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Hiding General Admission Arrival Notes

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When setting up an event, that is not a Course or Reserved seating performance, the General Admission (Festival Seating) Sales Method is used. This allows for flexibility in capacity. It is commonly used for Live Stream or Pre Recorded videos. This poses a challenge when purchasing online as the default web pages display arrival notes that do not apply to Live events.



Hiding these notes requires created a customized web page referencing the Map Sequence number from Theatre Manager and the Sales Method. Below are the steps for removing the box containing the text from the page. Alternatively, a custom page containing notes specific to the streaming event could be created and added in place of the existing general admission arrival notes.

The steps below assume a basic understand of HTML and web page editing. Please contact your web designer should you need assistance with completing web page edits.


Finding The Map Sequence Number

  1. Open the Venue List window in Theatre Manager.

    Click here for steps on how to access the Venue List window.

  2. Double-click on the Venue in the list to open it.

  3. Double-click the map in the right column.

  4. Take note of the Pricing Map number.

Create A Custom Web Page

The page containing the arrival notes is the TMticketsSection_MapDefaultf.html page located in the tmMaps folder. The " f " at the end of the page name indicates the Festival Seating page. This is the page that requires customization.

  1. Download the latest default web pages.

  2. Navigate to the /1/WebPagesEN/tmMaps folder.

  3. Copy the TMticketsSection_MapDefaultf.html to the organizations /WebPagesEN/tmMaps folder.

  4. Delete the word Default from the name of the page and replace it with the Pricing Map Number being extra careful not to remove the " f " at the end of the title.

Editing The Web Page

The final step is to edit the web page. The steps below outline how to remove the notes from the page.

  1. Open the Custom Web Page from above using a tool like NotePad++ or BBEdit.

  2. Scroll down to Line 53.

  3. Comment out the include statement for the generalAdmissionArrivalNotes.html.