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Charitable Receipts.

    This will open the Donation Receipt List window.

  2. Enter the date the receipts were printed in the From and To fields.
  3. Click the Search button to begin the search.

    Any receipts printed in the date range given will appear.

  4. Highlight the receipts to be unprinted.

    Use the <SHIFT> key to highlight a range of tickets. To highlight multiple individual tickets, hold the <CTRL> key (Windows) or the <OPTION> key (Mac).

  5. Click the Unprint button to remove the 'Printed' flag.

    The receipts can now be added to a new batch to be printed.


Order Balances ...

The rebuild Order Balances function is used to verify that all orders in the specified range are in balance. This is useful when working through out of balance problems in the End of Day.

This can also be done for one or more orders for a specific patron on the patron's order tab.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Order Balances...

    This will open the Verify Order Balances window.

  2. Enter the range of orders to be verified.

    Orders can be verified either based on order number or by a date range of when the order was last changed.

    Optionally, you can have Theatre Manager update the order comments field with the order totals from both before and after the recalculation. By default, this option is selected.

  3. Click the Recalculate Balance button.

    A confirmation window will appear.

  4. Click the Yes button.

    The orders within the range will now be verified and upon completion, the window will close.

Patron Balances ...

The rebuild Patron Balances function is used to verify that the totals on all the orders for a specified patron are in balance. This is useful when working through problems in the End of Day.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Patron Balances...

    This will open the Verify Patron Balances window.

  2. Enter the range of patrons for whom you wish to verify all order balances (or a single patron).

    Patron balances can be verified either based on Patron number or by a date range of when the patron account was last changed.

  3. Click the Recalculate Balance button

    A confirmation window will appear.

  4. Click the Yes button.

    The patron balances within the range will now be verified and upon completion, the window will close.

Job List

The Job List shows a list of functions that need to be run against the database. Sometimes these are part of the upgrade process and need to be run before the upgrade is considered complete.

You can accomplish 3 things on this window:

  • Pause a particular job (jobs dependant on that job will no longer run)
  • Resume any paused job or job that is in error status (assuming the error condition has been fixed)
If a job is stuck in the running state and never ends, or simply will not start, please contact AMS support for assistance.

ONLY AMS SUPPORT CAN RESTART JOBS since we need to see what the job was that failed

If a job looks like it is paused or in error, you may try to use the Set Status button to the status to Resume/Restart Job to see if that clears it up
You can use this window to see a job or jobs that did not run as part of an upgrade.

Running Jobs

If you click the 'Run Job's icon at the top of the window, then the few jobs that the job runner can run will be run. The TM server will run most of them automatically, so running jobs may be a rare thing to do.

While the jobs are running, the Application Name status in PGAdmin will show running jobs so that you can tell what processes are doing.

If job are stuck or not running, Arts Man will need to start them for you.

Patron Marketing Record

This will find any patrons that do not have a marketing record and create it.

This should be used if a patron is known to exist in the database (i.e they can be found using quick find) but cannot be found using the patron list window.

Order Currently Being Sold

The Orders Currently Being Sold function can be used to release orders considered to be currently in use by another user. You may need to use this if you get the message order being modified.

This may help resolve issues where:

NOTE: is an order is in use, users generally cannot see the order in the 'order tab' on the patron window. That is so that nobody attempts to edit, change, or rebuild it.
You should only clear orders where you are absolutely sure nobody is actually working in them.

For any order that is current, please check with any other users to ensure they are not working with that order.

  1. From the main menu bar, go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Orders Currently Being Sold.

    The Order Currently Being Sold window opens.

  2. Select the order you want to clear the 'being sold' flag, by single clicking on it.

    You should only clear old orders or those where you are sure nobody is actually working in them. For any order that is current, please check with any other users to ensure they are not working with that order.

  3. Click the Clear Order In Use Flag button.

    This will clear the order and allow the order to be accessed again.

Clear/Replace Patron Fields

This function has not been implemented yet.