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Merge Results-Email Search

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When searching for duplicate email addresses, there are two possible conditions that can occur. Neither of them are permissible and must be fixed before those patrons can log in online.
  1. Two (or more) patrons in different households could have the same primary email address.
  2. Patrons in the same household could have the same email address twice in their contact record, possibly as a result of a part merge.
  3. Two (or more) patrons in different households could have the same secondary email address, a less obvious situation

If any of the conditions above are found, then you will get an advisory message like the one below indicating how many records of each type were found.

Viewing the Result Window

On the result window, they are shown differently


Interpreting the results - which of three actions to take to correct the problem

Examples of:

  1. A red '-' icon at the beginning of the line indicates:

    two (or more) patrons in different households that have the same email address is indicated with the red square in the image above. Follow the link to see the suggested course of action when this condition occurs.

  2. A triangle at the beginning of the line usually indicates one of three sub-conditions.

    1. a single patron with the same email address twice in their contact record.
    2. A single patron with multiple links to the same email address. Simply opening the patron window will fix this.
    3. Patrons in different households with duplicate SECONDARY email addresses in their contact record.

      These patrons are harder to identify because they have multiple email addresses and need a secondary search to find the other patron (who may also have a triangle in their record in the list). If you also include the column 'All Email Addresses' in the list (see image below), you may be able to see who has duplicate secondary addresses with other patrons.

      Hint: use * to find a name within the list, then '+' to see the next match


What if customers or patrons complain that they didn't get emails?

The first place to look is the Manage Pending/Unsent Emails screen to look at the error messages behind the emails that did not get sent. You can look at the error message column, or double click on individual emails to look at the error message tab.

The second possibility is that they requested a password reset for an email that does not exist or exists twice.

Refer to patrons who request password resets and claim they didn't get an email.
